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Everything posted by buildit

  1. +1 Reminds me of the Dj3000 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=simpsons%20disc%20jocky&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CD0QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F18516240&ei=ll7YTvqBKMOeiQL_hZ33CQ&usg=AFQjCNFqpKqKrjRQDEMof4i6vvTXG1s0Tg
  2. I need to teach you how to use the trim function First 30 seconds rock though.
  3. Fresh sushi! I have thought about trying to finnish my pond out back and stock it with cat fish but I need an excavator to get it a bit deeper first. Probably an aerator or fountain too. If I still lived in NY I'd have a trout pond like my grandfather did.
  4. Forget teleportation, of immediate interest is the ability to have faster than light communications and computer processors. Nobody scrambling my elements to duplicate them somewhere else.
  5. You know, I actually hate it when i have someone in the car who won't STFU. Listening to brain dead rock DJ's stupid laughs and forced conversations is a bit like that to me. That's why when they start talking the cd player comes on and usually doesn't get shut off till I arrive at where ever I was going. Oh, and Howard Stern. Self glorified whore monger who provides entertainment to little boys who giggle like Bevus and Butthead at the thought of tits. Those who complain about this comment need to admit they laughed a second ago. admit it............. tits! You did it again.
  6. Just finnished planning the route and the worst it may cover will be some broken pavement. Don't worry, no single track. Oh, which meeting spot? Speedway or Subway?
  7. Home made cd's FTW (rewritable and costs less)
  8. Anyone wanting to get out and just ride for a bit Saturday 12-3 we're having two meet ups. 1. 11am at the Speedway gas Station off rt42 and I-70 north of London Ohio 2. 12:00-12:30 at the Subway in Cedarville off 42 and 72 for lunch and then more riding. Plan is to head from Cedarville South towards Czar Creek area and depending on time play around exploring, shooting some video and maybe some riding practice. Anyone with a street legal bike is welcome since I doubt we'll do much off road. I'll be on the black V-strom Dl1000.
  9. Oh please they don't wanna become that popular.
  10. Yeah, which is this? Just a well or a fracking opperation?
  11. As a person who doesn't trust big companies, government or anyone who sells a commodity that by all right is in public trust at an amount that receives subsidies from our taxes, I have to admit I have my misgivings. Maybe if the oil company had to prove financial viability monthly as to ensure the proper funds to preform a full clean up of contaminated water, remediation of a spill, and take care of all the people within 200 miles who now have a mysterious disease caused by the new wells.
  12. The term dual sport is often misunderstood by the GBLT community when it comes to motorcycling. Two dikes on a street bike is NOT dual sporting.
  13. buildit

    Beer Pics

    An old rummer but thought it would fit into a forum about beer pictures. Many of you may remember Schaffers beer? Well, my dad was connected to the beer industry thru Jays Beer Drive Thru for a while and heard that in one photo of the "Beer" it was not Schaffers in the glass. Story goes they needed this photo done ASAP and the photographer didn't get to it till the weekend. Being it was a Sunday and he had no beer at his studio and couldn't buy any because it was Sunday so he pissed in the glass. To the photographers surprise Schaffers loved the photo for having perfect head and color but a trade magazine for the beer industry realized the color in the photo was not what Schaffers looked like. Under pressure from the trade magazine about what beer was really in the glass and why it wasn't Schaffers, the photographer came clean on how he did the photo. It was never reported but news still got out and soon after all the beer distributers were calling it TPB "that pee beer".
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_yUOm8GVdk
  15. Man I have about an inch standing snow on the deck now. Wind is howling but at least the sun is peaking out. Crazy that I'm only 30 miles West of Columbus but sounds like the snow missed them.
  16. Finally birth control you can e-mail your friends about.
  17. Poor guy must have the worst hours of anyone trying to sell a vehicle.
  18. He and OJ can share a penthouse suite at the Rich peoples jail.
  19. HaHa Jokes on the Republicans because the 99% are 100% unemployed and don't pay taxes anyways.
  20. Makes me really glad I was able to take advantage of last Saturday to get out for a few hours and ride.
  21. I heard the warnings and knew it was going to happen, but I still am a bit sad to see it.
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