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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Shoplift it then, ya cheap bastid! (I kept your 1TB drive, just added the SSD for speed. Unless you start gaming, you won't notice the difference unless you run benchmarks. Even then you won't notice it, you'll just see it on a report.)
  2. Pick up a 1TB drive for $60, a SATA enclosure for $20, presto! - storage solution. Copy your stuff over to it every now and then, turn off/unplug when not in use. "If you have a good backup, the server doesn't crash", or something like that. Karen's Replicator (click) is a free (as in beer) tool that works nicely. Interface is dated, but who cares? If you're going to do any amount of typing, a quality keyboard can make life much nicer. The ergonomic ones take 5 minutes to get used to, and then it makes it difficult to go back to a 'regular' one. Kinda like buying quality speakers for your hi-fi (!!!), budget $50 for a keyboard, you won't be disappointed.
  3. 100GB of rams? We'll never need more than 640k, but you're probably too young to remember that infamous statement (made by one W. Gates)... I'm not worried about the lifespan of LC, I'm worried about it springing a leak...especially after I change out the fluid and don't tighten a clamp enough or get it seated 'just so'. Looking around some more, looks like you <can> get air-cooled systems from cyberpower, you just need to start with one of the lower-priced models. I spec'ed one out with fans, same video, proc, and rams, but added a 40GB SSD for the OS (in addition to the 1TB storage drive), some USB 3 ext. ports, and a name-brand 600w PSU, ended up around $50 cheaper. Tried to share it/save it, but failed.
  4. Whatcha lookin' to do with this machine, any gaming? If not, you should be fine. If it were me, I'd skip the water cooling and go with good old-fashioned fans. I just don't trust water inside a case filled with electronics. Again, that's me. Nevermind, looks like Cyberpower only offers watercooled machines... I'd add more/redundant drives unless you have some other way of backing up your data. If you already have a keyboard, great, otherwise I'd recommend hitting the MicroCenter to try some different brands/models.
  5. I would say something snarky like "learn to shoot iron sights", but... The Raven for the HK shows it for the Streamlight lights, not Viridian. They can't be that far off; same thing, basically. You could do it yourself, and maybe find you're good at it and enjoy it. Knifekits.com has Kydex, Concealex, leather, and/or most anything else you'd need. Here's a nice how-to writeup (click)
  6. I assume "it's a military thing and you wouldn't understand" is the reason that the "12 step program" has 13 steps total, with two #6's?
  7. substitute Columbus OH for Japan. Step 24.
  8. jblosser


    From the album: misc

  9. I drank legally in Europe at age 16, but that was a loooong time ago, so the rulez may have changed. When I drank beer with alcohol, a pint of draft Bass at the Short North Tavern delivered by the bartender-ette from London with her delicious accent, a game of darts with the boys = life doesn't get any better.
  10. Sure. 7~ish tonight? I'll PM you my cell so if 7's no good... So you don't have to park, turn on Brodbelt (street where the LC is), parking lot on right, stadium on left. I'll wear a black ORdN t-shirt and wave like the Tifosi waving at Rossi if you're riding your bike...
  11. Sold! I'll be down there tonight, so I'll see if I can leave them at will call, otherwise I'll PM you and we'll figure out something.
  12. 3 of 'em, 9th row, right behind home plate. 7:05 PM start Friday games have music starting 90 minutes before the game, and "food promotions". Want 'em? Lemme know.
  13. Stored in ~/downloads for archival purposes. In case YouTube crashes I can assist with their DR and RTO/RPO metrics...
  14. Jumping all over his grammar, when he's trying to be helpful, is not cool.
  15. own it or making payments...? That's my guess. ***EDIT*** Jinu explained it, sorta... The "road skills test" is eminently easy. Not really a "test" of "skills" at all. The written part you have to pass in order to get your temps is harder. How the hell am I supposed to know if a pickup dragging a camping trailer has to stop at RR tracks, and what does it matter in regards to a motorcycle endorsement?
  16. beat me to it by 7 minutes...
  17. Spoiler: The BMW won. One of either, or both, for me please. Black would be preferred, as long as I'm making requests.
  18. The first ones look like you'd see your wrist/arm and not much else, according to the second picture.
  19. Better have a mop for the person that's on shitter cleaning duty.. AFJ Prez becoming a sponsor on ORdN!!! Thank you! No AFJ post would be complete without the obligatory All kidding aside, best of luck with the shop, Brandon!
  20. ...At least as far as the iPhone 4 is concerned. What, you thought I was talking about something else? The just-released white iPhone is .2mm thicker than the black one. This "news" reported here (click)
  21. Dads: The Original Hipsters (click) Old pics of dads, text describing how cool your dad was and how you, as a "hipster" (you know who you are, wearing your "ex-girlfriend skinny Levis", riding a scooter, etc) basiscally fail at all aspects of life. The text could have been written by the guy that writes the "Real American Hero" copy for the Bud Light ads. Example:
  22. If you get caught, A) you're a jackass for driving drunk and B) you were warned, and thus a jackass for not heeding the warning.
  23. Still have some 1u HP servers if you want. I have no use for them, gone totally blades here. Also some 2u, but seems like you're moar inclined to the 1s.
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