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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. ** If you get to where you can't get into the router - something didn't work right, your password doessn't work, whatever: ** - Turn off the router (pull the plug), wait a minute, plug it back in, try again. ** - If you still can't get in, we can reset the router and start over: ** -- Unplug everything from the router, including power ** -- Turn the router on and wait 2 minutes until it's fully up and running ** -- Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then let go (the router will reset, reboot, and be ready in 2-ish muinutes) ** - At this point we'll be back at the beginning, username is blank (nothing), password = admin If you were getting stuck at step 14, then you've already: - set the maximimum number of DHCP users (optional) - changed the administrative password into your router (NOT optional) - enforced a secure connection to the router (optional) So now we need to: - Change your network's name (NOT optional) -- From the home page of the router, click Wireless, and then click Basic Wireless Settings -- Click the button labeled Manual -- Type a name for your network in the Wireless Network Name (SSID) box -- Click the Save Settings button (remember what you named your network...) *** EDIT - before you do this next step, make sure any/all Windows machines that will be connecting via wireless to this network are at least running XP, Service Pack 2 *** To easily check what version of Windows you have, click Start, Run, type (without the quotes) "winver", and hit enter. A box will pop up on-screen telling what you're running. - Set the wireless security to WPA-Personal2 (NOT optional) -- From the home page of the router, click Wireless, and then click Wireless Security -- Choose WPA Personal 2 -- Leave the Algorithim at AES -- Type a "shared key" in the box, at least 8, but not more than 63 characters --- Use something hard to guess, but easy to remember, e.g. ThisIs20thGixsHomeNetwork --- The shared key IS case-sensitive -- Leave the Group Key Renewal at 3600 seconds -- Click the Save Settings button You will probably want to reboot (turn off, and then on) your router. Once it's back up, you'll need to go to each wireless client (laptop, netbook, iPad, iPod Touch, etc.) and configure the wireless settings to match what you just set up - the network name, type of security, and the secret phrase. Good news is you <should> only need to set them up once. These settings should keep all but very determined folks off of your network. If you get stuck, post up and I'll assist. IF they happen to get on, then we can explore some advanced (and fun) activities, like setting up a "man in the middle" which will capture everything the interlopers do on your network (passwords, bank account numbers, sheep pr0n sites they visit) and they won't have a clue (use what you find as you see fit), or turn their browser pages upside down, or, well, you get the idea.
  2. If you're done for the night, and really don't want the neighbors piggybacking, hit the "internet on" or something like that on your cable modem (or just unplug the power from the modem). I'll post up something for ya by tomorrow evening. It's not difficult, we'll get there.
  3. sorry Kid... 'Bout a week for me, 9 days for the bot.
  4. Maybe your model isn't a WRT54G? Post up what model it is, if not the above, and I'll make new instructables.
  5. WiFi Protected setup button should be on the front of your router, and should be labeled "WiFi Protected setup button". Not trying to be a smartass...
  6. I was thinking that a searchable database of bikes and who has what could/would be beneficial. For instance, someone's thinking about buying a 2003 CBGSX-R1BusaSportster 600. Go the the DB, see that JoeUser has one, and could ask Joe how he likes his. Totally voluntary, maybe just another part of the user profile, one could fill it out, or not.
  7. U.S. Copyright Office's ruling, with some boring .PDF supporting documents (click) Steve Jobs probably death-gripped his iPhone, started to call his lawyers...oh wait...never mind. Doesn't say that Apple, Motorola, et al aren't allowed to make it difficult for you, only that you are not violating the DMCA if you have the nerve to want to install any damn thing you want on your own damn phone. Also doesn't say you can load a different/modified OS, only mentions modifying the existing OS in order to run non-Apple approved programs. Well, it does, but only to "...connect to a wireless telecommunications network...", which isn't prevented by the "factory" OS. And in other "the glass was half-full, but now it's half-empty" news, the ruling explicitly says "smartphones", so fanboys and gurls are still not "allowed" to install unapproved software on their iPad or Ipod Touch (or whatever the iPhone minus the phone part is called) Screw it. Jailbreak your iPhone, root your Droid. It's yours. Do with it as you please. This still is Amerika, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China, isn't it?
  8. something not work, or didn't ya try it last night?
  9. You take the van, I'll keep the dog.
  10. wwb @ walmart bulk from Cabela's aim surplus in Middletown lotsa places online
  11. What are you guys doing? Puttin' on the foil. Every game! Yeah, you want some? One of my favorite movies. Last time I skated was in pee-wee, about 38 years ago...
  12. Gone, but not forgotten: - 60's ? Honda Mini trail 50 - first two wheeled vehicle ridden that wasn't powered by pedals - age 10 - '70's Honda Elsinore 250 -first motorcycle ever ridden - tore up Turkey Run, where the McConnel Heart Health Center in C-Bus is now - age 13 - 79 Roadrunner (Canadian Motobecane) variable moped - did 45+/- on flat ground, 50+ down Henderson Road. - age 14 - 60's? Sears/Puch 100 or 125 - first street bike - put 1,500 miles on when I was 15 (I had a moped license - close enough). Seems like the shift pattern was 1 up, 3 down, iirc - 76 Honda CB 400 F - 17 - 84 Interceptor 750 - 19 - 81 XS 850 Triple ("hey, you're missing an exhaust pipe") - 30 Still around: - 03 CRF 450 F - Sumo wheels/tires and Elsinore plastics, plus stock red plastics and mounted knobbies for playing in the dirt - '08 Half-a-Busa
  13. usually... Between 842,710 "critical" patches on Super Patch Tuesday today and a bunch of f'ed up migrated Exchange accounts that now have corrupted databases (they don't hurt a thing except slam the Blackberry cluster out of commission every x minutes or hours) I'll be up all night. yippee. Too bad it's gonna rain tomorrow, as I ain't a-goin' in to work.
  14. from 3 years ago, but the steps are easy to follow and the advice is sound. by default, your router's username is blank (don't put anything in at all) and the password is "admin", without the quotes. http://technicallyeasy.net/2007/09/securing-linksys-wrt54g-wireless-router/
  15. Means you have to wear a helmet until whatever date is listed. May mean other things, too, but at least the helmet.
  16. Dammit! School Bus races started an hour ago... Saw them at the Delaware County Fair a year or two back - figure 8 dirt track -what a blast to watch the hillbillies giving those buses hell! Will probably attend the tractor pull Tuesday (a friend will be participating) and motocross whichever night it is, either Thursday or Friday. * edit: Reading the rules for the bus races, two in particular caught my eye: 3. All participants are subject to a breathalyzer test prior to the race. 13. Fuel must be free of additives; NO NITROUS OXIDE I am in no way advocating drunk driving...BUT...a bunch of school buses, a figure 8 dirt track, a 150 shot of Nitrous and a six pack of liquid courage...hilarity just might ensue...
  17. My 'new every two' was on the 21st. Ordered the X, the 'expected ship date' was 3 August. On the 25th I r'cvd an e-mail stating it shipped, and it arrived on the 28th. So far, I'm stoked. The size is not an issue to me, fits in my pocket and my hand just fine. The large screen makes it really nice for surfing and reading mail, plus gives you a much larger keyboard when flipped on its side. I have not rooted it yet. Yes, I have the instructions. Yes, I have multiple geek certifications and could probably do it easily. I haven't found a need. Why, so I can share my WiFi, or tether for free, or kick my processor up a notch and overheat the phone? No thanks, runs fast enough, and I don't need to tether. If I've got a signal, I can get into work via VPN and do whatever I need to do. If I can't then I can call someone and have them do it or it can simply wait. Apps: - Advanced Task Killer - I know, I know, task killers are superfluous, it's Linux, you don't need one. All I can say is that the battery lasts A LOT longer when this is running in the background - Amazon - spend monies from anywhere you've got a signal - Barcode Scanner - scan a barcode in a store, maybe find it cheaper online or at another store - Bubble Level (just kinda fun) - Color Note - add an electronic sticky note - basically Notepad for Droid - Documents to Go - read MS Office files (Word, Excel, blah) - Goggles - Google picture taker, figure out what you took a picture of. Haven't used it, but put it on 'cause "everyone" says you "must" have it - Key Ring - put your Kroger, etc. little loyalty card things on your phone instead of jammed in your wallet - Handcent SMS - replacement for the standard messaging app - Radar Now - one touch weather radar - Touchdown - If you use Exchange/Outlook at work, you need this, basically mini Outlook - Trapster - speed trap app. Can't get it to work, removing - Voice - Google Voice control center sorta thing - Wyse Pocket Cloud - I use this to get into servers at work via RDP, VNC, and manage VMWare Virtual Desktops from afar And most importantly, a shortcut to ORdN - one touch access to this place. Also put a screen protector on. I have one extra if you want it. Experience from my Storm shows it should last as long as the phone lasts.
  18. The phrase "bite me" comes to mind.
  19. jblosser

    My Cage

    Blower whine, turbo whistle - any power adder noise = good, imho. @dude: I'll guess it's a Magnacharger, based upon the video's title...
  20. Mmmm, pie! Still planning scenic/twisty Saturday route from Galena over to 555, down to the river, and back up north via 664. Anyone wants to tag along, great. I will not be going at a "I think I'm Kenny Roberts" (Valentino Rossi for you youngsters) pace, but won't be dawdling, either. "Semi-brisk" might be an apt description.
  21. I was looking at it as simply as I could. Change the words (income instead of money), but the upshot is the same: - Do something to earn an income (money), let's say $100. - Pay $6.20 in FICA (Social Security) tax (we'll skip all of the other taxes for simplicity's sake). - Put the $93.80 in a shoe box, where it's doing nothing. - Die. - Some relative inherits that $93.80, they pay tax on it. * yes, I realize that $93.80 is probably under the taxable limit; again this was as a (very) simplified example. ** I shouldn't have included spouse in my initial comment; assets normally pass untaxed to a surviving spouse. Assuming mom/dad did really well and/or were thrifty, leave you $2M + and you're looking at the Government confiscating 50% or more of that inheritance. I still don't think it's right.
  22. Rooster's works for me.
  23. Define "rich" and "need". Wait, don't bother, that was rhetorical. "The rich" paid into the system with a promise that they would get something back. Why wouldn't they cash the check? Also, if they're "rich", they probably have other income, which, assuming their total income is over a certain amount, makes the proceeds from the check they're cashing taxable, thus continuing the circle. Earn money, pay tax. Get money back (social security check) from taxes paid , pay tax on it again. Inherit money from someone (deceased parent, spouse). That money was taxed when earned. Now you get to pay tax on it again. Great system.
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