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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. As one of the lines in my signature says: "Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars." 'Bout sums it up, at least in this man's opinion.
  2. He reminds me of Grant Fuhr. Only two times in 19 seasons above .900 in save percentage, and only 5 outta 14 in post-season (!?), but he won 5 Stanley Cups. As I said Saturday, he needs to be sharp, or at least sharp enough. So far he's been sharp enough. Beating the (should be) MVP goalie 2-1. Tough series for me as Montreal was my first favorite team (was there any other team in the '70's?), but I like Pittsburgh, too. Any of the 4 in the East are OK with me, only one in the West I can stand is Chicago - I just like the city and its teams.
  3. Cool. Props for that. If you wear heels and ride, post up about it. If you grow boobies, please stay silent...
  4. 1 outta 2 last night (Wings loss) not bad. If Puffy Lips is gonna start sh1t (end of 2nd period) he should man/sack up and (attempt) to finish it. I can see not fighting and incurring a major if someone's trying to goad you into a fight, but if you start it... Good thing Fleury stepped his game up, cause Halak is still looking pretty darn good.
  5. <peacemaking attempt> @ RR04 - Methinks Tonik was just tryin' to help - that's his modus operandi - 'be helpful'. @ Tonik: Please, on behalf of RR04 and the rest of us, continue to attempt helpfulness. I would guess that Jason (RR04) is just a little frustrated: CBR sold, one he wanted to buy sold out from under him, new bike had wrong handlebars, easy swap turned into a biotch for him. "Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King </peacemaking attempt> @ RR04 - Looks like Iron Pony carries the cables you need. You could call 'em and see if they're in stock.
  6. I just really wanted a reason to post "all aboard the fail camel". Meh.
  7. He was trying to fly to Dubai, not Pakistan. I believe Dubai is in the Middle East, as stated. To be more specific, it's in the United Arab Emirates, in the Arabian Peninsula. Did I specifically (or non-specifically) say he was Middle Eastern? No.
  8. Terrorism fail, all aboard the Fail Camel... - bought the vehicle in his own name - tried to fly straight to the Middle East, out of J.F.K. - bomb wasn't able to explode - part 'a' had to trigger part 'b', which had to trigger part 'c', etc. However, stay vigilant. "They" will succeed at some point; it's a matter of 'when', not 'if'. We got lucky this time. From (P)MS(LSD)NBC.com: James M. Cavanaugh, a former bomb expert with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who investigated car bombs and tracked the Unabomber, told The New York Times that the device and the way it was designed speak to a "grandiose purpose." Police defused a crudely made car bomb found in a SUV parked in New York's Times Square. "I call this a Rube Goldberg contraption," Cavanaugh told the newspaper. "It's the 'swing-the-arm-with-the-shoe-that-hits-the-ball-and-knocks-over-a-stick-that-knocks-something-off-a-shelf' and it is all supposed to work." He said that whoever made the bomb had "more desire than ability." The Times also reported that Kevin B. Barry, an official with the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, said the attempted bomber had left many leads for detectives to follow. “He was trying to cover his tracks, but he left more clues than a guy walking into a bank to rob it without a mask. This guy left everything here but his wallet," Barry said. Chris Falkenberg, president of Insite Security, which works with Fortune 500 companies, said the device, as described by authorities, "doesn't differ much at all from 'The Anarchist Cookbook'" — the underground 1971 manual for homemade explosives. He said revelations that the fertilizer used could not have exploded suggested "this is amateur hour. My kids could build a better bomb than this."
  9. I've used Super (Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer) to encode the .vob files from a DVD into something I could watch on my Crackberry Storm. It works, which is my top criteria... It's free, as in beer, which is my second criteria... You can drag/drop files, scale the size, aspect ratio, frames/sec, adjust audio settings, etc.
  10. Original story at the timesOnline (click) A BRITISH Army sniper has set a new sharpshooting distance record by killing two Taliban machinegunners in Afghanistan from more than a mile away. Craig Harrison, a member of the Household Cavalry, killed the insurgents with consecutive shots — even though they were 3,000ft beyond the most effective range of his rifle. “The first round hit a machinegunner in the stomach and killed him outright,” said Harrison, a Corporal of Horse. “He went straight down and didn’t move. “The second insurgent grabbed the weapon and turned as my second shot hit him in the side. He went down, too. They were both dead.” The shooting — which took place while Harrison’s colleagues came under attack — was at such extreme range that the 8.59mm bullets took almost three seconds to reach their target after leaving the barrel of the rifle at almost three times the speed of sound. The distance to Harrison’s two targets was measured by a GPS system at 8,120ft, or 1.54 miles. The previous record for a sniper kill is 7,972ft, set by a Canadian soldier who shot dead an Al-Qaeda gunman in March 2002. In a remarkable tour of duty, Harrison cheated death a few weeks later when a Taliban bullet pierced his helmet but was deflected away from his skull. He later broke both arms when his army vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. Harrison was sent back to the UK for treatment, but insisted on returning to the front line after making a full recovery. “I was lucky that my physical fitness levels were very high before my arms were fractured and after six weeks in plaster I was still in pretty good shape,” he said. “It hasn’t affected my ability as a sniper.” Harrison, from Gloucestershire, was reunited in Britain with his wife Tanya and daughter Dani, 16, last month. Recalling his shooting prowess in Helmand province, he said: “It was just unlucky for the Taliban that conditions were so good and we could see them so clearly.” Harrison and his colleagues were in open-topped Jackal 4x4 vehicles providing cover for an Afghan national army patrol south of Musa Qala in November last year. When the Afghan soldiers and Harrison’s troop commander came under enemy fire, the sniper, whose vehicle was further back on a ridge, trained his sights on a Taliban compound in the distance. His L115A3 long-range rifle, the army’s most powerful sniper weapon, is designed to be effective at up to 4,921ft and supposedly capable of only “harassing fire” beyond that range. “We saw two insurgents running through its courtyard, one in a black dishdasha, one in green,” he said. “They came forward carrying a PKM machinegun, set it up and opened fire on the commander’s wagon. “Conditions were perfect, no wind, mild weather, clear visibility. I rested the bipod of my weapon on a compound wall and aimed for the gunner firing the machinegun. “The driver of my Jackal, Trooper Cliff O’Farrell, spotted for me, providing all the information needed for the shot, which was at the extreme range of the weapon.” Harrison killed one machinegunner with his first attempt and felled the other with his next shot. He then let off a final round to knock the enemy weapon out of action. Harrison discovered that he had set a new record only on his return to UK barracks nine days ago. The previous record was held by Corporal Rob Furlong, of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, who was using a 12.7mm McMillan TAC-50 rifle. Tom Irwin, a director of Accuracy International, the British manufacturer of the L115A3 rifle, said: “It is still fairly accurate beyond 4,921ft, but at that distance luck plays as much of a part as anything.” News of Harrison’s success comes amid concern over a rival insurgent sharpshooter who in a five-month spree has killed up to seven British soldiers, including a sniper, in and around the Taliban stronghold of Sangin. In a later incident during the tour, Harrison’s patrol vehicle was hit 36 times during a Taliban ambush. “One round hit my helmet behind the right ear and came out of the top,” he said. “Two more rounds went through the strap across my chest. We were all very, very lucky not to get hurt.”
  11. taken. alternative spelling: or this:
  12. jblosser


    From the album: Plates

  13. Loud (think typical Hardley loudness) sport bike yesterday AM, Kroger at Sawmill/Hard. Bouncing off the rev limiter on Sawmill, pulled into Kroger, whoolied it through the parking lot, not once but 3 times. Shorts, t-shirt. He <did> have a helmet on. Too bad. Darwin coulda fixed him. Hat.
  14. As long as it's notarized. At least that's my understanding. I picked up a bike and title yesterday, I'll let you know after I go. Won't be for another week or so, so prolly won't help ya much.
  15. Gonna be hard to do without....!
  16. Doom. Duh. :grin: "Id" was the company that created the game. Don't know without Googling what the hell the other letters mean.
  17. You're wasting your breath, er, typing muscles Justin. But you knew that already. Some/lots of us have attempted to impart knowledge upon this young man with seemingly no success.
  18. Puffy Lips is still healthy, along w/Guerin, Malkin, Fedotenko, Gonchar. No worries for ya except for Fleury - hope he stays sharp, or sharp enough...
  19. Umm, Habs have 24. <That> is all, Mr. Moose. Submitted with all due respect, of course. :grin: That said, I'm not betting that they get past the Pens. Maybe, but I doubt it. Detroit past San Jose? Ehh, mebbe. Don't care for either team, but would rather Detroit wins.
  20. that was meant sarcastically...
  21. @Zach: "Great success!" I'll bet that in the sunlight it looks great. (looks good in the garage, too!). The cool thing is that it appears from the pics that it looks 'different' from your typical factory paint. People are gonna think you paid someone a boatload of dough to get that "custom" paint. Never would have guessed that a rattle can (and just a little bit of work) could turn out so nice. Great job!
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