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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Iron Pony's a sponsor. You might find a cheaper price online, but you also might have to buy a white boot. If you want white, great. I got my Vertigo Airs at IP for $300 + tax (approx. $19). Cheapest online price for them (in black) is $300. A couple links say $268, but at their site it's magically $300. So, I spent a little under $19 to support IP. Plus, I got another oil-changing t-shirt in the process!
  2. jblosser

    Dual weilding

    From the album: Gun stuff

  3. jblosser


    From the album: Gun stuff

  4. I was watching an NBA playoff/finals game when O.J. ran... Didn't know soccer/football/whatever was even on the telly. I'll go out on a limb here and say that the "average" American sports fan doesn't care all that much about soccer. Maybe the younger (<30) folks do, as they grew up with soccer as a sports option, but when I grew up (I'm 44) it just wasn't a choice, at least in Columbus. Watching it on television, for me at least, is just awful. I went to one Crew game, and seeing it in person was better than watching on television. I dunno. Switzerland, I guess, gotta root for my motherland. No. No. Sorry, just not a fan. I "get it" that "it's the most popular sport in the world", and that other countries go nuts about it, it's just not for me.
  5. The sales guy. Duh. You're welcome.
  6. Ahhh, that's where I messed up... I would have the same expression as the guy in the pic ( ) if I made it on that show and got that question.
  7. ftw? WTF? I thought you rolled with twin Glock .40s XD9 service for carry, Sig P220 .45 for home protection ft.real.w
  8. A, final guess. Pulled up Google Maps, and A, B, and C are within 20 miles (kilos?) of each other. Couldn't find (nor pronounce) Fjaroabyggo.
  9. NO NO NO! The officers are trained, experienced, and certified, as evidenced in this case. They could not possibly make an error of 5 mph from the actual speed. 12, maybe, but not 5.
  10. I have a couple of problems with this: - Direct from the syllabus of the ruling: "...and is experienced in visually estimating vehicle speed." Seems to me that "experienced" is open to interpretation. Does "experience" entail watching 400 cars per shift, 200 shifts per year, and 2 years of doing nothing but traffic patrol? Or is it 5 years? Or 1 month? ("Santimarino" is the policeman who wrote the original speeding citation) - Direct from the ruling: "...In order to be certified by OPOTA, Santimarino was required to show that he could visually estimate a vehicle’s speed to within three to four miles per hour of the vehicle’s actual speed..." "Santimarino testified that based on his training and experience, he had estimated that Jenney’s vehicle was traveling 70 miles per hour..." "...he observed that the radar unit indicated that Jenney’s vehicle was traveling at 82 miles per hour." So in order to pass the "I can visually guesstimate your speed" certification, you have to be within 3-4 mph of the actual speed. The officer guessed/estimated the appellant's speed to be 70, when in fact, if his radar is to be believed, the true speed was 82. For those that have trouble with math, the difference is 12, not 3-4 as required in order to be certified. Giving the officer the benefit of the doubt, he was 200% beyond the margin of error that one is allowed and still be certified. I will cede that <some> officers, perhaps a majority of those that regulary perform traffic patrol, perhaps a minority, are able to visually estimate a vehicle's speed within the 3-4 mph certification guideline. I will not, however, say that Santimarino, the officer in question, is able to. He proved his lack of ability to do so unequivocally in this case. I don't see how the Supremes were able to rule the way they did in this case. The facts certainly did NOT support the ruling.
  11. 1) window's already open - trying to stave off turning on the a/c and the attendant $300+ electrical bills. 2) we were role playing - the slap was part of it - and my "weapon" is already out... 3) no happy ending for me? dammitall. 4) I see Curby: I am allowed to empty all 18 on him, drop the mag, reload... note: All of the above is conjecture only. I am a lesbian and have been one all my life. Don't hate, I was born that way, nothing I can do about it.
  12. Nope. Don't want to shoot anyone, but if my son's life is in danger, I'll take care of it - assuming Charlie the Wonder Dog doesn't do it for me. You should see him at the dog park: He's the canine Chuck Norris if another dog messes with Jr. Best dog ever. Dumb as a sack of hammers, but guards the boy and the estate just fine. If a burglar comes to my house dressed as a deer, the burglar will be "dead by dog". Sorry, back on topic now..
  13. To enhance/expand Justin's 3 points: 1) you cannot initiate the confrontation: I see Justin walking down the street and I draw my weapon. Not allowed. 2) you cannot escalate the confrontation: Justin slaps me, I draw my weapon. Not allowed (Am I <truly> in fear for my life at this point? No. Mad? Yes.) 3) you cannot prolong the confrontation: Justin slaps me, then turns around and walks or runs away. I am not allowed to draw my weapon. Note: Even though I may not always agree with Justin, I'm not gonna draw on him. I may rest my hand on my side, on top of my BladeTech IWB, though... Just to keep him in line, of course....
  14. jblosser


    It's open season (no invite needed) at Demonoid if anyone's inner-rested. Don't know how long it will last, but it won't be forever, probably gone by tomorrow.
  15. Create a folder on your local machine, give it a meaningful name, and copy your template into the folder. Now, if you double-click a .html file inside that folder, it will open in your browser, and you can test basic navigation/functionality. You can edit the .html file(s) in Notepad - just make sure you have a backup (perhaps create another folder and copy all the original files into it). GoDaddy should have given you an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) address, e.g. ftp.yoursitename.com and a username and password to the FTP address. You'll probably want a GUI ftp client (FileZilla is free and works well), once you launch it you'll see basically a split screen Explorer-style view, with your local (C:\) drive on the left and your website's server on the right. Drag/drop between the two. Once you've uploaded your base template and files to your web server, try the site in your browser, again testing basic functionality and navigation. HTML can be real complicated, but it's basically pretty simple. Look to see what it's doing, what works and what doesn't, and ask Google (or post it up here), you'll be able to have the site up and running pretty quickly and without too much pain. ***EDIT If you want to, post up which template you grabbed and what you would like to see on it, and I'll see what I can do for ya.
  16. What a horribly racisit, nationalistic game... PSYCH! Phuckers run too fast for semi-auto, only scored 61.
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