And yet with the majority representing a civilized society you choose to deny the right to protect ourselves from those who represent the minority? You say if we are at war it's okay? According to our government we are at war with drugs, so does that not imply we are at war against druggies? Some of whom carry illegal firearms and would kill you or in extrema cases try to eat your face? So is it okay if we carry now? Point is you have a choice. You can choose to NOT carry or own a firearm, no one is going to slap a gun in your hand and put you on patrol. I would like the option to carry and defend myself if necessary. You say hand guns are made for killing and should be removed from society? Okay, so are knives, bow&arrows, blow darts, boomerangs and most of the other primitive weapons in our history. They were all originally developed to be used to kill something and have been used to kill people. Point is making it harder or less effective will not stop people from being killed. Guns are part of Pandoras box, the genie is out and you can't put it back in the bottle. So maybe developing better methods of gun detection is the answer for you? After all if we could detect criminals with firearms earlier we could stop or avoid them earlier. So lets pass a handgun detection law. If you are a licensed carrier you have no worries. RF technology would easily allow ammo producers to add RF chips into ammo casings and the same technology used in stores could be used for detection of loaded weapons.