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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Scruit

    Old dog

    Being a logical person is nice sometimes, but it can be annoying in situations that are emotional by necessity. I know the stages of grief, and I'm checking them off as we go through them. I'm still mired in guilt. Why did I opt to have her put to sleep? I hate myself for that. I know logically it was the right thing to do, but I cannot shake the guilt of making that call.
  2. Scruit

    Old dog

    I ordered a stone just like yours. I'm going to plant something nice over her grave.
  3. Scruit

    Old dog

    The vet old me an otherwise healthy dog with a mild case of congestive heart failure could live another 6mo to a year on treatments, but the treatments are hard on the kidneys. Bean's kidneys were out of whack too, so the treatment for her heart would most likely have caused kidney failure. I keep thinking that maybe we made the wrong choice, that if we'd waited for the cardiologist that maybe he'd have said something different, or given her a magic pill that fixed her up 100%. I know it's not logical, but I can't shake that feeling. My wife accused me of the same, in a fit of emotional anger. Now I feel worse. She was deaf, arthritic, had a bad knee, couldn't run, could hardly walk more than 50', she had lost 15% of her bodyweight in the last month, her kidney numbers were wrong, liver numbers were wrong, had an enlarged heart and a valve prolapse. Beyond that, she just wasn't HER. She would mope from place to place and not take enjoyment in anything except fro rare days when she seemed more normal. That night she suddenly started breathing very rapidly for no reason, like panting but without sticking her tongue out. She wasn't overheated. WE monitored that for a while then she starting wincing with every breath. Then her breathing became very labored and she couldn't stand up straight. I took her to the emergency vet. They took the symptoms and did some tests - came back that her lungs were almost completely white on the x-ray, not the black they are supposed to be - she was only able to breath a tiny fraction of the efficiency she needed. After discussing treatment options. Effectively, we could have her seen by a cardiologist and start an aggressive treatment plan, but that the drugs she needed would have cause kidney failure in her. I decided that I should call my wife in - when she arrived we gave her the download and chose to have her put to sleep. They gave us a chance to go back and say goodbye, but that made things worse because she was on aggressive oxygen treatment so inside the little plastic bubble she was much more lively, almost like she wasn't sick. of course as soon as they took her out she would have suffered again. She wagged her tail when she saw us. We all broke down. We said out goodbyes, walked away, and I signed a piece of fucking paper that said kill my fucking dog. Now she is buried in the back garden, so she is home with us again.
  4. How many cameras? I like the Aver line of hybrid DVRs - they'll take regular NTSC camera signals and/or IP cameras. You can start with cheaper cameras and upgrade to IP cameras at your leisure. 4 channel: Aver EH1004H - about $350 for the DVR. My 16 channel model was about $1,600 a couple of years ago. http://www.averusa.com/surveillance/products/hybrid-dvrs/eh1004h.asp For the cameras I'd go with vandal domes unless you have some reason not to. They run about $200 each for decent ones. Decent bullet cameras run about $120 each. Get enough RG59 siamese cable to run all of your channels. Get a power supply to supply the cameras, don't rely on ac adapters at the camera. A DVR and central camera power supply can be plugged into a UPS and keep your system running even during a power outage. The power supply should run about $50. You'll need sundries too, like BNC connectors and possibly DC connectors, depending on camera. Need a monitor too, and a mouse/keyboard, to interact with the DVR.
  5. I'd let her "find my big thing"
  6. Scruit

    Old dog

    It's a really bad case of congestive heart failure. She is on oxygen right now, so she is temporarily comfortable. Without aggressive treatment she will die within hours, and she will suffer throughout. We can start aggressive treatment now and maybe get her a few more months, but the vet warned us the treatment plan will run ~$3k. Given her age and other health problems, we didn't expect her to survive much longer already, but now with this we're agreed it's her time.
  7. Scruit

    Old dog

    We think it's her time. My wife is heading in so we can say goodbye together.
  8. Scruit

    Old dog

    Her heart is failing.
  9. Scruit

    Old dog

    Headed to medvet. She took a real sudden turn for the worse. She has stopped eating, and this afternoon she started having some breathing problems, over the last hour she has clearly become distressed by her breathing. She could use some kind thoughts.
  10. The subject of CCTV is far too wide and complex to answer such a generic question. Tell me - The problem you are having. (Neighbor giving you problems, worried about burglary) - What activities you hope to capture on video (Thefts, vandalism, pranks) - Are the expected culprits likely to be known to you? (employee theft = yes. Burglary = no) - Are you ok with running wiring? (wireless cameras still need a power wire!) - Is this a temporary or indefinite need?
  11. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    Just those, or other clothes too?
  12. Huh. Never noticed a problem with not having that.
  13. If she OC'd him then that's a pretty serious assault charge there. Think of the danger that creates for everyone.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GNQt578qHQ
  15. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    The prosecution is asking for manslaughter and murder 3 as lesser included offenses. In other words, they know murder 2 is not going to fly so they are going for "child abuse resulting in death" Self defense is an absolute defense to all of those, though. The prosecution seems to think the jury will find Z culpable but not as high as murder 2. I believe his self defense claim so the lessers are a waste of time.
  16. Is it a comprehensive or collision claim? Comprehensive typically doesn't raise your rates. Some companies won't even raise your rates on collision unless their un-reimbursed loss (to you and/or any 3rd party) is over $1k
  17. it *can be* but it is a separate charge that the officer has to file.
  18. I noticed the feed lips on the tapco plastic mags are different from the metal mags. I took about 3/4 of material from the leading edge and now it feeds 100%
  19. If the rifle has historical value then keep it as is. If not, and you want to modernize it, make sure you change enough parts to make it 922r compliant - that is, if you want the bigger mags you have to replace enough parts with made-in-usa parts to make it a US rifle, not a foreign rifle. I replaced the mag body, baseplate, follower, stock, butt, top guard,hammer, sear and gas piston. Here's my SKS: Before: After:
  20. Stands up to a beating? Meh, domestic violence is not something I think is funny to joke about.
  21. It's more prevalent that we want to believe. 20 years ago at a family gathering I was talking to a family friend (who was always invited to these gatherings) when my cousin walked past - she said hi and continue on her way. The FF said; "Do you want her first? I don't mind sloppy seconds." She was 8. I told him to fuck off and went to talk with the girl's parents. He was asked to leave and we never saw him again at any more family gatherings. Think of how many people out there are keeping that stuff inside. I do understand that human males have instincts that have programmed us to respond to female "sexual signifiers" like boobs, butt, hips, waist etc. If you have a girl who's underage but fully developed then I don't judge anyone for being attracted to them. Having said that, society demands we keep instincts in check - whether it's the urge to f*ck jailbait, have sex with women we shouldn't, beat up people we don't like or steal things from other people that we want, so the "instinct" argument does not extend to actually doing anything about that attraction. Maintain the moral standards required by society and you're good. Cross the line and you go to jail. Now, as to folks who are attracted to pre-pubescent children... Brazen Bull. Google it.
  22. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    The ME has turned out to be a terrible witness. He's testifying from personal notes that are not admitted in evidence, and now refusing to hand over a copy. This is amazing stuff to see a witness try to defy the court like this. He also has no memory of doing the autopsy, won't authenticate notes made by subordinates in HIS autopsy report, and won't answer questions without going on long answers even after objections are sustained...
  23. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    This ME is trying to make the state's case, volunteering that M's knuckle injuries could have happened hours before the confrontation or even as he fell to the grass...
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