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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Could also be a perianal abcess. Though if you've never experienced any "draining" from sore area it's possible it's not. If it is, just goto the ER and get some antibiotics and you'll be fine
  2. It wasn't an accident at all. Writings on the wall
  3. he needed a faster bike to get more wind to keep himself cool....duh
  4. Bad324

    Zimmerman Trial

    OJ did it cause he's black
  5. I just ordered new tires so if you could go ahead and pick me that'd be great.....mmmk thanks
  6. I've seen this bike in person and also testify that its the cleanest bike with more than 0 miles I have ever seen. Charles is good people!
  7. this pleases me to hear that my pricing is accurate. Its actually probably a shade cheaper than I paid for all the stuff over the last few months
  8. I'm planning this way ahead because if I don't I'll forget I've got a free day and end up doing nothing So lets plan something. I'm a terrible lead rider so someone to volunteer for that would be great and can pick/modify the time and route as so desired. Ideally 350-400 miles max. Of course this is weather dependent. Meet time: 9am (tentative) Wheels up: 9:30am (tentative) Meet place: Bolivar? Waynesburg? Millersburg? Route: TBD Who: Lets ride!!!
  9. That is awesome. So how far from Prescott is that? My fiancée aunt has a place out there and invited us out whenever we want. So naturally my first thought was the need to rent a motorcycle there
  10. Although not as capable as a sport bike, those VRODs can handle quite well with the right rider on it. I've seen it with my own eyes
  11. I screen warrior from my JOB. You know makin money so I can buy parts instead of digging them out of the trash heap and being able to ride my functioning bike. I'll say everything and anything said in this thread to you in person quite frankly cause its not even that bad lol. You make me giggle wanna be racer. Drag racing is boring to me but if you wanna meet at a real track I'd be up for it. Oh wait, helmets and proper gear are needed at those as well as being able to pass inspection
  12. Great bag. I have one and love it
  13. Bad324

    Beer Pics

    Neg rep worthy lol
  14. Finally used rider to rider comm and it was awesome! The range on them however isn't all that great
  15. I really need to order a new damn tire already!!!
  16. Couldn't be happier to be in on a Friday night watching the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie
  17. I might stop up one day this week as I may need to replace one of mine we just got a few months ago but I gotta figure out what it is first lol
  18. welp our boy is 6 months old now and quite the character Supervising dinner being made: Lounging watching TV and lastly he's the biggest cuddler pet I've ever had:
  19. damnit I'm not available on Saturday!!!
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