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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. Thanks for the heads up.I'm working a lot of hours right now,but I'll be sure to get down there and try out that new pavement.
  2. drc32-0

    26 Closed?

    It's good to see someone took a chance and gave Archers fork a try.I started taking Archers Fork last year when I head over to the 260,537,26,255 ride.It's a good warm up for the main event.
  3. drc32-0


    I saw the thread title and just assumed it was about Kasich.
  4. Do you know what we call that slanty eyed toothless f*ck in my mobile home park? Neighbor. Welcome to S.E.O.
  5. Can't say I have a recommendation on tires,but I would recommend buying a No-Mar tire changer.From following a few of your threads I know you're a beginning rider.If you're in your twenties,and you like riding,you could easily have fourty years of riding ahead of you...thats a lot of tire changes! A lot of shops won't mount the tires unless you buy them from the shop,or charge more.Having a changer gives you the option to search the net and find some real bargains.I usually find tires for about $60-$80 below the Pony,that's before mounting costs.You're looking at saving over $80 per set change. If you do get into track days or dual sporting later on,a tire changer gives you the option of keeping a sticky set back for track days or a more agressive set back for off roading. Or,if you're like me,you just like to ride,the miles can add up quick...I average about 15,000 miles a year,that's two tire changes a year on the FJR.If I would have bought a No-Mar when I bought the FJR it would have payed for its self twice over. I know it might be a little early to consider investing in a changer,but keep it in mind...if you stick with the sport,it will save you a ton of money and give you a lot of options.
  6. yep,California.Everything psyco1 said plus people will pull off to let you pass and much more motorcycle friendly drivers.California has every kind of riding you can ask for and the scenery is diverse and,at times,spectacular.
  7. They have got to be joking...Florida?Considering their criteria possibly,but in the real world the best state isn't even on the list...California.
  8. If you're riding Clear Creek Rd watch out for this... If you're coming in from 33 it will definitely get your attention.
  9. 1.Since Jerry died I quess I won't be seeing the Grateful Dead again,so much for #1. 2.Ride New Zealand and Australia. 3.Can't think of anything else,and since I hate to see people in pain and stressed,I'll us my third one to hope saralynn518 gets her wish on her #3.
  10. Can't say I know much about the TL's,but that's one good looking bike.Enjoy.
  11. Is that the 1999 Road King Classic in the photo?If it is,damn,she looks brand new,nice bike!
  12. Beegreenstrings...if you get tired of doing the pony thing,I just bought a No-Mar tire changer if you want to borrow it and change the tires yourself.I'm in S.Zanesville.
  13. I'm all for drug testing the true welfare recipients...politicians.
  14. Man,they look hugh compared to the scrawny little pups that you first rescued.It looks like you've done a great job with them.Good luck getting them trained as therapy dogs,sounds like a great idea.Wouldn't it be great to have them help someone and then show the person their story? Some more great pics,the last one looks like "synchronized" sleeping.
  15. Glad you made it.Yea,SR60 is a mess,I've been detouring around it since they started it.You gotta love mandatory acceptance of lowest bid...why would anyone think they're gonna get good quality by the lowest bidder?You're not going to get steak house quality at Mcdonalds prices.Welcome to the economy of cheap.
  16. Uploaded with ImageShack.us This is my first attempt at posting pictures on this site and it looks like I have already skrewed up...I wanted this writing at the top of the post,oh well.First off...thanks Casper for the tutorial on posting pics.These shots are from the excellent S.E.O. route of 260-537-255.The photo above is 260 south of 26,the one below is 260 north of 26. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Part of a series of curves on 537 as you climb the hill from 26... Uploaded with ImageShack.us 255 just as you enter the beautiful valley south of Langs... Uploaded with ImageShack.us Riding the ridge on the southern section of 255.The sign on the distant hill signals a sharp left and the beginning of the twisty decent to the Ohio river.What a great ride! Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  17. I agree with what you're saying,but is it really all that important what people say on a web site?If they want to have a laugh,let 'em laugh. I still have a lot of respect for Jim Tressel and what he acheived and the positive impact he had/has on a lot of young men's lives. Of course,making Michigan Ohio State's bitch didn't hurt either.
  18. It seems like the most common thing I hear is the stories about someone they know that crashed a bike and how bad they were hurt.Of course they usually go into great detail of the injuries.It's gotten to the point that I usually follow them with some horrifiying car crash that I've heard about,just to set the record straight. On the good side...I was loaded up and heading to the rockies in 2008 and an elderly man approached me at a rest stop in Indiana.He noticed my camping gear and told me he was a retired school teacher and in his younger days he would head out most summers and ride and camp for weeks at a time,just as I was heading out to do.We talked for a little bit and he turned and started to walk away,he took about 5 steps and turned around and said,"You know,people that don't ride and camp are missing something."I have never forgotten that man and the look on his face when he said that,and I have never heard a truer statement.
  19. I did 4 years in the Air Force and I know why I served.I always felt that EVERY American owes the men that served before you,it's much more than putting a "I support the troops" sticker on your car and never serving.I payed that debt.I don't care a rats ass what those lifers you're talking about say.
  20. Good call,the farther south you get on 555,the better.I rode 555 top to bottom last Sunday and the pavement doesn't get real good until Chesterhill.The middle section from a little below Ringgold to a few miles north of Chesterhill is getting a litte crumbly. If you want the good stuff head over to Archers Fork Rd and 255/260 after you hit the bottom of 555.But that would make for a long day. Have fun.
  21. drc32-0


    I rode 536 last Sunday.After riding 255,260,537 and 26,536 was pretty disappointing.They ground down the speed bumps(drainage pipes) and covered them with tar.It's like someone is sitting in a room somewhere thinking,"What else can I do to this road to ruin it for bikes."When they first paved 536 back in 2006 it was a great ride.Thank God we still have 255/260,it's a very good replacement for the old 556/536 ride.
  22. Thanks Tress,I really enjoyed your run. As far as this mess and many others...it's long past time to start paying the players,say $50k a year,everyone the same.It would only be about $5 million,chump change to these slave-trader universities.Every other greedy bastard in the college is making money off of these guys,let them have a crumb.
  23. A couple weeks ago I saw three of the motor company's finest do a stupid stunt...even stupid by Hardly rider standards.They were coming into the west side of Zanesville on SR22 which is two lanes at that point,they were riding three abreast taking up both lanes,below the speed limit,holding up TWO lanes of traffic with a long line in both lanes.Insane!
  24. drc32-0

    Senate Bill 5

    I love how Kasich is always spouting off about the virtues of merit pay.Let's see,he had one private sector job...executive at Lehman brothers.How did that work out?
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