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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Wasn't "bitching", merely observing and commenting, and lamenting the turn this forum has taken. As for "...nothing will be done about it", I'm not sure what (if anything) should be done. Mod the mods? That would be up to the admins. Ben/Casper has the final say, and if he's OK with it, then so be it. All of the back and forth name calling, questioning of people's "worth" to the forum, etc., is just vexatious. Everyone contributes in their own way - some with funny pictures, some with helpful advice, some with witty (at least to them) comments, well, you get the point. The variety of people, their experiences, etc., are what make this a great place to hang out. The completely crappy way people are acting toward each other is what is making this a less-fun place to hang out.
  2. Seems like people sh!t on FS threads all the time on OR. TD posted up a lowball offer. Was it out of line? Maybe, maybe not. I doubt that he has any real interest in buying the item, but if he does, then OK. If the seller doesn't like the offer then it's time to negotiate. At least the low-ball offer provided a bump to the thread, thus increasing the eyeball count. Common courtesy would dictate that unless you're actually interested in the item that's for sale, stay out of the thread. However, what little common courtesy that <may> have existed here seems to be loooong gone. I could cite numerous examples, but really, all the bickering is just getting tiresome. <Some> of the mods and admins are prone to posting "snarky" responses which really do nothing more than fan the flames of a thread which is already burning brightly. They (the mods) <should> be above that, at least when their "mod hat" is on.
  3. You know why Helen Keller sucked at driving? Blind? Nope, not it. Deaf? Nope, not the reason. 'Cause she was female.
  4. redrocket turned into Confucius?
  5. I've got ramps if you wanna borrow. Lemme know. I can meet you somewhere tomorrow morning before noon, but then heading outta town and back Monday.
  6. jblosser


    MJ is. Nevermind, I thought you said "pretty". Carry on.
  7. NOvell GroupWise and 2 separate Exchange (and separate AD) environments (plus 5 or 6 hundred users on Sendmail, but they don't have BlackBerrys. Moving everyone to a new 2010 Exchange environment, in a brand new directory/domain. 3,000 e-mail users, give or take. It's <really> been fun so far. The GroupWise connector is simply a joy to work with. Yeah, not so much. But, everything works so far, users are moving, calendaring and address lookups between all the different systems are working. At least the users (once they get over bitching about having to take 5 minutes to learn Outlook) are generally happy.
  8. aww crap. fixed it for myself. migrating 400 or so CrackBerries from one domain to another, not concentrating on OR stuff as much as I should be...
  9. Those two (three?) things make me smile, too. Thanks, RVT!
  10. Sparkly, shiny pipe + color-mismatched milk crate + sound like a mini version of King Kenny's TZ750 = Awesomeness!
  11. did you click the little button out to the right, and then click the "join group" button?
  12. Brand new, in box. Arrived yesterday. Didn't bother to think (or read) when ordering - won't work with the thumb safety on mine. Crimson Trace LG-445 Lasergrip, fits Springfield XD45 ACP only. $200 ftf in central Ohio, or $205 shipped USPS priority 2-3 day. Interested in .22 pistol trades: Ruger Mk II/III, Beretta Neos, Browning Buckmark, you get the idea.
  13. I answered the "water" and "buffalo" parts. What's the half I missed? Dayumm. Try to help, look what happens. I'd call you a name - but I don't want an infraction point... g-d a-hat f-tard mods...
  14. Very nice shots! Looks like me on the way to work!
  15. Maybe 'cause it was the first mass production Japanese water cooled bike? Oh, and it wasn't exactly svelte (550~lbs.) compared to its contemporaries. Justa guess.
  16. Wrong, but semi-understandable,for the mod to call td a name. td said something the mod evidently disagreed with. Wrong, but understandable, for td to reply back with a profanity. Fonz attempts to keep things civil, but questions td's worth to the forum. Wrong to do in public. td questions Fonz's worth. Also wrong to do in public. td offers to apologize to the roomie. Taking the high road. That's good. Again, what happened has thrown everyone for a loop, and maybe things are being said that wouldn't normally be said. An olive branch has been extended - let's build on that. as my sig says, "my 2 cents".
  17. So, mods are allowed to call names, but regular members are not allowed to reply in kind? If td received an infraction point, so should the mod, imho. Goose, gander / pot, kettle. People are understandably shocked / saddened / angry at what happened. Perhaps all 3 persons here (td, Fonz, and RC) could just stop for a moment, consider the situation, the impact on people's thought processes, and then move on. td said something. RC said something. Fonnz said something. Let's call it done.
  18. Dead Snow @ Netflix. DVD, Blu-Ray, HD Streaming Found something to watch tonight...
  19. Maybe I get a t-shirt for 2 outta 3
  20. Aren't most crimes perpetrated with hate (or at least a great dislike of the victim) in mind? I'm guessing you don't think "Gee, I really like Casper, he's a great friend, I think I'm going to kick his ass." ? "hate crimes" annoy me. I could assualt someone and be charged with assualt. But if that someone is "different" from me because of his skin color or sexual orientation, it's now "hate"? How come religion or nationality doesn't count? Hypothetically, If I didn't like Jewish people or Italians I could kick @ss all day long and only be charged with assualt, wouldn't matter that I hate them (hypothetically).
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