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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. I think he said W.Lizard & Hooters are bad - he didn't say who he likes. Never had QSL, but B-Dubs isn't awful. What be your favorite for wings? I prefer to make my own, fwiw.
  2. "Stereo-typical"; forgot the hyphen. These kids today can't spell...
  3. By "he" you surely meant Wayne LaPierre, right? Maybe you saw "58" and immediately connected that to Obama, since during the last campaign he thought that's how many states were in the U.S. ... Has anyone told him there are only 50 or so?
  4. They must really think their customers are stupid...
  5. I'm not passing judgement, just throwing this out as food for thought: Is an F5 conviction, 6 - 12 months jail, and a $2,500 fine worth it for some surfing? Section (B), penalty at (G)(1) http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2913.04
  6. My C.U. pays me, too. They've never charged me for anything except for closing a mortgage. More ATMs? Fee-free? No. How many Huntington branches are in, for instance, California? There are loads of C.U. branches there, and most of them are part of the shared branch network, meaning I can go in and do most anything I'd need to do. Web developers? Umm, ok, you can have that one. Chase probably has more branches and an economy of scale, but my C.U. isn't losing billions speculating on derivatives... FWIW, I have accounts at The Huntington, too. They have a trust department, my C.U. doesn't.
  7. free if you don't need to write checks and you have $500 of direct deposits/month. free if you want to write checks - if you keep $1,500 in the account. move your account to a credit union. /thread
  8. The guy at your place figured you could hide behind a VPN? There's a built-in VPN connection in Android - Settings, WiFi/Networks, Other. There's probably a reason the powers-that-be at your job haven't provided access to teh intarwebz, but we won't bother with that, or the legal/moral issues of thieving someone's internet pipe, or how simple it will be to find you if "the it guy" has half a clue what he's doing. Me? I'd let you in for a while, but start capturing what you're doing, then screw with you, and if you didn't leave I'd just cut you off. ***edit: "the it guy" probably has no clue about anything. Leech away! But make sure your boss doesn't catch ya.
  9. If all you're trying to do is share files between the two devices, use Dropbox or Google Drive. Just like AirDroid, both are free, easy, and work.
  10. You trying to connect to the phone from the tablet, or vice-versa? If so, try AirDroid: it's free (as in beer), it's easy (like my sister), and it works.
  11. $17,500 firm. Super Rare Glock 21 (click) In case it gets flagged:
  12. They were last night (Monday) when I looked. Well, just checked and verified they ARE.
  13. discs can be hydraulic or mechanical. You're correct, they're used to overcome mud on the rims, also more stopping power, ability to work if the rim gets bent, etc.
  14. jblosser

    Badass punch

    Day-umn - don't eff with the older dude in the suit, that's for sure. He went all berserker on the second guy that came after him, which is what you need to do - go on the offensive. Kinda krav maga~ish - just go batshit crazy on offense, don't even give the other guy a chance.
  15. I used to race USCF road (criteriums), so i'm biased toward the road. Much greater speeds and the bikes are a lot lighter. Think Ferrari vs. Jeep. That being said, I also own a mountain bike and get some enjoyment from it, but not as much as being on the road. To answer your questions: 1) - if you have to drive 20 miles to get to a place to ride, you're (probably) going to be less likely to ride. However, you could always just ride the bike around the neighborhood, and once you're in bike-shape you could ride to the trail and home again. 100 mile (road) days aren't bad once you're in shape. 2) I'm not qualified to answer, but mine has front suspension. Maybe if you're flying down hills it's needed, dunno. 3) you'll want a helmet, two (minimum) pairs of shorts (unless you/your wife likes to do laundry and you're riding every day), shoes, gloves, water bottle(s), tire patch kit, air pump. clothing, if you watch sales, will be $100 and up for (2) shorts, gloves, and a helmet. Other stuff $50 - $100 4) dunno, live in the c-bus area 5) don't know your wife (insert joke here), but as long as you don't wanna go ballz-out i'd imagine she'd like to ride (insert another joke here). "The couple that plays together stays together". I see lots of couples out riding, just a leisurely pace, although i'm sure there are plenty that go at a competitive pace also. All in all, biking is a lot like tennis - something you can do your entire life. Relatively low-cost, relatively injury-free. I'd imagine KTM-Brian will chime in at some point, he seems to be a mountain bike guy. I've got a buddy that owns a used (and new) bike shop in C-Bus, if you're ever in town he can make a deal for ya. http://www.onceriddenbikes.com
  16. jblosser

    Mj usa

    Sounds like some positive progress is being made. If I were you, I'd not get too excited just yet, treat this like high school, you know - pray for an F, get a D-, woot woot! Does sound like someone's been forced into being a businessman and taking care of things properly, as they should have since the beginning.
  17. should be able to take 2 cases across w/o any tax. really, though, buy something good. I know, I know, you like Bud Light. Try some Molson Light, or Sleeman Light (or Sleeman Steam...), or something else that you can't get here. If you really hate it, someone at the resort will drink it and you can revert to Bud Light. I'd take your script for any prescription meds you're bringing. OTC stuff shouldn't be an issue. Just keep it the orange bottle you got it in at the pharmacy, put it all in your ditty bag or wherever, and declare it.
  18. - no radar detectors in Ontario, the O.P.P. (Ontario Provincial Police) will nail you. OPP is sorta like the Ohio State Highway Patrol, if Ohio was huge and in Canada. The OPP does run radar up there, no biggie for a few over, but don't push it. Also, you probably should stop at stop signs, no "California Roll". - take lots of bug spray. If there are bugs, there's good fishing. Bugs = fishing, no bugs = no fishing. - you will be buying your beer at The Beer Store. Save your bottles, because you paid a deposit on them when you bought them and you'll get it back when/if you return them. Sleeman is good beer. Don't buy Labbatt's, the clerks will laugh at you. Only Americans drink Labbatt's, apparently. Oh, and you'll be buying by the case. - at the border going into Canada: "do you have any guns?" "alcohol?" "tobacco?" "guns?" "drugs?" "guns?" - you will either waltz right through Customs (going into Canada) in 1 minute, or all your sh*t will be opened and inspected piece by piece, and it'll take at least an hour. At least they're friendly. - You can bring whatever you'd like back into the U.S. You won't be searched as long as what you declare seems reasonable. If they can see 10 cases of Molson in the boat and you wrote down "1", all bets are off. About the only thing they'll usually say is "welcome home". - depending upon how much cash you'll need, go downtown to the Huntington or J.P. Morgan to their International Desk and get that here. You won't get raped with fees like you will in Canada. If you run out of cash, just use your debit/credit card. - no one dollar bill in Canada, it's a coin, a "loonie" (there's a picture of a loon on it). Their two dollar coin is a "twonie" (two-knee). - be polite, you're a visitor. Everyone already thinks Americans are assholes, no need to reinforce the perception. - enjoy the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) should you be able to see them. Pretty darn spectacular, even if sober/straight. - try the local cuisine. It might suck, but you can get McDonald's here. Oh, and the kids at McDonald's in Canada don't think it's clever if you ask for "Canadian bacon" on your egg-uh-muffin. - you drive on the right side of the road, just like here. - gas will look really cheap until you realize it's in liters, not gallons. A hair under 4 liters (~3.8 iirc) = 1 gallon, so multiply the price you see by 4, take off a quarter, and that's your cost for a gallon. Approximately. Fill up in New York State before you cross over, it'll be cheaper, I guarantee it. There's probably other stuff I'll think of. Been going with the fellas for 20 or so years, always a good time. * edit: In Ontario, they speak English. they say "eh" (sounds like "a") at the end of most sentences. Canadian equivalent of "you know?".
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