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Everything posted by buildit

  1. I blame their inconsistencies on a crappy kindergarden education provided by athiest God hating teachers who want to just teach the kids the dreidel song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--6Bm7wQFqU
  2. Maybe it's just me but all the females seem to find this hilarious and the guys think it's stupid.
  3. Your no fun Actually that is me doing the voices so stop making fun of my voice.
  4. Men and women talk about motorcycles can you spot the differences? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnQW4zyPM1s
  5. or just get a flip face helmet.
  6. Well, I never heard from anyone this weekend so lets just make it whoever shows up with $75 first gets the gun. I'm not going to keep track of people who want it. You want it come get it.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MruLGSv2kZw Poser Rider shut down! Newest video o ADVFilmer has more views than I thought it would get. U tube statistics shows it almost 50% women who are watching it and liking it.
  8. There is a 5 second intro with no sound but when the action starts the sound should come on. At least it does for me and everyone else.
  9. Works for me? Turn your speakers on.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7coiGoc06-U Makes me sound like the robot from "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Universe" but I'm sure you don't care about that.
  11. Do you love those "one up" stories the that some riders tell? Then you'll Love POSER RIDER.com! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlA-35Zs5jM
  12. Ever has this conversation? Sorry for the crappy graphic but I'm to cheap to pay for 60 seconds of sorry cartoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTdbVnIU3dA
  13. Shoie Hornet Smaller visor helps at higher speed but still gets buffeted in strong wind. A little warm for true summer riding but great for cooler weather. Added goggles allow for more air in tight woods or slow speeds. See my helmet set up video for the dual sport setup I like to do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jea5Bhq4vsk
  14. You flatter me. But if you consider there in more intelligent life in the Universe, then you must also consider there to be "law" enforced by some of them. Hitch Hikers Beware!
  15. Well 4:30 -5am I plan to be asleep still. I found out I don't have to work tomorrow so the afternoon sounds really good. Especially if we can hook up on the west side of 270.
  16. We thought the same thing when the world was found to not be the center of the solar system, when atoms were discovered, when we first saw the glow left by the big bang and will also be tested when we find the secret to animating organics or silicates to make new life forms. Knowing we have neighbors that have existed long before we could talk seems like an small issue for religion to overcome.
  17. As a scientist I can believe there is intelligent life out there, I just don't believe they would consider us intelligent. Serious though, the "cloaked ship" probably an asteroid that could not be see until the solar wind lit it up. As for massive objects around the sun, I don't have my drug induced glasses on so I can't see it. Needless to say that the other life forms in the universe capable of traveling here would likely view us as: A. Food B. A curiosity C. Slave labor D. Would still be testing to see if we are should be allowed to continue to evolve to a point where we can spread to the stars and infest other planets. E. Don't even care if we exist.
  18. My deer don't blow up like that when I shoot them. Maybe the 45-70 isn't a big enough gun? Maybe I should go 45-120?
  19. Okay, I may be around Columbus Saturday evening depending on the time I'm at the new job so hopefully he and I can get together then. I'll know more after my first day tomorrow.
  20. It would be better if it said, "Come back with a warrant next time"
  21. I'm sorry to hear that but this will be the third weekend so I hope you understand. So idodishez, how far from the Springfield / London area are you?
  22. I will now always answer the phone "Hello technical support". Should scare sales/ charity calls away really fast.
  23. Well, tech support solved the issue. To bad they are in another country and did not get the "Peggy" reference al all.
  24. I'm currently waiting for tech support on the phone.
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