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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. What difference does it make who holds the umbrella? You want the secret service guys to hold it? Or did we suddenly invent a "Must get wet" rule for presidents now? Question: Are those marines armed?
  2. This. Every president gets the same treatment, and it's stupid either way.
  3. Two sides. Does the guy need to be in care? Is she selling the house to pay for said care? Someone needs to trace his assets from the moment she got POA until now and determine where his money has gone. If all went to his care then fair enough - if she took it for herself then take her house to pay him back. They need an independent assessment of his living conditions. Is he safe in that house, and able to care for himself? Then let him stay. If not, then his living conditions should be adapted to his needs (whether that be in a retirement home or by paying for in-home help etc) WHY did she transfer the deed into her name? What was the reason for that? Why can't she give it back? That's a big question for me.
  4. Barron, your recent posts are dripping with fail... Please try harder.
  5. What is wrong here? He's passing the umbrella over the top of the arch because it won't fit under.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Armed_Forces_oath_of_enlistment
  7. Really? You're going with that? Could be worse - Bush didn't even know how to use one...
  8. Doesn't bother me at all. The Marine Corps is sworn to defend the President of the United States against all enemies, foreign, domestic and meteorological.
  9. I did that once - Released a mouse that the bottom of the garden. It looked up at me then scurried it's hairy ass right back towards the house. By the time I got back it had locked the door, eaten all my food, drank all my beer, smoked all my cigars and had taken liberties with my wife.
  10. You need something a little bit more.... Saw... How about a light pressure plate that turns on a ring of blowtorches. "I want to play a game"
  11. How do you kill them? Water in the pan? This is a great idea that is safer than traditional snap traps for my dogs. There's a similar trap that uses a platform suspended over water and once the mouse gets hear the bait the platform collapses - that's only good for one catch per trap reset - but the cylinder trap (coke bottle, pvc pipe or anything similar that can take a central axle) is a great improvement. There's something in my barn that I need to try and catch. Wonder if I can make a groundhog-sized trap fro a 55 gal bucket and a 3-liter coke bottle.
  12. In my case I wouldn't deny the police entry - at the very least I'd have my wife come to the door and speak with them. I wouldn't make it into a confrontation. People say "if you don't exercise your rights then you lose them." Well, that's not an absolute - I would not open-carry into a kid's birthday party. I choose to not exercise my statutory and 2nd amendment rights at that moment because the totality of the circumstances favor not carrying. Similarly, I would invite the cops in to talk with my wife and I because common sense tells me that the whole event will be over in about 2 minutes and they'll be gone, whereas they won't go away if I refuse them. That does not mean that I must always allow them in. I can verbally refuse but if they force entry then I'm going to comply, and sour of the RS/PC later. Any evidence they gather is invalid if the entry was illegal. Every civil rights attorney will tell you that if you are being arrested/searched and you don't think you should be, don't resist. The courts are there to redress any grievances. WRT The wife's hands up... They were being told to get on the ground - not to put their hands up. She didn't get on the ground, so they put her on the ground. If it turns out that they were acting in bad faith them they will be punished later. Refusing to comply with the officers while they are securing the scene is a mistake, they will establish control, then sort it out later. The alternative is a prolonged mexican standoff, which is unreasonable. If it turns out the information they acted on was not sufficient probable cause to enter the house then that will be resolved in the coming weeks/months.
  13. I wish people would consider the alternative. What if the police allowed themselves to be turned away and the domestic assault victim is assaulted and/or killed soon after that. Those same people ranting about "not martial law" would be ranting about the police failing to protect the victim. There's folks out there that simply will never utter a good word about a cop. At which point their opinion becomes throwaway. People should approach each situation with an open mind.
  14. Why were they there? On a report of domestic violence? As far as I'm concerned, a report of someone being the victim of violence inside the house is probable cause to enter the house to ensure that all occupants are safe, account for, and get any medical attention they may need. The risk of them not going inside is the attacker may be hiding the victim, or be coercing the victim into pretending to not be a victim, and hiding behind the the "not a police state" thing. If they have good documentary evidence of the tip that was called in then I'm ok with this policy. Our rights are not absolute - not when they collide with other people's rights. If the police honestly believe someone inside the house has been assaulted then they have a duty to locate that victim and ensure they are safe.
  15. But what if the blanket is a foot above your head and doesn't cover your feet?
  16. The key phrase is used "for the exclusive or main purpose of enforcing the motor vehicle or traffic laws of this state". Delaware County Sheriff used to run a purple Durango that would sometimes run traffic. I asked a deputy about it and he said that it was not the vehicle's main role, but that they sometimes did traffic in it if this unstated main purpose was not needed at the time. I lost part of a load of sheetrock from the roof rack of my wife's outback when a deer jumped out in front of me. An unmarked Impala stopped, used his blue lights to provide me with cover while I loaded up again. Might have looked like he pulled me over.
  17. You know something we don't about Casper's piggies?
  18. 10 points if you identify the station and city.
  19. Or was the car stopped to help a broken-down vehicle?
  20. You don't buy AWD for fuel economy. I average 20mpg in my Legacy GT
  21. Don't care about his history. I'm not asking him to babysit my kids. He helped the girls get free, just accept that and move on. Or do we want convicted criminals to refuse to help for fear of being vilified again for crimes they already served their sentences for?
  22. You could always lie and say you don't have a condition of episodic impairment, sure. Dunno how that would affect insurance coverage or if you could be charged with falsification, though. My guess is if you wreck (probably because of an impairment episode) then you are not going to enjoy the new few months of legal proceedings. As the law is written you are required to volunteer that information and have a doctor's note to prove that the condition is under control.
  23. All drivers. http://publicsafety.ohio.gov/links/hsy7607.pdf page 9.
  24. Wait, are those boobs or butt cheeks? Oh, I see the legs now. Boobs. phew.
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