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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. I got nothing here either........ I remember your post from before, I would like to read the rest......
  2. Rod38um

    Bought it!!!

    Thanks, That was taken on the bed of my old utility trailer. I'm using the big size for my background, it looks great on there!
  3. Rod38um

    Bought it!!!

    LOL, I feel like a teenager this evening, I cant keep my hands off of it. I'm sure looking forward to shooting it tomorow
  4. Rod38um

    Bought it!!!

    Well I did buy the Kimber Grand Raptor today and even though I haven't had the chance to shoot it yet, I did get a couple pictures of it before the sun went down and before I get it all nastied up from shooting. Anyway, I'm just excited and had to post a pic!
  5. Rod38um


    From the album: Rods stuff...

  6. Rod38um


    From the album: Rods stuff...

  7. I use this method also....... It works perfectly! I tried an expensive toy once...... I like this better....
  8. Another Corrupt Organization Raping the Nation
  9. Rod38um

    1911 ?

    ^^^ Thats what everyone was saying... I've never been there so I dont know.
  10. Rod38um

    1911 ?

    Ok. I called Vances and spent quite some time discussing prices today and when all is said and done, they wanted $200 more for the same gun. I was shocked actually cause many of there other guns are pretty cheap. Anyway, they said they dont have any Raptors in stock and Kimber just notified them that if ordered now it would be after Christmas before they were shipped. So went ahead and put the Grand Raptor in layaway at my local shop and bought a Kel-tec .380 P-3AT while I was there. I should pick up the grand Raptor this weekend. http://www.handgunsmag.com/featured_handguns/HG_1207_05/index.html
  11. Almost 7000 this season...... but its not over yet!
  12. Rod38um

    1911 ?

    OK, Thanks.... I never understood that..... a lot of bike shops closed on monday as well....... 2 hour drive for nothing would suck! lol
  13. Rod38um

    1911 ?

    I just checked out their website, I didnt see the Grand Raptor but they had a huge selection of Kimbers. I will definately run up and look around. Probably friday or next monday.
  14. Rod38um

    1911 ?

    Sounds like its worth the drive up. I may have to check it out later in the week. I would pay 6 something for that gun in a heartbeat.....
  15. Rod38um

    1911 ?

    The Kimber I looked at was the Grand Raptor II Custom. It was much lighter than the others, smoother and just sexy as a gun can get.... but yeah, it was $1300 Are Vances really that cheap compared to everyone else?
  16. Rod38um

    1911 ?

    I've been lusting after a full size 1911 since I was a teenager. I've never bought one yet but I have made up my mind finally to just do it. I went to the local gun store and picked up a few to see how they feel.......... I should NOT have picked up the Kimber because it was freaking awesome and now I want one but they are pretty proud of their products and charge accordingly. Anyway I looked at Colt, Springfield, Taurus and Kimber. Does anyone have any guidance as to which one is great which is crap, anything to look for or look out for......??? I've been a hunter and shooter for years, I just never got into pistols so I'm kinda clueless Appreciate any help!
  17. I had an ST 1100.......... I still miss it...... that was an awesome all around, great for any riding kind of bike. Dont get me wrong, my CBR 1000rr is super fun but its designed for fun only. The ST was great for long distance travel. And great for fog and cold weather......
  18. Its always sad......... the boy had skills too......... Prayers to the family....
  19. Oh man......... I dont really have the words..... You have my best and my prayers!
  20. I don’t think it’s about health care at all, at least not for the liberal elite that run Washington. I think it’s about triggering socialism. I’ll tell you why First what company is going to pay for insurance when their taxes already pay for it? Companies will drop you so fast it will make your head spin. Then…. No competition….. Government option becomes the only option. Then it starts, people will complain! Patients will be unhappy. They may be able to choose their doctor at first but the waiting list will be months long cause everyone wants the good doctor. The government will first try to solve this by making you go to whatever doctor is in your district. One qualified doctor is as good as the next right? Besides it’s unfair for one doctor to get all the business when another has an empty office…… Then people will complain about lack of good doctors. Doctors will complain they cant repay student loans on low wages so the government will wind up paying people to go to school to become a doctor. Complete take over of education begins……. You see, once the government gets involved and messes up the natural order of things, it has to fix it by messing up something else and its like a very fast domino effect and the liberals know it. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the American way. We are about to become all that our fathers fought and died to defend us from. This is a power grab by the liberal elite, plain and simple! Oh……. And that’s just my opinion!
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