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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Oh no shit? I think last time I was there was in March or April before I sold the bike
  2. my sister shouldn't have ever been able to get a drivers license. Literally the worst driver ever. She's such a bad driver she has to move to Europe where she never needs a car. Has killed or injured nobody
  3. I'm the same way and also not a small guy. I got cheap Coleman camping rain gear for my first trip to the Gap. Used it for 15 minutes. Used it again for an hour my last trip. Totally got my money's worth since I don't do rain either
  4. I'm trying to get more information from the seller on exactly what all it needs. Tires and a left side mirror I know for sure
  5. oh believe me I already tried this. Dude is shady and a fucking asshole to boot. It's funny that he dropped the price to $2500, it was $3200 when I first contacted him.
  6. Hmm well he's asking $3000 for the SV but needing what it does I was thinking $2k as a starting point with maybe a max of $2500. Just wondering if I can get $3000 for it next year if it went that route
  7. aint that the truth. After 3 months in the new place I told my wife if I ever lose my mind and let her talking me in to moving again, we are renting
  8. 2003 SV1000 in copper color that I love. 7k miles. Needs tires and "Cosmetic adjustments" but from the photos I can't tell what those may be and waiting on an answer back from the seller What would be a good price to offer that I can flip next year for what I'd have in to it?
  9. I so very much wish I could join this trip cause it's been far too long since I've been down there and this thread is already hilarious so I can only imagine what a few days of riding would be like
  10. You're too late. It already is a sad sad time and the state of the world is turrible
  11. I used to love it. But the last few times I've been there it's just not the same. I hate to say it but I agree with Tonik on this one Nowadays I haven't been to Musketeers in years, it was one of the few divey places my step dad liked. Need to go back again, they always have group ons too Gasoline Alley has decent burgers. Nothing out of this world but been pleased the few times I've been there
  12. Call me James Bond of trailering, i love to live dangerously
  13. meh the way I did it, wasn't an CD issue...it was definitely my fault. I used the CD dozens of time with the VFR helibars in conjuction with the Baxley and zero issues at all. That warning can kiss me ass
  14. Baxley and canyon dancer...never had a problem. The Baxley is the key, so much so that even though I'm bikeless and trailer-less for awhile, I still won't get rid of it for the day when both come back. Except the time we loaded up the night before and I was drinking. Wasn't paying attention and cranked it to the point I bent my helibar. This was completely user error though
  15. Congrats!! Get the vfr1200 next. Should be a happy medium between the ninja and the vfr800
  16. Somehow cbrs avoided this issue. At least my two did. Vfr was a totally different story
  17. Looks like I'll be cruising CL then, was trying to nab two entry level bikes for like $300. I just don't want to spend a lot up front because my wife is a woman and she says she wants to make it a new hobby but I've heard that before and it never happened and i wasted money that could have gone in to one of MY hobbies
  18. hmm was planning on dinner in hudson tonight so maybe I'll swing by edit: i lied....$500 was the cheapest bike I saw. Not quite to that point yet
  19. well this is my favorite. I need this sticker for whatever bike comes next
  20. I desperately need a nice weather hobby that I can do with the wife that includes some exercise that she would like. Thus I have figured bicycling the thing to do. Problem is I know little to nothing about them so I need some suggestions. Just looking for a set of inexpensive starter bikes for leisurely rides in our neighborhood, the towpath and maybe extremely light dirt trails in the metroparks. Another plus for her would be a bike that can have one of those cargo racks that a small cooler can be strapped to. Have no idea if that can be done to any bike or only certain styles, this is how clueless I am. Also, what sort of seat should my rather big ass be looking for to be the least uncomfortable? So what in the world should I be looking for?
  21. a choclate cream donut from Beckers please. They are my new favorite
  22. You'll find a lot of Rockets here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=University+of+Toledo+Student+Union
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