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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Like Speedy said, ask to see their CHL. That way you're covered on the "convicted felon" part. </discussion>
  2. Assuming this is at Yahoo!, here's a link (click) You'll need a Yahoo! account, of course.
  3. Well, the mystery of "what happened to the only one Honda sold" has been solved. The "bike" seems like an answer to a question no one asked -- as big as a "real" motorcycle, heavier, less power, and none of that (to quote the advert) "clutching and shifting". If you want a scooter, why not buy a scooter? People will laugh at you? They surely won't laugh at your $13,000 (new) scooter, right?
  4. OSU 10-4-1 in the 15 categories. I call it domination. One word: scoreboard.
  5. 3, 7, whatever. A win's a win. If it weren't for gawd-awful kick coverage and some missed opps., it would be about 50-3 right now...
  6. RUN MF, RUN! penalty, too. 7 more in a minute.
  7. Cliff's Notes for those too lazy to read this entire thread: - There were at least 100 people at Glenn Beck's rally, maybe a million or more; no one's really sure. - Glenn Beck hates some people, but not all people, nor all members of a class of people. - Some people like Glenn Beck, some people don't, and some don't care/don't know who he is. - Some people are willing to stand in an orderly line, some aren't. - CG2112, Vulcan_Rider, Mags, Dorifto, and Justin (JRMMiii) may or may not have a pot-luck dinner get-together in the near future.
  8. Nope, read all of what you wrote -- couldn't get past the "13 for 13 failures", plus the "rep from Blackwing" and the "rep went out to BWSC" part had me confused - I assumed that you meant that "a sales rep from Para went to BWSC and all 13 of his guns failed." But, like I said, I don't really care, just wanted an explanation of why you don't like Para's, and I got the explanation. It's all good here!
  9. Huh. Umm, OK. A rep from Para, who, you'd think,would (if he brought them) bring the "creme de la creme" from the production line (assuming they're not hand-tweaked)? He totes them around from shop to shop, right? All of the sudden they ALL fail, at the same time? Not sure I believe that 13 outta 13 failed, but... I'm thinking you get 13 Hi-Points together and at least 1 of 'em would work! Maybe the Blackwing guy you spoke with has a beef with Para's. Gun Shop Employee Guy tends to have problems with at least one manufacturer; one will tell you that "<insert brand of gun here> suck", his co-loafer will tell you they're "the greatest thing since sliced bread." *note: I don't own any Para's. I don't work for Para. I don't give a hoot if they're the best or worst gun ever made. To quote the legendary football coach John Cooper, "I don't have a dog in this hunt"... Simply brought it up for the OP to consider.
  10. Soooo, this'll be co-eds doing the washing? In tiny bikinis? On a (hopefully) cool fall afternoon? In. (intentional double entendre)
  11. jblosser

    Ohio GOP

    Stark County is Massillon and Canton, so it doesn't matter who the GOP has running, does it? Reminiscent of a toned-down version of this guy: And then we're going to Canton, and Massillon, and then, Hills and Dales, and then Belden Village, WAAAHHHH!
  12. On desk: Top Gear mag someone left at my desk SolidWorks install DVD's various e-mails printed for easier reading Crystal brand glass cleaner left speaker pen Further left: Empty popcorn tin (vendor Christmas swag I swiped (when full) from someone) tiny space heater I "borrowed" when someone changed cubes 3 or 4 years ago various boxes of software box of old DLT tapes guess I'll spray glass cleaner in their eyes, retreat a step, and then throw tapes at them and attempt to use old CD's as IT ninja stars...
  13. I threw it out as an option since it's the smallest (I think) .45 available. Curious, as I've normally heard only good things about Para guns. Expound upon your "junk" opinion, please. Have you fired one, owned one, or are you just taking over TD's role temporarily? Not trying to argue, just wonder what you don't like.
  14. jblosser


    From the album: misc

  15. FNH makes 50 round mags... Good luck finding AP rounds as a civilian/non-LEO/non-military . Elite Ammunition makes AP rounds but is currently out of stock. They've discontinued their tracer rounds. Vance's has these all day at $999/per. I've been trying to convince myself that I need one -- I already want one. As to the OP, Para makes a sub-compact .45 ACP called the Warthog. New, ~$750, used ~450 and up. Pretty good reviews, and Para doesn't make crap.
  16. He (Beck), when he first came to prominence after 9/11/2001, was a decent enough personality; had (usually) well-reasoned, interesting things to say. I agreed and disagreed about evenly with his points. It seems as though in the past year or two (maybe 3 or 4, idk, I'm old and forgetful) that he's become a bit 'off', for lack of a better term. Seems to me as though he sees a conspiracy in everything, and will flip-flop his position/opinion. I used to listen an average of an hour/day; these days it's about 10 minutes before I lose interest/get irked at the drama he's spouting.
  17. he doesn't sound as eeeevil that way, thus the incorrect attribute. Stupid Constitution/Bill of Rights. Freedom of speech? Not if I don't agree with you. Next thing you know, they'll want to let teh womenz vote.
  18. If you're really impatient (or inpatient, or just can't wait) you could take a Utah class. Only 4 hours, no range qualification. BUT, it'll take awhile (up to 90 days) for Utah to send you your license.
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