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Everything posted by drc32-0

  1. Has anyone here read the whole issue 2?It's 58 pages long! I guess it's like the old saying...if you can't convince them with you're brilliance,baffle them with you're bullshit.
  2. You've averaged 3200 hours a year and get no overtime?:confused:Why? Are you on salary?If so,I hope it's pretty high.
  3. Enough that I can still buy what I want and not cry about what others have.
  4. I'm so glad that I'm in a union so I don't have to write one of those winey ass posts about what I don't have and expressing my petty jealousies about what others have. It doesn't appear that your belief that if you work hard the non-union bosses will justly reward your efforts is working to good for you guys. BTW,I'm not in a public union,but I damn sure will be voting no on issue two.I'd much rather give my taxes to the pensions of firefighters who face fires,cops who face armed crackheads and teacher who try to deal with the results of bad parenting,than giving another dime to the wall street banker that caused this whole economic mess and then hides behind his porkbarrel home security system.
  5. Good looking trailer.A couple questions...how old is it and what is the load capacity?Also,what model is it?I was considering a double axle,but this might do the trick.
  6. I take Kopchak road home most nights and it looks like the freak show has started...cars parked in the grass and driving by at 25 freaking mph. There is nothing to see but a driveway.The show's over folks,move along to the next media circus.
  7. My thoughts and prayers go out to Terry Thompson's widow.From all accounts I'm hearing from people who knew the Thompsons she loved those animals.They raised some of them from birth.I hope she didn't see that picture of all the dead animals.Very sad. As for sheriff Lutz...I think he did the right thing.The Thompsons property borders interstate 70,many of those animals could have got on 70 and caused serious problems.It's easy to be a monday morning quarterback when you have no responsibility in the matter. Terry Thompson did a lot of crazy shit in his life and this is by far the craziest.But I know he saw some bad shit in Vietnam.I'm not giving him a free pass,but I always wonder how some of these guy's lives would have been different if they hadn't had to deal with the ghosts they dealt with. Terry,his wife,the picture of the animals...to me it's just all very sad.
  8. Very true. I doubt if I have spent a total of $100 at Communist China Mart in my lifetime,none in the last ten years.They are the leaders in the dismantling of the American Middle class.
  9. That is good news,26 just keeps getting better and better.
  10. I went down to the Hocking Hills also,the fall colors are looking good.I stayed on some of the lesser know roads because the main roads were packed.But I had to do 374,I love that road and it wasn't too awful crowded. There are some really colorful vistas on the lower end of Thompson Ridge Rd off of 374.Illsboro-Ceder Falls and Chapel Ridge were pretty colorful,and Big Pine is always one of my favorite fall colors rides. Came home on freshly paved 668,that was fun.
  11. Tonik...don't miss Big Pine rd,the section between 664 and 374 is one of the best roads in the H.H.s area for fall colors.Also,Thompson Ridge from 374 to Lauralville is nice.A lot of riders call it "The little Blue Ridge" because of the views and endless sweepers. If you want someone to ride with drop me a p.m.,I'm going to be heading down that way on the KLR Sunday.
  12. It's not just the tire change.By doing them myself I'm able to find tires cheaper on the net,usually about $80-$100 less a set,plus the $30-$40 per tire for mount and balance and it's easy to save $120 a shot.Most of the shops around here won't mount them if you don't buy them at the shop.
  13. +1 on breaking off and heading south on 260,but instead of heading back north on 800,just stay on 7 a little longer and go north on 255,it intersects 800 a few miles south of Woodsfield.You can pick it up in Sardis,it's a fun road and a good road for fall colors. Or...just disregard everything I just posted and stay on 26.The section of 26 just south of 800 is pretty fun.
  14. Hopefully these protests will get some traction and result in an investigation of the banking debacale.An uncorrupted investigation might led to prison sentences being handed down for Kasich and hundreds of other Wall street criminals.
  15. Zero taxes and zero regulations will not win against $3000 a year labor.
  16. Nope,just truth. So what's your answer to the problem?
  17. Here we go again,re-hashing the same old argument. Everyone wanted cheap...well,you got it. What did you think would happen when we gave our manufacturing base,and tax base, to socialist China? We got cheap trinkets at Wal-Mart and they got the jobs.Game over. How's trickle down working for you now?
  18. Have you priced your material yet? I doubt if you'll even get the material for that $100.
  19. I picked up a pair of these Gripswell heat-loc gloves at the Cleveland IMS.They're not bulky and they keep my hands comfy into the low 30's.Probably wouldn't be the best protection in a get off though.http://moto.gripswell.com/gs_55.php
  20. Great videos o.r. If you look on the Rand Mcnally map that area north of Langs is a straight line.That has to be the most misleading halve inch on the entire Ohio state map.
  21. I tend to agree with you that we are in too far to fix it.I think America is in a death spiral.When you stated who is to blame I think you left out one of the biggest,if not the biggest, contributors...the American consumer.By demanding the lowest price we have put companies in a positon that they had to take jobs overseas or their competitors would,and we would reward the competitor with our business.Greed,from the very top to the very bottom has killed our economy. The only hope I see is if we,the consumer,make a concerted effort to buy American.It would increase our tax base,put a lot of people back to work and send the c.e.o.'s a message that they would have to listen to. I'm finding a lot of the off brand name products are still made in America.Also,I find a lot of stuff on the internet,if you rely on brick and mortar stores you're not going to find many American made products.But they are out there.Just google whatever you're looking for and you might be surprised with the quality of the American made products that come up. Unfortunatly you won't find everything...like American made dual sports,sport bikes,sport tourers,adventure tourer etc,etc. Although I am very interested in the new sport tourer Motus is bringing out.It will be interesting to see what the price will be.
  22. There's a much better way to fight illegal immigration...confiscate the restaurants and sell them and use that money to fight the next crime.When the criminals that hire/exploit these people start losing their assets the problem will go away almost overnight. But we can't punish the duchbags that hire/exploit them can we Rod?Afterall,they're probably good ol' non-union republican businessmen.
  23. Jeez...ya still flogging that dead horse?Quite a few posts back on the SB5 thread I mentioned letting the illegal aliens and Chinese have the public sector jobs,like a good non-union employer.How can you get any cheaper?Maybe reinstitute slavery?Maybe we try letting the white folks be the slaves this time,see how we like it.Since we're doing unto others all around the globe.
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