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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. from my use of my gf's iphone 5, it seems as though the battery life isnt that much better than the 4s I have. I just did all the battery saving techniques and tolerated it for what it is
  2. we're staying in Sugar Grove about 2 miles east of 33
  3. I know its a stupid question but my gf is bound to ask since her and her family all call each other 25x a day How is Verizon cell reception down there?
  4. get rid of safari and add chrome
  5. when you're beat, you're beat
  6. it can keep being cold, I'm still waiting on parts and when that DucRX asshole can fit my VFR into his schedule
  7. damn and I'd have to add another 10 mins to my office. Was hoping I could make it a lunch break trip. Now here is to hoping the boss isn't here one day and then I won't care how long I'm gone
  8. Nice! I like my iphone and don't really get why people get so frumpy over Iphone vs Android. I don't give a shit and my Iphone is simple and does everything I need to do out of the box with a few apps. Anything more and I just don't give a shit to learn all the nuances of Android
  9. ^^Gump, how long does it take you from Carrolton to get to say 77/30 interchange? Dude is selling a trailer I want in Carrolton but I'm trying to figure out how long it will take me to escape the office and go pick it up
  10. He did more for this country than any president in the last 30 years if you ask me and that's just one of the many reasons he is so special
  11. That is complete bullshit they didnt inform you. Not to mention the fact if they had done it correctly it should've been seamless
  12. join date and post count have ZERO to do with one being a troll Typed from a job where I can sit on OR all day and still get paid since I'm the one that pays everyone
  13. aww man I have no idea how I missed this thread. I LOOOOOOVE driving threads with Swing'r in it as they are always entertaining because he sounds like he drives like my mother and that woman shouldn't have a license I average 15-20 over the posted speed limit about 95% of the time I'm driving and have yet to have an accident. Swing'r its called skill so just sit your lame ass in the right lane and let the people who know what they are doing go by. I flog my 8,000lb truck around like a little sports couple because I know how to handle it (though not nearly as good as IP can...that crazy SOB). If you're sitting in the left lane not passing and doing less than 10 over, you're gonna see a very large heavy truck in your mirror daring for you to brake check me
  14. sweet pick up! That exact one is #1 on my Helmet wish list
  15. This is awesome I (thankfully) do not have any kids but I'd totally do this for my girlfriends niece and nephew. They are the coolest
  16. am I the only one that thinks this wasn't him that posted it and someone else that took the ball busting to the next level?
  17. take it to another level jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and pulled pork, wrapped in bacon and smoked. Just fantastic
  18. I'm an hour deep on about 8lbs of smoked wings
  19. Got a free bottle of it last night at the bar. Took two sips and it tasted like ass so I gave it to my buddies little bro
  20. Don't recall her name but they exist on what would Tyler durden do
  21. Bad324

    IMS Cleveland

    he started a whole thread
  22. id imagine since its all a bunch of liberal hipsters
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