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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Rod38um

    Open carry?

    I've thought about open carry........ I came to the conclusion that I dont like it. At least not for me. I have 2 reasons. #1)I have become comfortable with concealed carry and often dont even think about it. I cant afford to "not" think about it if its open carry. I couldnt trust the guy behind me in line anywhere to not just reach up and take it before I could stop him. I'd hate to be standing at superquick with my hands full of pop and chips and some idiot yanks my weapon and start shooting or holding the place up. #2) If someone does start something, If I have a weapon in the open, I'm the first target. I dont like the idea of being the first target. I want to be the guy nobody notices till I pull my weapon and return fire. So I think I'll just keep mine concealed........
  2. If I've learned anything from this thread........ its.... Dont go to Cleveland unless you're packing heat!
  3. I went to the range today with 2 different45 ACP loads. I just wanted to see the difference in the 2 as far as recoil, good slide operation and see if I could notice any difference in accuracy. My heavier load was 5.6 of bullseye with a 185 grain HP/XTP. It was pretty close to the same feel as as a factory load with a 230 grain bullet. My other load was more of a target load. The same bullet but just 4.5 grains of bullseye. I really liked this load. Very reduced recoil, accurate and easier on my flinch control.... lol I stopped on the way home and bought some more bullets and 700 once fired brass. They're in the tumbler now, I'll be loading a decent supply of that load shortly :-)
  4. It always hits a bit close to home when an experienced rider goes down. It just go's to show; No matter how long you've been riding and no matter how good you are, you can still mess up or miss-judge something. Glad to hear you're ok!
  5. Nice! 45's are awesome!......... Save your brass!
  6. I've heard this and I know lots of guys also have single stage just for rifle rounds And I may pick one up as well. However reading some forums it sounds like many guys are impressed enough with the new powder dispenser that Hornady has to go ahead and load rifle with it. I have to say I have checked many loads on the scale and they come out exact every time. As my experience is limited I'll most likely default to tried and true methods. Besides, it gives me an excuse to buy more stuff.....
  7. Right now I'm just doing 45 ACP. I'm going pretty slow but can put out 50 rounds in about 15 minutes (with everything set) The handle on this press sort of breaks over at the bottom so that once you get past a certain point, it wants to hit the stops. That makes it pretty consistant. I liked the dies being set in bushings, you dont have to reset each time you change up. I plan on doing some 7mm Rem Mag this winter. I have about 100 cases for it already. I'd like to buy a .223. I always wanted one, this may give me an excuse to buy one and load up some custom rounds. I havent had any problem finding primers or or powder but bullets and brass are pretty scarce.
  8. In the spring time here, they go around and put gravel just off the pavement on the inside of curves. The cars and wide vehicles tend to run off the road in these places and sort of dig a hole over time. They always put the gravel in a heaping pile trying to make it last. The first car that runs off the road sweeps tons of loose gravel into the curve. You would think motorcycles didnt exist, huh? I've seen some places that do this then spray tar on the gravel to hold it in place. I wish our maintenance people would take notice of this...... Spring time here is a complete hazard....
  9. I have a 7mm remington Mag. Its the flattest shooting rifle I have ever shot. The accuracy is unbelievable if thats what you're going for.... Mine is a remington 700 stainless steel synthetic stock BDL If you check ballistic and trajectory charts, you'll see its really tough to beat it. It does pack a punch though.... lol
  10. As far as I know (but I've heard a lot of opinions) if you leave it in plain sight and have the ammo separated from it, preferably locked in another compartment, you should be ok. I understand the "truck" problem..... Thats one reason why I got a CCW permit, less chance of violating the law while transporting.....
  11. I've been wanting to reload pistol and rifle for years now and I figured this winter would be a good time to get started. I bought a Hornady Lock n Load AP press and a crap load of other little things you need to get started. So I'm gonna start off with loading 45 ACP and branch out from there. I already had a lot of brass and Hornady gives you 1000 free bullets when you buy their press and 100 free when you buy their dies. If I figure the cost difference between buying 1100 factory rounds and loading my own, the press and all the other stuff I bought pays for its self in the first 1100 rounds. Here's a pic of my man cave set up, its in my little garage cause I have heat in that one.... lol
  12. My daughter could have easily been in that video. She wears a double zero in pants. Her friends are all jealous of her size...... People always accused her of starving herself..... at least until they saw her eat. lol The girl eats like a lumberjack...... She supersizes at Mickey D's........ lol Trust me, she's not unhealthy just because she's skinny.
  13. The dems are already talking about what they can accomplish once the health care thing goes thru. They want to encourage preventative health care..... ie: since your health is now public/government business, they want to legislate things like what you eat, how much you weigh and so on. So basically if your fat they want to charge you more if you dont exersise or if you buy a little debbie snack cake or if you smoke...... they want to control your behavior........ Ofcourse this is still all in the "want" stage, but they are sure laying the ground work......... Welcome big brother.....
  14. It always feels good to get organized! Nice looking work space....
  15. I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with the family. I dont doubt what you say here at all. Looking at the pics someone posted, they have a side road entering the road you were on right in the curve. It seems gravel and sand always build up where two roads intersect, its not a problem if the road is straight but in a curve........ Be careful out there folks. Life is precious.
  16. They are one of the highest democrat voting cities in the country........ A shining example of liberalism at its finest!
  17. In all rights, this should be the headline, the front page of the papers..........
  18. True statement And the reason they called themselves that was because they had been forced to worship inside a state church as the state told them. (Britain) But by declaring independence, each would be free to worship their God as they saw fit. They just didnt name a religion. The concept of freedom was new! Every other document penned by the founding fathers makes clear that their Christian God was a part of their thought process founding this government. The fact that they endorsed no religion was purposeful, the fact that they intended to be and already were influenced by a faith in a christian God is un-mistakable. Its written Everywhere you look.
  19. Apparently he was upset that some didnt respect him being muslim and he was having a hard time dealing with hearing stressfull battle stories...........Awe.... poor him....... he was just mis-understood. Maybe when he gets out of the hospital we can give him a goverment job going around teaching us how to be more sensative to the plight of the islamic people. I mean, he's gonna deserve something since he missed out on the 72 virgins.........
  20. No blog or email, no copy and paste, just observation and a few articles to relate to it. And I voted no on issue 1...... Although I fully support our veterans, I do not support borrowing for a "want" and issue 1 is nice but its not a need, not when we dont have it. Both questions were irrelevant to the OP ......... an answer to the questions may have been......... http://www.amazon.com/Patriots-Novel-Survival-Coming-Collapse/dp/156975599X/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b http://www.amazon.com/How-Survive-End-World-Know/dp/0452295831/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b
  21. California has been a pretty good example of what run away liberalism can do. They have overspent on every liberal agenda issue coming down the pike. They have tried to counter balance this for the last several years by increasing every tax they can get their hands on. Each time their total revenue dropped. So they try raising them again and each time the people respond with: Wealthy people move out of state, business lay off employees, New business find another state, Old business doesn't expand, And Finally, more and more people are forced to ask for a hand out because they cant find a job. Now, out of desperation, they try it again: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/California-hikes-withholding-brn-1337031591.html?x=0&.v=1 Oh, but this time, they say they're going to give it back to you...... yeah, right..... For the life of me I cant figure out why liberals prefer overspending to responsible spending.... Crushing debt to a re-assuring surplus. With our current economic woes and the neo-liberals in charge with a tax and spend attitude towards every problem. I have to wonder at what point, if ever, will we see a complete economic breakdown? Argentina had various problems and the worse things got economically, they turned to liberals for the fix. The liberals had the message of the Government would take care of them. Well as everyone knows, you can’t ride on credit forever.... Their overspending and crushing debt led to hyper-inflation (20% per month) and a complete socio-economic collapse. This meant riots, starvation and rampant crime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_economic_crisis_(1999%E2%80%932002) I'm starting to wonder how long till we get there? Can we pull back from the brink with our votes? Are we better off if we collapse and start over or if we slowly dig our way out of this mess? There are so many similarities between Argentina and our current situation that survivors of their crisis are warning us, books are being written as a guide to surviving such a crisis. http://ferfal.blogspot.com/2008/10/thoughts-on-urban-survival-2005.html What do you think?
  22. Issue 2 was kinda damned if you do damned if you dont legislation. I dont want leftist groups trying to write legislation but Issue 2 was a left, liberal, Let's Create more government or the wacko's are coming kinda thing. Fear Legislation. All you had to do was vote on any legislation with common sense. Now you dont get the chance. A non-elected, politician appointed board that can be lobbied by big money will be dictating everything. Goodbye small farms, Hello high prices at the store.........
  23. +1 Good to hear! I wonder if it happens more or if it just gets reported more? Either way, when crime gets you dead instead of bling if it works out or 3 meals a day and a bed if it doesn't.......... "Dead" has to be a better deterrent! +1 for CCW permits!!!
  24. Thanks guys, I'm all for this one. Seems anytime I'm carrying, I wind up eating at a place that serves. I hate locking my gun up in the truck and if I'm on the bike.......... I guess I wont be eating where I want to......... Sounds like good legislation!
  25. Just over 7000 but hoping for a few more before I pull it into the house for the winter. (Thats right, I said into the house, I'm single and I think my baby looks good sitting in the den all winter. lol)
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