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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. You could be 100% correct - but I personally think there’s been some Tom foolery and someone should should be able to answer 48.9% of the countries questions. Would you be against a recount of mail in ballots with a dem and republican verifying each vote? If your answer is yes, you would be against that, then your not interested in truth, your interest more in beating Trump.
  2. I need to see what’s presented tomorrow - I may be up for this bet.
  3. Tomorrow will be a big day to see what the trump admin will be providing as evidence Would be SUCH a shame if all this congratulating was premature :gabe:
  4. :fuuuu: “Trump created the divisions in the country!” Bio: NOT MY PRESIDENT!!! FUCK TRUMP AND ANYONE THAT SUPPORTS HIM!
  5. based on what CNN just showed....packed streets, a few masks. THEY ARE KILLING PEOPLE OUT THERE!!! BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS!!! As long as we keep the senate, I can politically move on like an adult. I likely wont see any change in my guns or my taxes. I am excited for the 2022 races. we have a real shot at taking both decisively. Then 2024 getting a republican back in the WH. That would be fucking awesome. Enjoy the next 2 years boys! it'll be pretty.....uneventful.
  6. hahahha let the circle jerk begin!
  7. Reports are coming in as to what evidence Trumps lawyers are going to attack the counts with. A county in Michigan found out that 6,000 votes were counted as democrat when they were suppose to be republican because of a software glitch. This same software was used in 47 other counties in Michigan. That would be a potential quarter of a million votes... Same software as used in 30+ states.
  8. I think the markets are reacting to the fact that we won’t lose the senate. 2022 is looking to be a bloodbath for the Dems and joe may have republican house and senate for his final 2 years. Basically I’m not worried because he won’t be able to do anything. Which I’m fine with. It gives the GOP time to solidify who the future of the party will be and in 2024 we will be looking at the oldest man to ever be president try to debate a younger, well spoken, possibly black, charismatic person running against him. “The party of racism” bullshit won’t be the dog whistle it was this time around...
  9. I didn’t know being an adult and moving on from a political loss / victory was seen as “a rat jumping ship”. I’m not jumping anywhere my guy. If Trump doesn’t burn this fucker down in the process with the courts, I’m still here, still have the same morals and thoughts about how things should work in this country. There have always been aspects of Trump that I didn’t like. You will find that in many past posts.
  10. I would agree in the fact that he was coached/stayed on message much better than trump did (if Trump had a message outside of “they are cheating”.) There is a part of me that kinda wants to see Trump burn this whole fucker down. It might be better for us in the end and maybe usher in a multi party option. The left is fractured and now the right will be as well. The way trump politics is viewed by many as effective. I don’t see the hardcore trumpers going away for the republicans.
  11. Steve Bannon has a very, very interesting, possibly insane take on what he thinks will happen. Essentially - republicans own the courts and the legislators in the states in question. Trump will run this through the legal system to make the mail in votes get verified to the letter of the law, each vote at a time. It will take forever. Trump is going to be petty enough to draw this out as long as he can lol I’m gonna turn off my tv now and just say fuck it and hope they don’t try to take our guns or raise taxes on me. The shows over boys. I don’t think he’s gonna make libs cry this time around. Maybe in 2024 when the cockroach comes back! If anyone dares to venture into the Steve Bannon world - here’s the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZeVXMh9PR0&t=4s
  12. I agree - the courts will take care of it
  13. 125% voter turn outs are not possible.
  14. this will get interesting in the next few days/weeks/months. I expect biden to claim victory today only to have to fight off the gauntlet of trump lawyers with trump remaining in power through 2024. What a nightmare. You are right, it would have been so much better for it to be a landslide one way of there other. Something just isnt right about whats going on though. I have always been highly sus of the mail in voting thing. I think trumps team will dismantle it state by state and will find many, many dead or non residents that voted blue. I dont know if it will be enough to change the electoral though. We are in for a bloodbath either way. At least half the country will be pissed no matter what happens. I have a friend on FB that raved about Jorgenson for the last year. Once the writing was on the wall that Biden was going to win he legit started posting about what he needs to do to protect his guns. I immediately thought to myself..."this is why you dont vote 3rd party you idiot"
  15. We wont have PA tonight, but that might not matter....
  16. no idea - too much info to go through.
  17. OH NOW fraud is an issue? How about they tried to rally around a muppet for a candidate?
  18. greg - what are you thinking? Serious question.
  19. PA might not matter.....Trump is wiping the board with Biden right now.
  20. Jump on in Pat the waters warm!!
  21. hahaha okay - so you are trolling. Got it. your voting trump
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