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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Attaching a snapping turtle to your junk isn't illegal either. Doesn't make it a smart thing to do.
  2. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    It takes two to tango, fer realz.
  3. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    Two things are also apparent to me: 1) The prosecution appears to have given up on a conviction and are just going through the motions - many of their witnesses are actually help the defense more than the prosecution. Their star witness did not come close to making their case, and the remaining witnesses are all telling stories that match Z's story. And this is the prosecution's case - the defense has still to put on its case. I predict a fast acquittal unless something remarkable happens. 2) I see this having a knock-on effect on those who represent neighborhood watch organizations. I think many will start implementing more formal rules of engagement with "following" prohibited.
  4. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    I've said all along that Z's actions were inadvisable, but not illegal. Being followed in a public place is not grounds for a physical attack.
  5. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    They just showed record that Zimmerman did MMA training back in 2011. i wonder how long he trained for and what level of competency he had. The obvious question is "If he is MMA trained then why couldn't he escape a mount?"
  6. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    Race should never have been part of this case. This is a simple case of an assault and a shooting - the only question is who initiated the assault. If it was M then it was a good shoot. If it was Z then Z goes to jail.
  7. The trial appears to be relatively down-to-earth compared to the other big trials (Anthony, OJ, Michael Jackson etc) Something that the prosecutor seems to be trying to do is suggest that Zimmerman was on top during the scuffle, and Martin was the one on the ground getting beat. This doesn't work for me for three reasons: - All the physical evidence is consistent with Zimmerman being on the ground and getting beat. M had no beating injuries, Z did. M had dirty knees, Z did not. Z had the broken nose and head injuries consistent with his version of events. - They have not accused Z of being on top, yet are happy to let witnesses say that they didn't know who was on top. Sh!t or get off the pot - either you're saying he was on top, or you're not. - The only witness to give a definite answer on who was on top/bottom said that the man in red was on the bottom - that was Z One thing said by the girlfriend fried a synapse in my head that I'm glad also went off in the defense's minds too... She said that she was sure Z attacked M not the other way around because, she said, that if M was going to start a fight he would tell her, hang up on her and ask her to call back and check on him. That made me wonder; "How many fights does M usually start, that he has an arranged method of her checking up on him afterwards?" Either that is true and that paints M as a regular fighter (which contradicts any testimony that is was not a violent person), or it has never happened and she is lying about how he handles fights while on the phone. If I was on the jury I'd take the "This is how he handles fights" testimony as proving him to be prone to violence. She also hurt her credibility when she insisted that she heard Z punch M on the phone, yet under cross she was unable to indicate how she could tell the difference between who punched who. She agreed that it was impossible for her to know who smacked who. She she insists that Z smacked M. This tells em that she is not merely testifying from memory, but adding a layer of her own interpretation. This is troubling and would lead me, as a juror, to discount any testimony from her that indicated who did what unless she could prove how she knew which way round it was. This would eliminate any testimony on whose voice it was was calling for help. This essentially renders her testimony moot, as the remainder of her testimony matches Z's account. Also notably absent is any mention of the gun in her calls, consistent with Z's story that the gun came out during the final seconds of the fights. So far the neighbors have all just said it was two men fighting. One said the larger person was on top, making her believe it was Z. She then said her idea of who was bigger or smaller was based upon the picture of M in the media in the following weeks- the 12 year of picture. Upon seeing a more recent picture of M she stated that she could not longer tell who was on top. One other neighbor so far has given an opinion on who was on top/bottom, stating the person on bottom was in red - which was Z, and is consistent with Z's account, and he further reiterated a the guy on top was engaged in an MMA-style Ground and pound. That testimony, unless refuted, might just be the most critical in the entire trial. At this point the prosecution is officially relying solely on the theory that because Z followed M that all events that followed were blamed on Z. They have repeatedly tried to suggest that Z attacked M, however that puts them in conflict with the physical evidence and not one witness so far has put Z on top until after the gunshot where Z was checking M's status. They have failed to make any kind of a compelling case to suggest that Z initiated the fight. So far no witness nor piece of physical evidence has refuted any part of Z's story.
  8. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    Regardless of any 'tude that may unintentionally come through my posts, I really do appreciate you giving me the benefit of your time and expertise. Thank you.
  9. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    Fair enough. Are the 4 mounts still available?
  10. That's what I mean - sounds pretty dodgy to me.
  11. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    I dunno. He insulted by "bottom of the barrel" furnace and my redneck repairs. I'm worried he'll insult my peepee when he gives me my reach-around.
  12. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    That makes a bunch of sense... The mount I used is too strong causing the motor to torque too hard against the SQF, putting all the force on the tip of the set screw. That explains why the last motor only lasted 8 years. So, continuing that though... the factory mount has some flex, right? That flex absorbs the initial startup torque and reduces the stress on the tip of the set screw? Ok, so now I know that the next time the SQF slips on the motor shaft, the permanent fix is to restore to factory configuration.
  13. Doesn't have to die. Just has to remove himself from the gene pool. Ripping his bits to bits counts.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo7D2neLwic
  15. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    I'm in Delaware - if this gives me a moment's trouble from now on I'll have you fix me up right. Grape > < Scruit
  16. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    I understand being given options - that's fair enough. In both cases (Motor replacement in furnace, and A/C recharge) the HVAC techs told me my ONLY option was to replace the systems. The furnace, as you know, ran fine for many years after the fix (longer on my mounts than the factory mounts) - and the A/C ran fine for 3 more years until we chose to replace it with a modern unit due to running costs (It's was a 1970's unit) Stands to reason that not being given the option to repair was not great advice. I realize this is not a top-end furnace, but you said it yourself - 500-700 for a new motor from a HVAC tech. I replaced this motor last time for $120. This time was $170 because thew local places refused to sell to me so I ordered online instead and had to pay shipping. Both times was less than an hour of install work for me. I understand the HVAC tech needs to make a living, and I would have jumped at the chance to have a HVAC tech do this work instead even at 300-400 - but I was not given the repair option by the guy who came out, so I opted for the $120 solution rather than the $4k solution. Maybe what I need to do is buy the 4 motor mounts now and set them on the furnace - next time the motor goes out (whether it be 8 years or 8 weeks from now) I'll insist on the replacement motor and I'll have the mounts in case they are obsolete parts by then. Then the unit can be reassembled back to factory specs. As the new motor is running like a champ I'm not really inclined to replace it again immediately - it won't hurt anything (other than the motor itself and the SCF) to wait until this motor has completed its service life. The furnace is 14 years old right now, so maybe by then it'll make sense to replace the entire unit. Please don't think I'm ragging on HVAC guys. We've all had good and bad experiences with different service providers whether it's getting cars fixed, roofing work done etc. My problem is that I like to figure things out myself so I successfully troubleshoot and correct the vast majority of the problems that a normal person would call for a service tech for. By the time I give up and call in someone, it's usually a doozy of a problem that half the time they can't even help me with, or it is complex enough that they don't want to get involved in it. (distinctly different from "I've had a go at fixing it and made it ten times worse so they don't want to inherit the mess" - which I totally understand)
  17. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    The capacitor is new. I kept the squirrel cage fan as it's still balanced and the hub is in good shape. The reason the last motor failed is the set screw came loose and was able to start cutting a gouge into the motor shaft. I didn't use loctite last time. I did this time. The mount has never been the problem, unless the mount is contributing to the set screw loosening in some way. Are the 4 motor mounts still available too? Do you accept that it is difficult for a homeowner to handle a situation where they call a professional and they are told something that is is not correct? How do you advise we handle that kind of thing? If I'd followed the professional's advice I'd have shelled out $4k on a new furnace I didn't need. Just keep calling them out until I get one that can do the fix I need?
  18. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    Uh huh. Been like that 8 years with no problems. The "professional" I called out at the time told me the he coudn't get the correct motor and said he'd only sell me a new furnace for $4k, not fix mine. $10 later I'm, back up and running and this mount has held, and continues to hold, 100% with no problems. In fact, over the 13 years I've been at this house I've called a "professional" out a couple times and only once has the call gone well. One time a guy spent 2 hours over 3 visits trying to diagnose the furnace not keeping a flame. Turned out to be abad vacuum switch that I diagnosed and replaced myself. Another time a "professional" came out to check a no-cool situation and told me it was illegal for him to fill up my freon, despite him saying the only issue was the freon was low and that there is no evidence or history of this old A/C ever leaking before. He tried to tell me he could only sell me a new A/C with new furnace also becuase no new AC would work with my furnace. He asked for $10k and asked if he "should schedule an install for tomorrow?" I told him I knew that he's allowed to charge a system - in this case all I'm asking for is a blow&go, not a new a/c. I sent him on his way and called ANOTHER professional out and this guy recommended a recharge and a service of the A/C. He took the evap outside, cleaned it up nice and charged me back up, it was only a couple hundred bucks. Not saying all professionals are like that, obviously, but simply saying "call a professional" has not worked for me in the past. Maybe it's just my badk luck to randomly pick the worst "professionals" in my area I WOULD really like to hear what it is about this motor mount (that has held for 8 years and is still going strong) is problematic for you? And what was I supposed to do when the professional I called out told me the part was obsolete and not available any more, and told me the only course of action was to spend thousands of dollars on a new furnace? You can say "get a second opinion" but that means I'm assuming the first guy is flat out lying about the availability of the part. Finally: Is the correct motor still available?
  19. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    Removing the old motor was a bear - the damaged surface of the motor shaft wound up getting a burr in the squirrel case fan hub and I wound up having to hammer the shaft out - which of course mushroomed the fucking thing. Eventually I removed the motor mounts and hammered the motor deeper into the hub until there was good undamaged surface on the motor shaft, then cut off the damaged section, pulled the motor back out the back. All went back together great, replaced a couple of screws that stripped out the mount holes so I used the next size machine screw Took photos of the wiring diagram on the motor and posted that in the maintenance folder. This is a 2-spd motor not a 3-spd motor, but the furnace wiring diagram show the lo-speed wire is not used so I'm not gonna cry myself to sleep over it. It's running, it's quiet and it's like a fridge in here. Score.
  20. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    Here's the mount I modified: Redneck-a-licious, huh? The four L-brackets used to bolt to the side of the motor using pre-drilled holes. The replacement motor had no holes and I didn't feel like drilling into the windings, do I modified the brackets to use these large universal clamps to hold the motor. Stayed rock solid for 8 years until I disassembled it again due to the motor shaft being torn up. Tonight I removed the old motor, cleaned the squirrel cage really well, installed the new motor using the same mount, and now it's running like a champ again.
  21. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    I don't understand why the flat of the motor shaft being 20deg off the set screw causes an imbalance? Unless the weight if the set screw balances out the lack of weight from the flat side of the motor shaft? I wanted to find where the set screw sits on the shaft, drill a 1/4" indentation in the shaft and use a 1/4" longer set screw for a more positive engagement, but apparently the balance is too finicky for that.
  22. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    It got bad enough I just had to get a new motor same as I have now. The new motor arrived yesterday. The blower wheel is relatively new after I snapped the head off the old set screw. I'll install it tonight using my modified mount. While I have it apart I'll post a pic. Maybe next motor will be the right one!
  23. Although he might want you to have sex with him when you get there, so just be warned.
  24. Scruit

    Hvac Question

    I have an old HCI Conquest 90 furnace GLUA105-E5A (W32/Y99) that has been running very loud this last year. Have traced it to the main blower fan is rotating on the motor shaft despite the set screw being tight - once the flat of the motor shaft is not lined up with the set screw the fan is off balance and I can feel the vibration through the house. Each time it gets loud I open it up, line the set screw back up with the flat of the motor shaft, then it's fine for some time. Was fine for a while but that fix lasts less and less time. Now it slips every couple of days. I tried filling the gouge in the motor shaft left by the set screw with my MIG welder and then filing it back down to the correct shape - that lasted about 3 months and now the fan has shifted off balance. Two questions: - New motor should fix that up, right? - This is a replacement motor - the factor motor had holes tapped into the side for the mounting bracket but the replacement didn't. I replaced the motor about 8 years ago and fabbed my own bracket at the time. It's still holding strong but it'd be nice to get the proper motor so I can use the factory mounts. Does anyone have a part# for the correct motor with the pre-tapped screw holes? Motor is an Emerson K55HXSTP-7621 at 115V 60Hz 9.1A 3/4HP Frame 48Y
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