Here is your chance to ride down to Cbus with your resident Mexican on the day my people famously upset the French Army. I found out I will not be leaving for South Carolina until the 6th so I can make depending of course I figure a little over a months notice should be plenty. Now lets just hope the weather cooperates. Last year was a bit chilly and wet but still a fun time Meet Time: 9am. Be fueled up and ready to roll at 9:15am so be earlier if you have to Meet Place: the DQ in Bolivar,-81.454085&num=1&t=h&z=18 Route: I'm pretty sure this is the route Pauly took us down last year. It should only require one gas stop so hoping to be in Cbus around Noon. Route is also open for revision for whoever volunteers to lead You will all thank me for NOT leading, just ask Likwid,-81.50129+to:40.44448,-81.76508+to:40.26145,-82.04542+to:Opm+Companies+Dr,+Columbus,+Franklin,+Ohio+43119&hl=en&ll=40.490826,-81.985474&spn=1.430798,2.90863&sll=40.878859,-81.43223&sspn=0.005557,0.011362&geocode=FfrGbwIdAWkl-w%3BFbBebAIdlmMk-ylJvNC-6N82iDE3eEPRJPj5Ug%3BFUAiaQIdKF0g-yljJAmKlg43iDG8TuzJ342RPA%3BFUpXZgIdFBYc-ym__konyoQ3iDF090x3QzA-Pw%3BFbWdYQIdnAgL-ymt8k0drZA4iDG3m46lEjDAoQ&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=17&via=1,2,3&t=m&z=9