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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. I really don’t understand how the main tech companies can conspire shut down a competitor and everyone is okay with it. It’s such a slippery slope when you start censoring opinions and voices. You arent targeting just the extremists with these moves. This is like throwing the baby out with the bath water. No, I don’t have a parler account. It doesn’t feel like a free market when the big 3 decide they don’t like you and don’t want you to operate any longer. I saw someone post this - it’s like your phone company cutting off your service because they don’t like what you talk about with your friends.
  2. I still stand by my position that I think it’s bullshit, but like it’s been mentioned already, they are a private company, so they can decide what they want. In fairness to myself, this shit moved pretty quick. I like to think of myself as someone that stays pretty informed, but with a 4 month old going through a growth spurt I’m in a blur right now. So, my understanding was correct, but they changed that position based on the 2 tweets that they explained.
  3. Pretty amazing that they put this all down and explained the reasoning. I can appreciate that, but also say it’s kinda bullshit. They were looking for any reason to ban him. Also, IMO, this dedicated group of his supporters are going to do shit either way. It’s not going to be sparked by him at this point. I fear that what Twitter has actually done is created more division and more reason for any level of conservative voice to stay away from that platform. Twitter will become the world biggest orgy-fest of liberal buffoonery we will ever see. The funny part about them banning him is in 2016 Twitter was TANKING in users. When he announced his candidacy, it had a massive spike and has grown so large that people literally have jobs just to respond to him on Twitter lol. So by banning him they are effectively removing a MASSIVE amount of content for the platform. There are some in the entertainment/social marketing space im close with that analyze this kind is data, they think it spells a slow death of Twitter. Wouldn’t that be ironic lol.
  4. I didn’t see those either - must have been taken down quick.
  5. That’s hilarious lol you know he’s got burner accounts and he’s trollin
  6. Your not allowed to cast blame on anyone but trump in here! It is not possible for Trump to be wrong and for the anyone on the left to be equally wrong for the same thing. You would rip a hole in the universe and Kerry would get sucked in and come out as Donald Trump on the other end.
  7. They suspended his account Wednesday and said it would be locked for 12 hours. If he did it again, they would permaban him. So the suspension was due to inciting the protest, the termination of the account was not attributed to another action. That’s the way it read / their reasoning. I suspect they got a ton of pressure from the left/inside the building and had to change course with a ban instead of a suspension. Yes I understand he did do something, which resulted in a suspension. My understanding is they are terminating his account now because he might do something else. Does that make sense?
  8. He just tweeted from the POTUS account and it was taken down within a minute hahaha Twitter has a fuckin boner for this guy
  9. You are correct, I never saw it as a first amendment issue. I’m saying to preemptively ban an account of one of the largest on your platform because he might do something feels like a slippery slope(that’s what Twitter gave as the reason). I’m not sure where it ends.
  10. He’ll have to make a new one @DarnoldTurmp
  11. Yup - that’s illegal. Charge him. In other news, Twitter permabanned trumps and a few journalists and other trump supporters accounts. I see a legal battle ensuing over that. A big one.
  12. The guy that sat in Nancy’s chair got arrested today. That’s fair, because he broke the law going into the building. These people were all taking videos and selfies, made the FBI’s job easy lol I’m curious to see if the next BLM riot that burns down an entire community gets this much condemnation and quick arrests/charges of agitators. Shoulder set up a betting pool?
  13. That was funny too - looked like chip gains Destruction isn’t cool - pooping on Nancy’s floor is office level humor. America loves the office
  14. I forgot for a second I was talking to someone that can never be wrong, even when they get confused by their blinding hatred and cant see the context. I grasp it, I dont support it. I dont know how many more times I will have to say that. Pooping on Nancys floor will always be funny.
  15. yes, it is funny. If someone did this to Mitch's office you'd say otherwise. Second thought, maybe they did do it to his office. That would still be funny to me.
  16. you're wrong. He was saying this thread was fun, lets do it every election, I replied with we will keep this going. context, its important.
  17. I mean COME ON! thats pretty funny
  18. I was talking about keeping the thread going not the protest. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you took that reply out of context though.
  19. pretty bitch move to not show up to the inauguration. At this point though, maybe its better he doesnt?
  20. I see that now - if he was mashed in the head by protesters, thats homicide. find them, charge them.
  21. He had a stroke and is on life support. Most likely had a personal medical event. Whether that’s true and if it was tied to the protest, we shall see. Sad for his family though
  22. In all seriousness, isn’t it a good thing that politicians are just a little scared of the people?
  23. my comments are specific to the capitol "siege". I admitted that! See! I can point out when I dont know something!
  24. there is truth in that statement, sure. If she didnt enter the building she wouldn't have been shot. unfortunately, the conversation doesn't end there. If the guys that got shot in Kenosha didnt attack an armed kid, they too would still be alive.
  25. I didnt follow anything last night - so I might not know of it. If it did turn violent, those people should be charged.
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