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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. Hey,can I call first dibs on the Magnepans?
  2. Just legalize it,it's much less harmful than alcohol.I'd go one step farther,allow personal use cultivation,strickly regulate it and kiss the state deficit good bye.Think of the cottage industry it would create,it could be even larger than the cottage industry of illegal marijuana.We obviously didn't learn anything from prohibition...illegal makes the criminals rich and creates violence,legal produces government revenue.
  3. Not the story I've heard.But that's the wonderful thing about the two party system...you can always blame it on the other party.O.K.,for arguement sake let's say you're story is true.Social experiment?It must have been a republican experiment since they had the presidency for 8 YEARS and the congress for what,4 years?Couldn't do a thing about it?Can't remember one time hearing W warning us about this impending disaster,let alone do anything about it.It almost sounds like you're social experiment explanation is another WMD story.As a matter of fact,I can remember W saying time and time again,"All the economic indicators look good",while anyone with an I.Q. above a Texas village idiot knew the economy was in trouble.But then again,maybe he was preoccupied with his trillion dollar war on the guy that threatened his daddy.No WMD's,nothing to do with 9/11.But that's o.k.,Obama got us back on task and took care of that little problem.To use Bush's words,"Mission accomplished."Brings us full circle to what this thread is about.
  4. You're joking,right?Or you've been asleep for the past ten years. Republicans create such a business friendly environment that when the last re-puke president left office the economy was collapsing so fast that your super smart C.E.O.s had to be bailed out to the tune of $600,000,000,000.Yea,you're right,republicans are business oracles and C.E.O.s are really,really smart. Sure,companies go over seas because of those nasty socialist laws...it has absolutely nothing to do with that $3,000 a year labor provided by their business partner,socialist China. Again...republicans love socialism as long as it makes them a buck. Are you willing to work for $3,000 a year?Again,hypocrites. Re-puke....it's biblical,Proverbs 26:11
  5. I usually commute to work and the last month or so when I walk out at night and look at the parking lot there's about a hundred cars and trucks and one bike,mine.So on the ride home tonight I was thinking about why I like to ride so much.I'll ride in the rain,wind,cold(to about 20) and of course on the nice days like today.Powerfull bikes and not so powerfull bikes like the KLR...it doesn't matter.So why do I choose to ride when most people choose to drive.Here's what I came up with... I think that riding a bike brings the art of driving back.For the most part,modern cars are pretty much a point and shoot affair...auto trany,climate controled environment,traction control,entertainment(music,dvd,telephone) and even cup holders so you can eat and drink while you "drive".Not much real driving here. But on a bike you are intimately involved with the art of driving/riding.You do the shifting,work the clutch,brakes,cancel turn signals,read the pavement condition,judge the cornering speed and line,watch more attentively for animals,feel the weather,smell the smells...in short you,are fully immersed in driving/riding.I think that's what keeps me riding regardless of the conditions.I have always been a purist,I like things in their most pure form and riding a bike,at least to me,is the most encompassing form of driving.Unlike a car,it engages all the senses. Now I know what to tell people when they ask me why I'm riding in the rain or cold.
  6. So what would you guys say the percentage of C.E.O.s and upper management in this country are,republican or democrat?I'm thinking it would lean pretty heavy in the republican direction.It was the C.E.O.s and management that sent our jobs and economy to a socialist country...not Obama.They are the socialist.If you shop at communist china mart,or try to save a buck by buying some communist near-slave labor products your just as socialist,or more,than Obama.Republicans seem to think socialism is o.k. if it makes them a buck,but if it's helping someone else it's the spawn of satan.Hypocrites.
  7. Anyone that commutes by bike has to be getting a little tired of this rain.I'm making it about four days a week,but usually it's raining to hard in the morning one day a week.I'm like ReconRat,I don't mind getting wet going home,but I hate getting too wet in the morning.
  8. I have to disagree also...religion can bring out the better angels in our nature.Many of the best colleges in America were started as Christian institutions.Is that making war on intellectualism?Look at the names of the hospitals in your area,if they're like the ones around here they have names that reflect Christian beliefs.Here in Zanesville the two hospitals are Good Samaritan and Bethesida.Again,people of faith started these institutions to relieve people's suffering.Then there is the red cross.You can say what you want about these institutions,but it can't be denied that they have helped millions of people in their time of need.Of course these are just a few examples of the thousands of faith based institutions that help people On the other hand,what has secular humanism or atheism ever done for anyone in need? Also,religion has produced the likes of Martin Luther King,Mother Theresa and Mohandas Gandi.I don't know about you,but I consider these people "the better angels of our nature."
  9. What a great story,that made my day! After reading the history behind the picture,it just made the photo that much more piognant.Piggy's paw on Rily's shoulder gives the photo that proud parent feel. You've got a good eye,and that's an excellent photo! Btw,there's a bible verse that states that you should help strangers because you might be helping an angel unbeknown.To me,you're whole story brings that verse to life,and it looks like you got three angels there.Enjoy!
  10. Oh brother,another re-puke claiming to be a christian to get votes.From the new testement that I read all these guys (Bush,Kasich,Ray-gun,etc,etc) line up much closer to the pharisees than they do Jesus.Jesus was always with,and helping the downtrodden,not licking the boots of the rich.As for Ron Paul,time will tell. If you're looking for God or his people in politics,good luck.Politicians weren't on the side of Jesus in the bible,and they aren't now.
  11. That's part of my commute.I'm working in Cambridge and live in Zanesville so my after work ride is,660,313,146,Salt Creek drive,555.Not a bad road in the bunch. If you get a chance give 313 a try,it's fun too.
  12. I could live with the dated fairing,but the other two would be considerations.The other big Sport-Tourers are pushing that $16k price point,so personally I would pay a little premium to ride American,say $18k.I really think it's up to us to get the country out of this economic funk by buying American if possible.One other consideration for me would be a good warrenty,since it's a new design.
  13. Speaking of good deals on riding books...Borders on Kenny rd is closing and today was their last day,everything was 90% off.I got Twist of the Wrist 1 for $1.99.That and a vintage motorcycle price guide were the only books left on a 5x8 foot book shelf.I bought them both for $3.82.
  14. It's morel mushroom season in Ohio.If they're outdoors types take 'em mushroom hunting.If you find some and fry 'em up,they'll forget all about that fish and chip stuff.
  15. Just saw this in Motorcycle Consumer News; http://motusmotorcycles.com/ I am VERY interested.I'd love to ride an American sport tourer,and this one looks good.Looks like a cross between a Moto Guzzi and a Ducati.
  16. Finally,something me and Kasich can agree on. The deal we gave the gambling czars and putting one of the Wall steet bankers that destroyed the economy in the governor's mansion pretty well proves Ohio voters are out of touch with reality.
  17. A couple bad habits that come to mind....don't ride in the middle of the lane,ride in the cars tire tracks.If there is dirt,debris,car parts,oil,grease and on and on,it will most likely be in the middle of the lane.I saw a guy doing this today. Another bad habit...not looking far enough ahead,especially in turns.This one will take some practice and confidence.When going into a turn look as far ahead as the turn and surrounding obstructions allow.A lot of people just learning pretty much look just over the handlebars,you've gotta look out to see any possible hazards and to judge proper turn speed.Delayed apex cornering really helps with seeing ahead,but it might be a little early to bring that up. Don't rely on leaning alone to corner. Has anyone explained countersteering to you yet?Simply put...if you want to turn left PUSH on the left handgrip,to turn right Push on right handgrip.I know this sounds bassackwards,but it helps the bike "fall in" and makes cornering much easier.Just slight pushs are needed...give it a try in a parking lot if you aren't doing it yet. Another bad habit...not canceling turn signals.Don't give the cages a reason to turn in front of you.
  18. They are a little pricey,but if you're in the market for one you can save a little money at the I.M.S shows.I got the classic model for $460(if I remember right) at the Cleveland I.M.S this year.No taxes,no shipping if you pick it up at the show. If I would have bought that thing when I bought the FJR it would have payed for itself two times over.
  19. I just read you're other post about your friends thinking that you should just be able to ride. Never under any circumstances try to ride to someone else's skill level or expectations!Not now,not fifty years from now.It'll get you killed.That's the major problem with some group rides.Whatever you do,stay within your own skill level and comfort zone.If people give you shit about your pace or push you to go faster,look for other people to ride with or ride alone.
  20. I really liked silverfox's idea of having someone shadow you.If possible,I would take it one step farther and ride with a more experienced SAFE rider with bike to bike communications.Maybe that way the other rider can let you in on what they're thinking in different situations.I highlighted safe rider in the previous sentence because you sure don't want to learn other people's bad habits,so choose the other rider carefully. I highly recommend David Hough's book Proficient Motorcycling. I agree with the others...keep practicing in low traffic areas until you feel more comfortable with the bike and traffic situations. It'll come,and hopefully in a little while you'll be posting about how much fun you're having.
  21. It's always sad to see a rider killed,but it just makes it worse when they are so young.Prayers will be sent for his family,as well as the truck driver and his family. It's early in the season and everyone's skills are a little rusty,please keep that in mind for the first few rides.
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