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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Also tell them their middle eastern looking, screamed "death to America", thew a shoe at you and had a US flag burning on the hood.
  2. I thought all dogs did this boy and girl! He loves her and the tennis ball in her mouth. Better version of WAR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6so82Mtf_M
  3. #1 all time "Very old school". Ride of the Valkeries by Wagner. Made most famous in Apocolypse Now. I make a lot of my own music to ride too. I also use them in my youtube videos. Obviously some are faster than others. Here's one that a lot of my riding buddies liked. WAR! Edit: Apparently photobucket isn't playing it well.
  4. The windsheild wiper/ lights law has existed in NY state since the 90's. but as they found out it is hard to enforce. as for trucks doing 65mph, you mean they don't do that already???
  5. Big +1, especially if your wife is the one using it for defense. just don't get suckered into a cannon by some gun store salesman. BTW If you need a place to come shoot let me know, my back yard is good for two things. Here's one;)
  6. Seems to me from most accidents I've seen on highways you both would have F'd up cars that wouldn't run and now you'd be stuck on the side of the road with an idiot with a firearm ready to shoot you. Don't let emotions get the best of you in a situation like this! Use your head to survive. I bet if this happens again to Nick, God I hope it doesn't, he'll already have a plan of action in place and will react faster to get the plate, get away, call the police.
  7. I got my Black in Kung Fu as a teen and then got my Black in Tae Kwon Do at 34. I had some injuries that forced me to stop but When I was active I really enjoyed it. I even got into Kum Do (sword) and Hap Kido (grappling). Best suggestion is to try several schools and see what you like. Some are more oriented towards self defense and some towards physical activity. The best ones work towards improving the mind as well as the body.
  8. The best thing to do in a case like this is to get away from them. You have to assume if their dumb enough to whip out a firearm their probably dumb enough to actually use it too. On the plus side someone that stupid will soon be caught or shot or both. PS With twins you got too much to live for to be playing road warrior.
  9. buildit

    Deals Gap

    I hope that's your knee on a slider in those corners and not your fairings!
  10. Remeber it's more fun to go fast on a slow bike than slow on a fast one. Hope it work out for you and you get lots of enjoyment out of it.
  11. I think the point is valid that if you have a hot GF/wife/mistress your pretty much a winner even if you lose the contest. Besides I think I'd scare off your "detail team" if I brought my KLR in for a cleaning. We're talking weeks just to get the clay off the front wheel! Since this is a bike forum about riding in Ohio. How about best photo of "you" riding "your" bike with the best sceenery in Ohio? Or just remove the bikes and have a T&A contest for the leg humpers. This way people are encouraged to go out and ride to get the best shot possible instead of sitting in here yanking their spam over your GF/wife/mistress sitting on a bike. And to make sure that the bike is their's, they have to ride that bike to claim the prize. This keeps me from bringing you the KLR for detailing services.
  12. My girl friend is in Troy so I make the trip a lot. My best, but not very direct, route is as follows. From 42 in Troy take 55 east to Terra Haunt and get on Storms Creek rd across to 68 North to West Liberty and rt245. Follow 245 East which becomes 287 and ends at rt33. Rt33 leads into Columbus but if you have time exit rt33 at 36 South. It will take you to Milford Center, but before you cross the bridge into town or reach Reed rd on the right, there is Big Darby Creek rd on the left. You'll come out at the High School and turn right onto 38, then before the next bridge turn left onto Burns rd till the stop sign. Turn right onto Robinson Rd to 736. Turn right again to get to 42. North on 42 takes you back to 33, south on 42 takes you towards I-70. But wait!!! If you take old 42 South before the stop light to Chillicothe st which becomes plain city georgesville rd or 142. 142 Also leads you to I-70 a bit further east than 42 does and is far more plesant. Figure on 2 hrs from Troy. Hope this rambleing helps. lol
  13. Looks like a great starter bike!
  14. buildit

    Deals Gap

    For those wanting to know what the Dargon is like, I have a ride report from last year in my u-tube account with a full length video from the Dragon resort to the resivior on the other end. There are also some video of roads north of Knoxville that are fun and less traveled like 25W and the area around Powers Dam. Point is don't be afraid to explore the area. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27XtkD5OgUY
  15. Some people fish in lakes and rivers, some fish in the bath tub and end up hooking their own ass.
  16. buildit

    Deals Gap

    Lots of great riding down there. Glad you had a good time and look forword to seeing the photos.
  17. Welcome Waffles, There are lots of people riding in Columbus and you are correct, gunning around at 120+ is dangerous and will get you nothing but trouble.
  18. Welcome from the back seat. I'd encourage you to learn to ride even if you never intend to get your own bike. Simple reason is you will be a smarter and better passenger because you'll know why the driver is doing what they are doing. If you do get your own bike you'll hopefully learn the joys of group riding and even traveling by bike. +1 to taking the MSF course as a second step. Step one is to get some good gear if you havn't already.
  19. I know this is about rt78 but I found some old video I took of the area on 56 past Ash Cave. It's low quality and from the days when I was mounting a camera on the handlebars of the V-strom but you'll get the idea. The bike in front of me is a friend on his intruder 1400. Proof it's not the bike it's the rider.
  20. My intention was for us to ride all three bikes into the bucket but we settled for me getting a shot of the other two with the BMWs and my V-strom in front of it. Should have just ridden the bike into the bucket. By the time she could have called we'd of been long gone.
  21. I get waves from their Moms cause I'm cooler than their husbands!
  22. Triple nickle is generally considered the toughest road in Ohio. But you're right 129 in TN is a totally diffrent animal and is kept very free of debris and is in excellent condition, where 555 has gravel in corners, blind turns, driveways and cows standing in the road. PS we still got the shot despite the old lady. The "rim of the world" view is also a cool spot on 78.
  23. If 78 made you tired then don't try 56 from Ash Cave to 664 or 278 from 56 to Nelsonville. :-) There are some nice straight roads out here that won't work you so hard. PS the old lady in the trailer next to Big Muskie is a pain in the Ars! Several times we've stopped to get photos she came out yelling, "I'm calling the cops". F' her.
  24. Yeah, I bet going down the road you wouldn't look twice. Not for the bike and not the girl either. Nothing sexier than a hot girl on a hot bike.
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