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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. The don't have enough silicon to make a duplicate of that.... Oh, wait, you mean the Jockstrap of Death?
  2. I would offer my own torso to make the mold. Just make sure Kari Byron does the work.
  3. Gonna check my gun safe. (*runs downstairs*) Nope, Obama didn't take any of mine. He's too busy trying to make poor people healthy. (That a$$hole)
  4. That one website created a gallon of the stuff for $16. If you just did a torso and heat then you're tlaking about 8-10 gallons. If you keep it clean enough to reuse then you should be good. Though the materials needed to mold a torso are likely more expensive. You'd need need tons of dental alginate, plaster and cloth bandages.
  5. Why not just melt it down and run it through a screen or something? Who wants to make a full-size ballistics-gel person for the next OR range meet-up?
  6. Ordinarily I'd agree - however a gun shop tends to attract the more right-wing clientele to begin with.
  7. The Camry video is older than dirt. That's Henry Raskin in the Camry. October of '08 I think.
  8. The guy had a mask on and they both appeared to see him from the window. Officer did well there. Some may question why he pointed the gun at the next customer to walk in... Of course his mind is "possible accomplice" but I'm sure those less aware of how these confrontations go down in real life would be upset at that.
  9. I laugh at his kind of anti-president joke as much as I laughed at the anti-Bush jokes when he was in power. Can't take it seriously, because it wasn't meant seriously.
  10. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    Dunno about your situation, but you can be arrested for disorderly conduct if you are doing more than just flipping the cop off. If you are moving around threateningly and aggressively and the officer can articulate why he felt you were a physical danger then he can take you in for that. But if you just stand there and, without breaking any actual laws, express your opinions in a non-threatening manner at an agent of the government then there is Supreme Court precedent protecting your right to free speech.
  11. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    What was the charge? Disorderly?
  12. Vermont voted against it? I thought they were the mecca of liberal cc laws?
  13. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    Concealed / Visible is initially up to the interpretation of the officer at the scene, then ultimately up to the judge/jury. There are some officers out there that will call it concealed if any part of it is hidden by clothing - if they want to charge you with concealed. There are those that will call it visible is any part is visible - if they want to charge you with a crime relating to visiblilty. Then there are officers who may catch you making a mistake on something (like back itneh days of the buckeye tuck, if your pistol was not visible) who will just tell you how to be in compliance with the law. Officer discretion. And if it's partly hidden and partly visible then one officer may call it concealed and the other may call it open-carry.
  14. Just got a call from "503 fore sicks hate farve too tree farve" (google-proof) telling me he was calling from "Your local security company" and tell me I'd been randomly selected to recevied a free security system for my house. I told the guy that if his security system was more secure than my 8 well-trained and heavily-armed fulltime security guards then we could continue the conversation, otherwise have a nice day. He hung up.
  15. I'm outta here before someone posts the blue waffle. *slams door*
  16. I did that 10 years ago. looks like crap now. And I'll have to scrape up all the paint to redo. 1000 sq ft.
  17. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    "Arrogant gun freak scares innocent Ohio workers. More at 11."
  18. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    Don't forget that an apartment lease is different to an at-will job. An apartment lease is for a specific period of time and specifies the rights and duties of both the tenant and landlord. In order to evict the landlord must show a judge that the tenant violated a provision of the lease. If the OP open carries and there is no provision aganst open carry in thelease then he's good (although don't be suprised if they don't renew the lease next year)
  19. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    I see where the confusion is. Private companies are not held to the constitution. Your right to not be searched is only binding on the government. The private company, though, does not have the legal power to force you to be searched. But there is no law that says they can't ask. And there's no law that says you must agree. But there is that law that says they can fire you for any reason or no reason at all. See how it all fits together? If the company has reason to believe you are violating a stated weapons policy, and you refuse a search of your car, then the company will probably exercise its right to terminate you. Doesn't matter if they quote that as a reason, or state no reason at all. "Unlawful termination" only covers specific employment scenarios such as gender, race, disabilities etc. As much as it sucks, being fired for refusing a search of your car is not an unlawful termination. (I would refuse the search anyway - better to be fired for refusing a search on principle than because they found a gun) If you think a private company is held to the constitution then try this... You know how you can call a cop an asshole all you want because, as an agent of the government, he is held to the constitution. Try sending around a companywide email calling your CEO an asshole. See how llong before they fire you. Give that whole "1st amendment" thing a shot while they are frog-marching you out the door.
  20. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    http://www.ohiobar.org/Pages/LawYouCanUseDetail.aspx?itemID=436 Or here: http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2001/01/art1full.pdf
  21. Scruit

    CCW Issue

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At-will_employment You can be fired for any reason, or no reason at all, except for a protected reason such as race, gender etc... http://www.davidyounglaw.com/?gclid=CJrt-YC5w6wCFY3JKgodRSSzpQ
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