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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. jblosser

    Father's Day

    Buried mine on my 40th birthday. It'll be 5 years this August. I miss him. Luckily, somehow, my 9 year old remembers Grandma and Grandpa. He and I will be hanging out, maybe do some cheeseburgers and corn on the grill. To those of you that aren't speaking with your pop (or mom, or brother/sister/whomever) - I hope that someday the relationship will get better for you.
  2. I e-mailed the seller; we'll see what happens. My guess: "I'm in London England now, please send monies, I'll send bike..."
  3. can of wd-40 with the straw, bic lighter... Matt - once you get the bees killed, however you accomplish that, the holes they've bored can be filled with a dowel rod and some wood glue. The holes will probably be pretty to close to a perfectly round 1/4" - 3/8" hole. Then wait for a humid day and repaint/stain. The bees hate the painted surface, and the humidity opens up the wood's pores and and allows the paint/stain to penetrate better.
  4. It was $1/cut 7 years ago when I tiled a bathroom. Best part about having them do it: if they broke the tile during the cut they grabbed another off the stack.
  5. Then use Openbox (or Fluxbox, or *box) instead of the bloated KDE or the less bloated than KDE but still bloated Gnome, and the speed difference v. Windows is even greater.... Good point, btw.
  6. That was St. Aquarius that put the burn on Jesus, not teh interwebz...
  7. That's not right. (The way they treated you, that is.) And just a couple weeks ago I was trying to tell people to buy there instead of online. I still will, but (assuming your description of events is accurate, and I've no reason to think it's not) that's not the way to treat a customer - return customer at that, not that it should make a difference. With it being a buyer's market, you'd think that customer service would be a priority. I assume the sales folks work on commission, so if "sales guy A" worked with you previously it would be in his interest to work with you again, otherwise the time he spent with you was wasted.
  8. "...Like sand through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives..." *** edit: Oh yeah, tell your brother GLWS. Sorry, forgot that part. ***
  9. Stupid question, but do you like it? Initial thoughts? Time to change the bike in your avatar....
  10. suppressor, compensator. Very nice acquisition Teddy. New, or private sale? Have you shot it yet? From what I've read, they're pretty darned accurate. Sure that's not an H&K? Sorry t.d. CT on my P220; Decal grip, Lasermax on my carry XD9.
  11. Open carry on the bike, you pansies...:
  12. "Some flaws? That thing looks beat to Shit. Glws." in all seriousness, looks good. GLWS.
  13. First drummer sucks as a drummer, but does a GREAT imitation of Chris Farley playing the drums. Looks like him, too. Second drummer is technically proficient but there's something missing; no feeling or emotion, almost like a drum machine is playing, not a human. Kinda like when Wynton Marsalis plays classical trumpet. If any of you play trumpet you'll understand that reference.
  14. D.I.Y.... Hackintosh. Google it. Not hard at all to do. I've done it on two lappers and a netbook (for research purposes only, of course).
  15. BMW = Built from Mercedes' Wastebasket (or Mazda's, in this instance). Prick.
  16. "Don't forget to tip the bartender and wait staff; they're working hard for you..."
  17. I have a Bel 995, $200 or so at multiple places. I've had it for a year and no tickets - that's the goal, right? Has a mute button on the part that plugs into the lighter receptacle, which is handy. Radartest.com seems to like it. Had a Whistler I got for $80~ish from Meijer 7 years ago, it worked fine also until it got swiped.
  18. you forgot "Linux is the best" and "OS X is just Free/NetBSD with an ugly purple theme" (my favorite). glws.
  19. I'm not a doctor, but isn't your head size basically a function of your skull and jaw size? Losing weight shouldn't affect the size of your head. If it does, maybe grow a beard?
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