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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Another good one. Or you could be seriously annoying and play that badger song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIyixC9NsLI&feature=channel&list=UL
  2. And yet with the majority representing a civilized society you choose to deny the right to protect ourselves from those who represent the minority? You say if we are at war it's okay? According to our government we are at war with drugs, so does that not imply we are at war against druggies? Some of whom carry illegal firearms and would kill you or in extrema cases try to eat your face? So is it okay if we carry now? Point is you have a choice. You can choose to NOT carry or own a firearm, no one is going to slap a gun in your hand and put you on patrol. I would like the option to carry and defend myself if necessary. You say hand guns are made for killing and should be removed from society? Okay, so are knives, bow&arrows, blow darts, boomerangs and most of the other primitive weapons in our history. They were all originally developed to be used to kill something and have been used to kill people. Point is making it harder or less effective will not stop people from being killed. Guns are part of Pandoras box, the genie is out and you can't put it back in the bottle. So maybe developing better methods of gun detection is the answer for you? After all if we could detect criminals with firearms earlier we could stop or avoid them earlier. So lets pass a handgun detection law. If you are a licensed carrier you have no worries. RF technology would easily allow ammo producers to add RF chips into ammo casings and the same technology used in stores could be used for detection of loaded weapons.
  3. Should have played Golden Earing, Radioactive.
  4. And parts of Colorado. Just found this a bit ago.
  5. No just respect for the job he does. He is correct though about being mentally prepared. My dad worked as an police officer for a while and he taught me the weight of a gun is not measured in pounds or grams but in the responsibility you bare carrying one.
  6. Yeah, they don't look so jolly do they?
  7. How many times have people said when the laws remove your guns than only the criminals will be armed? Jolly old Briton is learning just how true that is. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=49e_1343007318
  8. I've known Meef for like six years. I won't spill his beans but there is a reason I would listen to what he has to say that most of you have no clue about. Most the DS riders here know and I doubt they're gonna spill it either. I just wonder how hard Meef laughs at stuff like that.
  9. Yeah, he was never like that. He always share his prescription meds. He was going to meet his friends Quay Lude and Darva Set.
  10. If that was true let's spread the word that all the illegal drugs are at the police station. Go get em' boys!
  11. Actors and political statements: When you live your life saying exactly what others have told you to say it makes it easier to remember the lines for the popular speeches.
  12. Be careful not to anger the liberals when they are outraged, they might grab a gun and do something stupid since they don't have any gun control.
  13. I think I'm going to go get my tin foil hat now.
  14. For those needing examples of where citizens with guns have made a difference... http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/Ohio-CHL-holders-acting-in-self-defense
  15. Shit, what am I going to do with my Diego costume I was going to wear to Ice Age? Hey lets stop higher education because this guy was smart. This will all get twisted into someones political agenda while this guy is paraded across the TV like the bastard in Europe who killed all those kids. Let's stop trying to put reason to the madness of a guy who deserves to be burned at the stake!
  16. All purchased legally at the local Gander Mtn. Whole thing makes no sense but I'm sure will be twisted to meet someones political agenda.
  17. PARIS -- The Paris premiere of the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" was canceled Friday after a gunman killed at least a dozen people at a Colorado opening of the same film. The event at a movie theater on the French capital's famed Champs-Elysees Avenue was supposed to include director Christopher Nolan and stars like Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. But on Friday afternoon, workers were pulling down the red carpet display. Some could be seen carrying away a large mask that had adorned the facade of the theater. Warner Bros. said in a statement that it was also canceling all media interviews in the city. The studio said it was "deeply saddened" by the shooting.
  18. You have a lot more faith in our legal system than I do.
  19. Adult Parole Authority (APA) There is hereby created in the division of parole and community services of the department of rehabilitation and correction at bureau level an adult parole authority. The adult parole authority consists of its chief, a field services section, and a parole board. The director of rehabilitation and correction shall appoint the chief of the adult parole authority, one or more superintendents of the field services section, and the chairperson of the parole board, all of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the director and shall be in the unclassified civil service. The authority is a regular administrative unit of the department of rehabilitation and correction and shall operate under rules adopted by the director. The chief of the division of parole and community services may adopt supplemental rules governing operation of the authority, assigning specific powers and duties to the chief of the authority, and assigning specific functions to sections within the authority.
  20. "Gun Free Zone" = Criminal Carry Zone
  21. Dark Night for sure. I'll wait for the video and watch it at home.
  22. I don't know, some of those biker titties are pretty bad. I mean National Geographic bad.
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