30fps is not crappy - it's full motion video and you can't getany higher framerate than that unless you go for a hi-speed camera (the type they film bullets with) The resolution is surprisingly good... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWvp_KbbAd8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnPUBvcCyh4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LEmwhgTWiY The battery lasts about an hour. It won't delete the exsting video, so if you want to use it for regular commuting then you have to plug it into you computer and delete the existing video each time. It charges from the computer. If it runs out of space on the SD card or runs out of battery, it will save the current video. If you press stop, it will save the current video. **If youpower it off while recording, it will lose the current video*** I don't like the placement of the camera in the pic in the OP. I'd haate to have that thing smashed into my nose. Look at the thick chunk of foam next to your temple - a strip of velcro will hold it perfectly there. I quit using mine for commuting because it was a pain to keep clearing the video. I use it for specific recording needs. The video on my bike is filmed using a permanently-installed MDVR14 that has auto-on, auto-off and auto-overwrite of old video. 100% automated and hands-off. If it would auto-overwite, then it'd be perfect.