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Everything posted by buildit

  1. It's not a gun, but a good locking pocket knife makes a good weapon in close quarters and doesn't fall under most concealed weapon laws except in airports of secured government buildings.
  2. But I was practicing self defense. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHbfHJRtL54
  3. = very hot in 90 degree weather
  4. A little hot don't you think? Maybe the Duster:rolleyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlLHA4P8g6w
  5. I heard a report that the Sikh leader tried to fight off the gunman with his knife. Too bad he didn't have a gun, might have saved a lot of lives. Old adage about bringing a knife to a gun fight comes to mind.
  6. Big hands. As stupid as it sounds I think I clench when I shoot, drawing the round to the left in an attempt to overcome kick. Rifles have always been more comfortable for me. If I could just conceal my SKS.
  7. Imagine how much of the US debt we could pay off with just 5 years of those funds! Yes it is cool Nasa does these sorts of things but it would be cooler if they could market some of those discoveries and information to other freeloading countries. After all China isn't sharing their information from the comet landing with anyone for free.
  8. It's New York Fuckin City man! Place is rude and full of attitude. To compare any OH PD to NY cops is like comparing Spy kids to Jason Bourn. It's a whole other world and your rules don't apply. Probably one of the few places you can be arrested for trying to stop someone from being mugged on the street. Notice a few things. 1 guy just laid on the street without saying a word 2. police let the gf take the car 3. gf was not upset bf was being arrested 4. cones were already around the car 5. police didn't even search the vehicle despite opportunity for a little game of "look what we found in the glove box". So relax and take the "Ohio Values" banners down with the "I hate cops" logos cause it's just plain ignorant and I don't have time to explain it to you.
  9. Better with a pistol. Been a bit over a month since I got my CCL and realized I should become far more proficient with a pistol. But I learned, figured out, a new trick today to overcome the double action pull of a revolver. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHbfHJRtL54
  10. If what I've read about this lander is true the possibilities for study are amazing. It is larger and better supplied with instruments capable of really looking for alien life at even microscopic levels.
  11. Like everything else, it's slower on a KLR.
  12. What can I say. I failed Drama school. I did cut the part out where I jump on my KLR and hit 80mph to get back to the future.
  13. Thanks. If I could whistle better I'd have added some high plains drifter.
  14. I like this gun just because it represents a time gone by. Certainly not a good concealed carry firearm or fast as it is a single army action. But in it's day, this was how it was done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlLHA4P8g6w
  15. I see the hospital drugs are working nicely.
  16. buildit

    Mj usa

    I doubt you ever will. MJ does have a name in the local offroad racing community as a supporter of the sport. But I feel dealings like this trump any good will he has earned. But I believe that is why Ohioroadrat still supports him as he also supports the offroad and dual sport community. People will make their own judgement calls about this event, but overall it is a big splotch on MJ. I'm just glad it worked out for the best for you given all you had to go thru.
  17. Did you bet on him missing the deer all six times?
  18. Yes, as Swing said closed course rally race. Nothing illegal there, just good racing.
  19. I made one once in a weld shop out of 1/4 inch steel. Weak point was the only lock I could afford was a pad lock. :-( Now it's in the garage as a storage cabinet.
  20. Swing, that's old Bush. This is BIG bush!
  21. buildit

    Mj usa

    No, it was right about the time I linked this thread to several others that he and I are both on. Mainly Thumper Talk and ADVrider.
  22. Props to Bradon for the right gear, being a good rider and finding one of those soft boneless WV deer. Some other video from the rally... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5MFLGuic3c&feature=plcp Oh yeah he finished 2nd overall and first in 450 class.
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