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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. How long does it take to stop a semi from 70mph?
  2. Poor thing is gonna have its tail ground down to a nub. Can it even breathe?
  3. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2013/08/02/sot-nr-semi-goes-airborne.cnn.html
  4. Florida teen killed doing what he loved to do: http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/crime/2013/08/08/nr-vosot-valencia-police-taser-kills-teen.cnn Unfortunate for hiim, "what he loved to do" was graffiti vandalism and run from the police. Died after a taser shock. Autopsy pending. The media spin on this is crazy. "He was just painting an abandoned building". = He was vandalizing the building with graffiti. "He ran from the police because he was scared" = Most folks are scared of going to jail - that's what keeps most people following the law. "He was straight laced and never did anything wrong " = Except for vandalism and fleeing the police. "He doesn't take drugs" = Then why does he go by the street name "Reefer"? It's sad an unfortunate that he died, but the blame is all on him, not on the police.
  5. And when CCW passed there was going to be blood in the streets... A new law would need a public education component. Possibly put up signs that say "Motorcycles allowed between lanes below 20mph" We cannot argue against new laws on the basis that some drivers are bad. That's also an argument against riding a motorbike in the first place.
  6. I have a modular helmet and flip it up going into stores - never had problems. I remove it when I go into the bank.
  7. The third link shows the story to be much more complex than the first two. The first two seem to suggest it was the store clerk mistaking an innocent biker for a robber, but the third one shows that there was history, a confrontation of some kind etc. I'll reserve judgement until I hear more.
  8. Any lane splitting legislation would also have to specifically state that any vehicle occupant who opens a door into a bike would be at fault for the accident.
  9. That law read to me a 30 days within the warranty period - and it was only in the shop for a day or two before the warranty expired (July 8th to 9th). I think the lemon law no longer applies. IANAL. Ask a local lawyer for more guidance, as you clearly have a border case where it was being repaired under warranty when the warranty ran out. Of course they have to honor the warranty, but are they still held to lemon law? I think a well crafted letter from the lawyer would grease the skids at least. Be careful threatening legal action - you're just as likely to make them consult their own attorneys and switch from a "keeping the customer happy" mode to a "Do whatever won't get us sued" mode. When my Wee went in for its 600 mile service they found a problem with the starter. Suzuki dragged their heals and kept asking for more and more proof of the bad starter. Finally the delaership (Ohio Motorcycle in HIllard) put a starter from a showroom bike on mine and that fixed the problem. It was only 3 weeks old when it went in for warranty work. They had it two weeks.
  10. What am I missing? Unless the homeowner is having the Mustang towed for blocking the driveway?
  11. I'm not a huge Mac fan myself but I can't imaging people running away from it.
  12. it is a credit-card sized linux PC.
  13. Huh. Can't delete duplicate posts?
  14. Rather than using post-processing on the Pi he should have used a text overlay board. I have one on my dashcam (have had it for 5 years) that reads serial GPS data (4800 8N1) and overlays it on the video image prior to the DVR. What I don't have is throttle position, but for the road that's more trouble than it's worth from a liability perspective. On the track it'd be much more useful. I've been looking to replace the speed on the overlay which is in knots, with MPH. I tried creating a pre-processor using a Zilog Z8 chip and I had it working on the prototyping board but could never find the time to make the leap to a standalone board. I'm going to use an Arduino to try to achieve the same thing. Right now the speed is in knots and I have 5 chars to play with so I was going replace "39.1" with "45MPH" I also want to replace the heading from 5 chars in deg to cardinal directions and tail light status, so... Headed north with my left furn signal on changes from "0.0 " to "N l" I'd use L for left turn signal, R for Right, H for headlights (ie no turn signal) R for reverse and 4 for 4-ways. The letter would be in lower case when the brakes are off, and upper case when the brakes are on. That way I can represent any important combination of tail light status. I probably don't need a headlight status as my car has DRLs so my headlights are always on. Braking, turn signals and backup light are the most important.
  15. I once got a call from some random person who started off with "I'm going to jump on your head until you stop moving" Apparently he was upset at what I had done to some girl he knew. I managed to calm him down asked him who he was trying to call. He rattled off a phone number that was a couple digits off mine. Even when he realized he had the wrong number he was still a dick.. "I'm gonna come over there and.." "Come over where? You don't even know what number you called!"
  16. Scruit

    Blue Lights

    The only reference to blue lights being illegal I can see is ORC 4513.17 which says flashing/rotating/oscillating blue is illegal. Can't seem to find a law against solid blue. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4513.17
  17. Whatever he was doing, he was riding with no license plate...
  18. Yup, the car driver's reaction tells us everything we need to know about the survivability of that accident. I don't think the biker tried to split between that car/truck - there wasn't enough room and he knew it, hence him trying to stop behind the car. It took him too long to decide to stop, and the road was wet enough that his stopping distance was crap too. RIP rider. Reminds us how easily a moment's bad decision can be fatal.
  19. Scruit

    Old dog

    The original post is a year old, but the story didn't end until two weeks ago when she was finally sick enough that we had her put to sleep.
  20. Scruit

    Old dog

    Spending today building a flower garden over her grave. We had a small memorial stone made up for her. I'll post a pic when I'm done. The only thing more depressing than building this garden is knowing I have to build it to accommodate our other dog, Peabar. She's 12 and just came back from the vet with a clean bill of health - still, there will come a time when we bury her too. What's the point in any of this?
  21. I still think Snowden will be judged by whether the info he released proved the government was acting in violation of the constitution. - If unconstitutional then Snowden is a whistleblower and should get protection, and the unconstitutional activities should be stopped. - If constitutionally OK the Snowden should answer for releasing those secrets. Question: Where does someone like Snowden go if he feels what he is being asked to to is illegal?
  22. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    What he bought is irrelevant - good or bad - to the case. Don't care if he bought a bible or a bazooka. All that is relevant is "Did he start the physical confrontation?" Jury says yes, end of story.
  23. We have a fewer number of very wealthy people, and a lot of poor people.
  24. Scruit

    Zimmerman Trial

    Not any more. Eric Holder has it, desperately searching for some way to continue the persecution...
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