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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. the only people I know successful in quitting just went straight cold turkey. The bigger surprise was discovering you're 35, I had you pegged for a kid in your early 20s
  2. I have nothing smart to add so all I wanna say is: Magz, quit your incessant moronic trolling. I think I know you're not this much of a douchebag off the internet so just knock it off. If you can't seem to understand logic and reason well then may Allah have mercy on your soul
  3. were you there Saturday and did I meet you? I met so many new people I can't rememeber who I did or didn't actually get to talk to
  4. i never saw any wild dogs however wild hogs (the actual animal) I saw plenty of down there
  5. They did a decent job at UC and my degree to Organize and Lead but I tell you what they forgot to teach me how to not get a sandy vag when people aren't listening and following my every direction
  6. With it being last minute I honestly didn't have a plan an was basically throwing it together as quick as I could think Yea standing around parking lots gets me ancy after awhile so I get grumpy. If I wanted to do that I'd still be a car guy or buy a Harley
  7. Who are the bailing assailants? They're poised to miss one of THE BEST weekends of summer if you ask me!
  8. I feel like an old man today, my hip is sorer than hell. I'm hoping it is simply due to the wicked cramp I got towards the end Also, hopefully my rambling BS was somewhat discernible when we were trying to organize who would go in what group. Since Nivin is a quiet man and neither UP or IP were there I tried last minute to take the reigns of getting things organized so we could ride. I tend to get a bit ancy sitting around a parking lot when good roads are ahead which was why I was an asshole about the request of a group picture as I was trying to get groups out of the parking lot
  9. Damn phone autocorrected and I didn't notice. I fat fingered "this man" and somehow turned into Joshua
  10. This is the most eloquent leg humping I've ever seen on OR. Joshua derserves a slow clap
  11. Yes it is...probably been there 15x and its awesome if you can get past the North Coast shore assholes. Like stated, every weekend is like spring break for Middle Aged folks
  12. I loved the pace of our medium group and the route was fantastic I thought
  13. Nice meeting and riding with everyone! Sorry I had to bail quick after the conclusion of the route but I need to be back in Cleveland for my grandpas 90th bday dinner
  14. The main one at Logan mall
  15. Loaded up and ready to go 10 mins early....I probably forgot something
  16. Lol I was a good boy an only had a few light beers and kicked everyone out at 11:30 so I'd get enough sleep and not be hungover
  17. Welp I hope I can get everything together in the morning cause I procrastinated tonight
  18. If 90 people show up, I'll lead a group. But if anyone knows me I HATE leading so I'm fairly confident we won't have that many show up Not to mention I'd rather stick to a group with Mykill as we shall run a greatly efficient group
  19. you can use a gas grill as well if you need to just give it away ill be passing through cbus tomorrow
  20. if this wasnt so far away I'd call this a steal http://www.vfrdiscussion.com/forum/index.php/classifieds/item/1797-cherry-6th-gen-vfr800-4500/
  21. Bienvenidos why go on the epic ride? Nice damn day to not deal with anything other than riding
  22. try these links and see if any suit you. I can't remember if they are the same routes or include variations or what https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-176+S/Broadview+Rd&daddr=40.7080848,-81.5656119+to:40.4608958,-82.1081332+to:Opm+Companies+Dr&geocode=FXbWdQIdjJch-w%3BFfQnbQIdVWgj-yl15iclGSE3iDG-QV49NI25Kg%3BFV9iaQIdGyEb-yn5zXyQ6Xs3iDGc0pGiLpfonA%3BFc-fYQIdrggL-w&hl=en&mra=dme&mrsp=3&sz=17&via=1,2&dirflg=h&sll=39.951793,-83.162352&sspn=0.005239,0.008079&ie=UTF8&ll=40.747257,-82.249146&spn=2.650796,4.136353&t=h&z=8 https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Portage+St,+Canton,+OH&daddr=40.65656,-81.50129+to:40.43972,-81.77726+to:40.26145,-82.04542+to:Opm+Companies+Dr,+Columbus,+Franklin,+Ohio+43119&hl=en&geocode=Fa2_bwIdXSIl-ymlewFvcdY2iDEklNuksLqE3g%3BFbBebAIdlmMk-ylJvNC-6N82iDE3eEPRJPj5Ug%3BFagPaQIdlC0g-ykv_O4vog43iDE23DuB8vDKuQ%3BFUpXZgIdFBYc-ym__konyoQ3iDF090x3QzA-Pw%3BFbWdYQIdnAgL-ymt8k0drZA4iDG3m46lEjDAoQ&mra=dpe&mrsp=2&sz=9&via=1,2,3&sll=40.33817,-82.229919&sspn=1.53872,2.419739&ie=UTF8&z=9 https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-212+E&daddr=40.4564878,-81.9644827+to:40.13927,-82.31521+to:N+High+St&hl=en&ll=40.261713,-82.048645&spn=0.610954,1.234589&sll=40.167331,-82.290344&sspn=0.284393,0.694885&geocode=FcowbAIdPhol-w%3BFSdRaQIdPlId-ym3qXl0aHE3iDGrNQFb_EWMng%3BFQZ6ZAIdNvgX-ynrXbctDyQ4iDFPmt6YsTnDqQ%3BFfmLYwIdUDwN-w&mra=dpe&mrsp=2&sz=11&via=1,2&z=10
  23. here is the link to the route in mapquest form for anyone who has a GPS they can send the map to http://www.mapquest.com/?version=1.0&hk=10-TrIK6TgV
  24. damn that thing is bigger than my tail bag!
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