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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Nothing on any of the news sites. I'd assume it's a hoax until proof comes in.
  2. Anyone else read the title and think this thread was about Gordon Gee announcing he was gay?
  3. I'd expect them to offer what they determine it is worth. They're not going to lowball their own customer like that - that's more of a "other person's insurance" kind of thing.
  4. There is a difference between a good faith judgement call that you got wrong... And the ongoing negligence and recklessness of texting/calling/drinking/fellating and driving. You either know it is dangerous, and should be punished for being reckless operation OR you didn't know it was dangerous and therefore are not well trained enough and should have your license revoked. "Kids will be kids" is of no comfort to the injured biker.
  5. http://fox5sandiego.com/2013/05/29/chp-distracted-teen-driver-causes-crash-injuring-cop/#axzz2Uk6XVQlJ I vote that anyone who causes an accident by distracted driving that hurts a biker should have their driver's license suspended until the biker recovers back to 100%
  6. Snopes has this listed but the page is offline right now. Basically, this is the real deal - well, it WAS. The two neighbors have now settled their differences and the shutters were corrected to a more friendly design.
  7. The only times I've heard of a totaled car being taken away is by your OWN insurance company - something you agree to in the policy. When it is the other persons' insurance company they leave the salvage with you - in my experience.
  8. They bumped her rates for a no-fault accident?
  9. Hopefully it's your last. Falling off bikes is hazardous to your health.
  10. Don't take this as an insult - just throwing this out there... Be VERY careful with those high strength narcotic painkillers. A buddy of mine just buried a family member who was 100% sober and never did drugs in her life until she started getting vicodin after a car accident. She became addicted very quickly and eventually would up O/D'ing herself into a vegetative state.
  11. I conceal because it makes my life easier.
  12. Echoing what others said... Assuming you have collision coverage, call YOUR insurance company and make a claim. They will charge you your deductible and then THEY will subrogate to (go after) State Farm for their money, and your deductible. If state farm disputes it then Grange won't *sue* state farm, they will go into arbitration. Either way, THEY do the legwork. You will get your deductible back. Paying for insurance then going it alone in a claim is like paying for a hotel room but sleeping in your car in the hotel parking lot.
  13. Wasn't this over a year ago?
  14. It certainly can be, especially if the BG just slots a bullet into the back of your head do prevent you from fighting back.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggN-385K5xY PMSL.
  16. I had the opposite problem - my insurance company kept my insurance on a bike I sold years ago. Every so often I'd notice and call them to complain and they promised to drop it and refund the payments. By the time they finally dropped it it had been covered for nearly a year after I sold it. At the end they acknowledged a note on my account requesting the insurance be dropped the day I sold the bike - they never did figure out why 5 attempts to drop the insurance never resulted in it being dropped.
  17. Think twice before reposting chain emails that you haven't researched for yourself... Or just check snopes: http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/charities.asp Salvation Army CEO paid ~$127k, 82% efficiency Red Cross CEO paid ~$511k in 2011. 92% efficiency Some people claim that certain charities are 100% efficient. That's not possible even with an all-volunteer staff, unles the staff also pays for buildings, insurance, government filings, vehicles, gasoline etc. Don't get confused into thinking that a charities internal costs are all in CEO salary (or salaries of all staff). How does the red cross get helpt o people in disaster situations? They have vehicles, insurance, registration, maintenance, gasoline etc.
  18. It's our fault too. The news outlet that waits until the info is confirmed will lose viewers to those that release body counts earlier, regardless of if they are correct or not.
  19. Unless the truck driver is a hot chick, like in those trucker video games...
  20. I'm going to try "I do so only because it suits me to". Or: "Don't thank me - I'm only being civil because my parole officer is watching."
  21. Called a guy in for a recharge on the AC, first charge in the 8 years we owned the place, and the guy told me the system was completely shot and wouldn't last the season, which only had a month to go. Tried to get me to buy a whole new system for $7k. No thanks, just a charge please. It was another 3 years of working fine before we replaced it - and even then only because of the tax credit.
  22. In the Turks and Caicos islands they say; "No problem, no stress, mon..."
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