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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I watched a video of this gun the other day, and the shooter stated (and it looked like) that the gun has very little recoil shooting .357 Magnum rounds. I'm normally a "function before fashion" kind of guy (as anyone who has seen my attire will attest...), but this thing is just fugly. Maybe it's the extremely cheap-looking wood grips, maybe the oddly-shaped frame; I dunno, it's just homely.
  2. The "Dark Custom" lineup - sounds fancier, er, tougher/cooler/meaner than The "Paint it Black" lineup. With H-D, it seems (with the exception of the XR1200) to be more about image than usability. Having said that, there will be one in my garage, probably sooner rather than later. Nightster, maybe - me likey. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXwPLovHekw
  3. *** edit - reading fail *** thought you had plead guilty, so I quoted the law below. I would ask an attorney. *** edit 2 *** If your BCI comes back clean, you could probably check "no" and get away with it. Let me know how that works. Ask an attorney. No. ORC 2923.13 (click) However, you may apply for relief from this disability in the court of common pleas in the county in which you reside (ORC 2923.14, click) Call an attorney, get the ball rolling on your relief petition.
  4. Never understood why anyone offers a 4WD with an open rear diff... I've posted this before, but it bears repeating: How to tell if your truck has limited slip: - Find a dry parking lot - Put left foot on brake, mash pedal to the floor - Put right foot on the gas, mash pedal to the floor - Lift left foot completely off the brake, leaving gas to the floor - After 5 seconds, stop, get out of truck, and walk to the back. - If you see one stripe, you have an open differential - If you see two stripes, you have a limited-slip differential - If you see three stripes, put down the beer and give your keys to someone who's not drunk - If you don't see any stripes, check truck for Ford badge.
  5. Cheech is a good guy. Shooter used a Glock, they showed a Glock. All Glocks look the same. In fact, from 5 feet or more, most auto pistols look alike. Answer the question, dick.
  6. Hell, there's almost a half inch of snow in north C-Bus. They better let me go home early. Get Jst2Slow to film that, please.
  7. Saw an advert for this last night - looks interesting. Hopefully won't be another American Chopper... Link to show's site at Discovery.com This is the shop that the show's about, Red Jacket Firearms.
  8. Just came back to work from the Pony, there's a nasty accident on Shrock, between 71 and Ambleside, on the eastbound side of the road. There's one lane (barely) open going westbound; a semi, and 2 or 3 cars (can't tell whether there's a 3rd car or if the second one was just mangled up). If there are 3 cars, the third is, well, not good. There are 4 or 5 big fire trucks, 3 police cars on-scene. Jaws of life were working on one of the cars. Payers out to all involved. Avoid the area for at least the next hour, at a minimum.
  9. Soooo, at 12:30 you drive to flight school, then take tests until 3, then start reading, then start to jill off. BUT, there's no mention of driving away from the flight school before the jilling commences...? Thrill seeker, like the danger of maybe getting caught? Inquiring minds need to know.
  10. Solution: No, no, no. You'll just gum up the works, dummy...
  11. Would've +REP'ed, but must spread around... Stop being so REP-able...
  12. I thought you is a Mexican? Manuel Jesus Fernandez Capone? Youngstown mob > Cleveland mob.
  13. Who? (hint: turn the Droid X sideways, it'll make your keyboard keys bigger....)
  14. Are you inferring that JRMMiii is implying you don't do your research?... Having your CHL does not preclude you from open carry in the state of Ohio. </thread>
  15. Eat that nastiness or get my throat cut? Guess my throat's getting cut. You'd die either way; I'll take the quicker, less stanky way, please.
  16. More than you ever wanted to know, From Wikipedia: I've got everything Floyd ever recorded, in MP3 form, should someone want to 'borrow' it.
  17. Tom got me thinking. This fills the bill:
  18. Use a little piece of Scotch Tape (or similar) on the barrel. Even your .380 should be able to get through it...
  19. Proper way to load your bike: I'm not positive, but I think it may have been faked... ** edit - I wouldn't be surprised if this is a repost, so Justin/JRMMiii, chillax...
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