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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. I was never really interested in other guys cocks,but since you seem to be...go for it.
  2. ...and he got Bin Ladin and he got us out of Iraq,where we never should have been in the first place and achieved nothing but killing over 4000 Americans,God only knows how many working class Iraqis, and spending nearly two trillion dollars doing nothing but creating another generation of terrorists. And he/we have killed more top ranking Taliban leaders in the last year using drones than the previous cartel did in their whole failed,and costly,efforts in the region.Drones save both money and American lives. And he just ordered the successful rescue of an American and Dane from Somali prates,while killing nine pirates. What military successes did the Bush/Chaney cartel have other than Chaney's numerous deferments to stay out of Vietnam.
  3. I just got back from a 80 mile ride on SR376,SR78 and SR555,and for the whole 80 mile ride I didn't have one car in my lane.I love winter riding...you have the road to yourself,great sightlines due to no leafs,no bugs and no slow moving Harley parades. Just dress warm,stay in the tire tracks to avoid sand and cinders,and have fun. Of course sunny 45 degree days help too.
  4. Speaking of old receivers,I just picked up my old (1981) Nakamichi 730 from Stereo Lab in Columbus.I bought it about 7 years ago at an auction sale for $130.It's a way under rated at 105wpc @ 8 ohms;tons of clean,detailed power.It had a relay go bad and some weak caps replaced. I also just got my Technics SL1700-MK2 turntable serviced and my Nakamichi 700ZXL tape deck went in for service when I picked up the 730.All of this stuff is about 30 years old so I thought I better get alittle maintenance done if I want to keep running them.
  5. Anybody still enjoying the relatively warm January? I've been out every day this week for at least a little ride around town.Tuesday I took a ride down to Athens to see a movie.It was a nice ride,but I hit a couple of small snow squalls on the way home that made it interesting.Thankfully they didn't last very long,or it might have been a little tricky.
  6. Another fan of AMERICAN MADE Red Wings here.I see you're in Canal Winchester,take a ride over to Lancaster and visit Walker's shoe store,they can suggest the best boot for your need.Kill two birds with one stone,buy local AND American made.If we're going to turn this economy around,it's up to us,the ceo's and politicians ain't gonna do it for us.The only real vote we have is with our billfold.
  7. The posi clamps are the ticket.I wish they offered a model with the posi clamps instead of the regular clamps.But then again,I never used the regular clamps,I put the posi clamps in and they were so easy to use that I never tried the regular clamps.I got a couple of the yellow thingys too,they come in handy to stop the back side of the tire from creeping around the rim as you work the tire off.Nice machine.
  8. What model did you get?Mobile?Hitch mount or floor mount in a trailer? I got the "classic"model last year at the IMS show in Cleveland.I wish I would have bought it ten years ago.If you ride a lot it's a big time money saver.
  9. No bikes in the pictures,but here's three good reasons to ride SEO in the fall...
  10. Tomorrow is supposed to be the best day yet.I think I'll try to get one last 255,260 ride in before winter hits.
  11. Would it be possible to come see it Tuesday afternoon?The last time I looked it's supposed to be a nice day Tuesday,if the weather holds out I might be able to ride up and check it out.
  12. If you're doing long term(weeks or months) camping/riding trips an air mattress sure makes the trip more enjoyable,and it doesn't take up that much more space.You can usually charge the pump at a restuarant,laundry or campsite. A Kermit chair is another nice luxury. A large dry bag can hold all your camping gear and you don't have to worry about rain ,otherwise keep in mind the dimensions of your storage units when you buy your gear. I don't cook much so a Jet Boil is good enough for coffee,tea and soups. Collapsable cooler comes in handy. About a week before you take off pack your bike to make sure everything will fit,and then make adjustments accordingly.You'd be surprised how many people find out at the last minute that they can't take what they thought they could.Plus...take the loaded bike for a ride and check balance,it's best to go on a trial camping trip. Pack the things you need more often closer to the top or outside of your storage compartments,it sucks to be digging for something in the rain or dark. As they said...those little headlamps are essential,and pack tiny. I love motorcycle camping trips.I've saved enough camping with the FJR to buy my KLR,and the people you meet are much more interesting than staying at a motel.Out of state plates on a motorcycle are a magnet for conversations,but of course,most people want to tell you about someone they know that got hurt or killed on a bike.
  13. Goes to jail?I hope you're kidding,we'll probably elect them governor or give them 800 billion dollars. You guys are really surprised?You can't be that naive. Haliburton/KBR/Dick Chaney have been profitting from American deaths for decades.What's a little walk across a border?
  14. I got a 555 top to bottom ride in on Christmas day.The middle section between Ringgold and Chesterhill is getting rough.The rest of it was great...good pavement and clean.167 miles.The FJR turned over 90,000 yesterday.It was a beautiful winter day for riding.
  15. Usually April or September in S.E.O. http://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=139396&st=0 You're more than welcome to join us next year.
  16. Big Pine road runs from 664 to 374 in Hocking county.It continues on past 374,but the best part is between 664 and 374.Of course,374 is damn good too.
  17. I agree.We have an FJR ride every year and it brings in people from 5 to 7 states and they keep coming back. I have ridden in 38 states and personally I think we have some fun roads.The best thing we have is the lack of traffic,you pretty well have the road to yourself.But on the flip side,our scenery doesn't compare to California,Colorado,Wyoming or Montana.
  18. The usual suspects... 260 255 78(west of 77) 555(especially south of chesterhill) Big Pine(not a fast ride,but a lot of character) 536 when the pavement was better
  19. I was just telling you that you can do better in the private sector than the stated wage package.You made it sound like people in the private sector don't make those wages...plenty do.We just don't buy the non-union bosses lies.It's there if you're willing to go get it. The ones that don't produce anything in the public sector is the management,that's where we need to cut.Again,name one sacrifice public management has made?Hell,name one concession public management has made in the last thirty years?If you think public union employees have great benifits,take a look at your local school superintendent's bennies.He/she is the one who signed those contracts.He/she is the one who is supposed to be representing you.You're blaming the wrong people.
  20. I saw that ""right to work story in the dispatch...about two pages later I saw an article on Birmingham Alabama filing for bankrupcy.It seems to be working just great down there.Doesn't Texas led the nation in poverty? I also noticed one of the supporters was a leader of ABC,the non-union bosses that hire illegal immigrants. All of you guys complaining about what union workers have really ought to try working union.I've worked both and union is FAR better.From your posts it sure doesn't seem like non-union is working to good for you.You guys are just proving that working hard for a non-union boss will led to just compensation doesn't work. Kawi Kid...I'm in the private sector and my pay package is better than that.And I'm out here in the boonies.If you want that kind of pay do some research and get a union job.We even train you,no astronomical college debt.It's out there to be had,just quit listening to lying politicians and non-union bosses.Think about it...these people want you to accept less so there will be more profit for them,that's what it's all about.Old fashioned greed.I'm a union electrician and we compete with the non-union.They pay most of their employees far less than we do,but yet they bid real close to our bids...so where do you think all that money that doesn't go to the employees goes to? Sixgun...how would we take away payed veterans day?Through negotiations.It's give and take.If they could cut into the bloated pay packages of the managment side(politicians and staffs) they might be willing to accept the vet day deal.Public union employees have already made concessions,even before SB5,name one thing that politicians have sacrificed? Unions,both public and private,have quite a few vets in their memberships.In our job trailer today,out of fifteen people we had two Marines,two Air Force,one Navy and two Army vets.I don't think you'll find that kind of veteran partcipation from the management side of public workers.
  21. I fully understand your rant,I had two EXTREMELY close callls last week.The second one even led me to stop riding to work for a couple days,but I was back out there this week.I know it goes without saying,but be careful out there.
  22. The bus I'm speaking about is when Kasich said,"Either get on the bus or get run over by the bus."He said this when he was originally pushing through SB5.It was his arrogant way of saying he wasn't going to negotiate. I'm not really following your bus comments in your post. I still stand by my previous posts that a funding bill must be more equitable.There is plenty of fat to cut away from the management side of the equation.Go back a few posts and I gave just a few suggestions that could generate hundreds of millions of dollars without one lay-off.With veterans day coming tommorow here's another suggestion that could save millions and honor some vets...only give payed veterans day off to state workers that served and were honorably discharged.Those who never served work just like any other day or they can take the day off without pay.It would show respect to vets instead of just giving everyone a day off with pay. I'm sure there are hundreds of ways to cut away at our spending instead of just singling out union workers and hammering them.How does a state legislators pension and benifits compare to a teacher or police officer?Personally I could do with out a good portion of legislators and their staffs,but we need teachers and police officers.
  23. Why would I have cable...I got rid of my T.V. in 2006.I went to California and lived on the bike and camped for two months and when I got back I decided I didn't need a T.V.For the most part it's just social engineering anyway. I don't have internet either,I go to the library for that. When I'm home I listen to music or read. Hey Will....I think I've finally found the sweet spot for the Magnepans.They sound great on acoustic stuff,but I think I'll keep the old CV's around for the harder(louder) stuff.
  24. Thanks to everyone who voted NO to stop this one sided politically motivated bill. I would like to think that Kasich got the message and will now get to work on a more equitable funding bill,but I'm not holding my breath. Hey Kasich...how's it feel to get run over by that bus you were talking about?
  25. Drew...you're wasting you're time trying to reason with people with petty jealousies that want to drag people down to their level instead of going out and getting what they want.That's the vote yes people's stratagy...play to people's jealousy.They are counting on the fact that they'll just listen to the sound bites and not seek the truth which is what you stated..."this bill is aimed at the wrong people."It takes two to sign a contract,the union represents it's members and elected officials and appointed officials represent the tax payers.These officials that represent the tax payers are not doing their jobs!I don't think I have read one post in all of theses SB5/Issue2 threads that has mentioned any accountability by these managers.They have repeatedly dropped the ball for thirty years and still have wages and benifit packages that far outweight public union workers.It's way past time to reign them in and cut their golden parachutes and perks.No office worker needs a tax payer payed for car and gas card,that alone would save tens of millions.If Kasich and his supporters were truely concerned with the state's finances they could plug a large portion of the hole by just inforcing existing laws and collecting back taxes.The Columbus Dispatch had an EIGHTEEN page section in this weeks paper of people and companies that owe taxes.There was one over a million dollars and about 12 that were over $100,000.Another article this week stated that there is a total of over $190 million dollars owed in back taxes in Franklin county.That's just one county!I'm working with a local school board member here in Muskingum county and he said that if owed taxes were collected they'd easily be in the black,as it is they have a two million dollar shortage and have layed off 12 teachers.No adminisraters of course. Top heavy schools and top heavy government agencies should be a target in any equitable funding bill.From what I was able to gleen from the 58 pages of legalese that is Issue 2,this bill does not address these disparities and lack of managerial accountability. It is one sided and deserves a NO vote until these flaws are adressed. I guess we'll find out Tuesday if reason or petty jealousy wins the day.I'll be voting NO,I can't see how dragging the tax base down even farther is going to fix anything.
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