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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Last I heard/read in the Dispatch they were looking for a new location, maybe in Grandview if I remember. When it was the Jai Alai, the dining room (in the basement) was the largest in the world. Famous for their salt rolls and prime rib. Woody Hayes always took the team there for dinner after home football games. It was kinda sad to see it made into the personality-less place that was the Buckeye H.O.F. Cafe. Won't miss it one bit.
  2. 3 here: 2 semi-auto pistols (SA XD9mm service and Sig P220 .45ACP) and a Beretta sporting clays 12 for killing those pesky skeets. soon to be Utah and Ohio licensed to carry.
  3. don't code angry testing is done in the dev. environment, not production... if no dev. environment, have a good backup What is said app gonna do (assuming the n.d.a. you signed with yourself allows you to speak of such things)?
  4. Sure. It's all theoretical, of course. I in no way condone attempting to bypass $20/day surfing fees at the full service Marriott that your company is paying $250+ for a bed and no in-room coffee. Big hint: if you can ping google.com (or anything) and get replies, you're good to go. Bonus question hint: the prog. for speedier surfing and people annoyance starts with the letter 'd'.
  5. I figured you were gonna tell us how to use SSH and PuTTy - why bother with RDP? Note to self: Take two minutes to GPO mstsc.exe into obsolescence tomorrow morning... Test tomorrow: How can you get past pay-per-surf proxies, such as found at the airport, in about 1 minute, easily? Bonus question: What can you use to make surfing MUCH faster when using public wi-fi, at places like Panera, Starbucks, etc.? It has the additional fun feature of pissing off all the losers that hang out there all day..
  6. Good. Easier to explain to the 9 year old that it's "already sold" as opposed to "umm, no, you can't have this, yet..." Made the mistake of showing him the post last night, and then finding some videos. "Can we get it dad, can we get it dad, can we get it dad?" It would have needed a 100 or so tooth rear or me to tack weld the shifter in place so he wouldn't have taken off at 50mph and fly into the woods, or out onto the street. Someday, though, I'll be the coolest dad ever. Christmas, I'm thinkin'...
  7. @MODS: Please rename "JBWalker" to "KeepTrackOfEastSideBikeNitesGuy"... "11am - 9pm"? Sounds more like "Bike All-Day" than "Bike Nite"..
  8. If God had not intended for mankind to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat. That is all.
  9. You'll note that this is in the "pics and vids" section, NOT the politics section. Post was meant to display images that I found interesting, captured by the sister of a long-ago friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
  10. The picture below is one of about 72 depicting life for 18 year old girls/young women in Israel as they go through their 2 year mandatory military training. The photographer, Rachel Papo, used to live in Columbus. I went to junior high with her brother Avi for one year (7th grade). The family moved back to Haifa after that year (1978 or 9). If I recall correctly the father was a professor at Ohio State. We (Ridgeview Jr. High) always had an interesting mix of cultures due to the school's proximity to the University. This was before busing, when you went to your neighborhood school. Rachel now lives in Brooklyn, Avi lives in Israel. I chose this picture because I like the juxtaposition of the young female soldier, armed with a combat rifle, on the train with a civilian sitting next to her who seems non-plussed by her presence. The entire series can be found here (click) Rachel's main website (click)
  11. it's "over their is guns", ya dope...
  12. vajayjay, virginia, snapper, babbling brook, money pit, coochie, the other anus, snatch, pleasure dome, muff, etc. you say tuh-may-toe, i say tuh-mah-toe.
  13. nope, north/south like regular. But the pubes, if present, are like black moss...
  14. Search this forum and you will not find one bad thing said about DTM Brian (Well, except from his money-grubbin' ex-gf); all you'll find is rave reviews. That's sayin' something.
  15. Had my eyes done 7 years ago, no problemos since then.
  16. At the school my son goes to they have pre-boxed school supplies you have to buy. (It's a Catholic school). Makes it handy - no running to 4 or 5 different stores looking for something that's sold out. Doesn't seem like anyone was allergic to peanuts when I was in school. No one had those tubes in their ears, either, but it seems like all kids are diagnosed as needing them these days. Guess those graphite-shafted Yonex golf clubs won't buy themselves... Someone asked me when he started kindergarten how he liked Catholic school. I told them "he's got 13 years to see girls in Catholic schoolgirl outfits all day - how do you think he likes it???"
  17. Shoot it over to me, I'll look it over. I had 12 to look over two months ago for a position I was hiring for - good gawd were some of them awful. If it takes you 6 (!!!) pages to tell me what you've done, umm, I'm not even looking at it.
  18. What does the "D" in "D.C." stand for? Oh, that's right, "District". Not "State". How many states have a mayor as the top elected official? "Sub-citizens"? Yup. Denied their right to bear arms. "...send your sons and daughters into the armed forces.." Didn't know that was a state-granted right, I always thought the military was a federal thing (with the exception of the National Guard). And why do some columnists refer to second amendment proponents/defenders as "gun fanatics"? The residents of D.C. should simply be exempted from federal income taxes, as has been proposed before. Or, they could just move.
  19. I thought the EXC's were street legal - the 09's are/were...
  20. Does "etc." include the 450 EXC by any chance? That's one I'm interested in - it'd be nice to have an orange KTM to match the Blue KTM I'm picking up tomorrow....
  21. what class/series? how fast you thinking you'll run? for instance, ET Points Series, 11.49 or better, no coolant allowed; Weds. Night T100 Series, nothing specified. National Trail Raceway Classes and Rules
  22. When you get there, find the guy on the right - he can probably find it for ya!
  23. Since you'll probably ignore my advice, Google "internet proxy". Find a site that isn't blocked at work and then surf to your heart's content. Try proxify.com
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