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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. oh8sti

    Gaming PC

    I have a gaming laptop since I travel and play FPS games with friends all the time. I think I paid $1200 for mine in July. MSI Radier GE75 might be the best bang for the buck in a laptop https://www.msi.com/Laptop/GE75-Raider-9SX/Overview
  2. or that - not a bad idea honestly. call a doula service and as them to "deputize" you for the day if you pay them a few hundred bucks. Everyone needs money right now.
  3. I had my first kid in September in Nashville. There were talks of the same policy being put into place. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I had a backup plan to "break" a bone and go to the ER, but just leaving the ER part of the hospital and appealing directly to the nurses on the OB ward. No idea if it would work, but im pretty convincing face to face. I would try any way possible to be there. Another option is claiming that she needs you there for ADA reasons. If people can bring their pitbulls on planes without getting questioned, maybe a real fucking comfort human would be more useful during a birth. I feel for you man - not something I would miss without fighting tooth and nail.
  4. If this has any truth to it (I’m not holding my breath), it will overturn the election. https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=9o94k_1605469076
  5. I bet If you swapped out Bidens name for Trumps in the article this shit would be everywhere.
  6. Twitter trending charts are forcing proud boys above or with any mention of BLM or Antifa. It’s like they are conditioning things so if the underbelly of BLM and Antifa is exposed, they will be able to mention the right wing version of that underbelly, the proud boys. Even though the proud boys are traditionally non-violent. It’s sad. The common denominator for most all the violence this year has been BLM/Antifa
  7. Some scary and violent shit going down tonight in DC. Trump rally attendees were told to leave DC before 6pm because Antifa/BLM was coming in. Lots of disgusting and racist videos all over Twitter right now of how a Antifa/BLM is attacking people. In every situation I’ve seen, it’s the BLM/Antifa blocs throwing piss, Molotov cocktails and mortar rounds at trump families eating dinner, walking away and or retreating away from BLM. This is disgusting and the left has fully embraced it.
  8. you're rich, the doesn't effect you!
  9. Yeah, but did he vote for Biden fraudulently?
  10. No, I will allow the process afforded to the president to unfold and if they feel there’s something worth investigating, go at it. No ones been duped, no matter how many times you ask that.
  11. The DOJ is nvestigating this now. That’s a significant development. I’m not waiting for Trump to personally say anything. I’m waiting to see and expecting to see investigations be announced, like today it was.
  12. Then the courts will say “shut the fuck up Rudy and Don” and we all move on.
  13. Again, your wrong. I never said any of that. My previous replies are there to read. I think there’s something to investigate. That’s it. No koolaide, I don’t need justification, I don’t need to research it for you. A lot of professionals and legal experts think theres’s something to investigate, as well as the DOJ. Let’s see what they find. Are you worried about that? You’re not worried about the cost (re:Russia), so I can only assume you are worried about the chance they uncover or present compelling evidence to the courts (all of which I’m sure you will denounce and call fake etc). The difference here is I’m willing and have always been willing to accept the results win or lose in the courts.
  14. You don’t know if they are or aren’t. You are pushing against inconsistencies and potential fraud because it’s counter to your view and what you’ve been fed. That’s expected, but shallow. If the courts rule against him. It’s over - nothing more to talk about.
  15. There’s nothing to reflect on - either the courts step in and agree with him or they don’t. Will you accept it should the courts reverse the election results and Biden is not elected?
  16. from USA Today - WASHINGTON – Attorney General William Barr has authorized U.S. attorneys to pursue "substantial allegations" of voting irregularities during the 2020 elections, contradicting longstanding Justice Department practice of not taking steps that could impact the results of an election. "Such inquiries and reviews may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State," Barr said in a memo to federal prosecutors Monday.
  17. I bet if you ask me that a few more times you'll get the same answer you got 4 pages ago. Ill let the legal process unfold, I think there's something here, we will see. Once I see the evidence, ill let you know about the bet. if im wrong, ill accept the results and biden will be our president for as long as he remembers hes president.
  18. that differs from state to state. Absentee ballot - requested by an approved and verified person that cant physically vote in person. Unsolicited Mail in ballot (semantics, but generally whats understood) - Registered voters in these states automatically receive a mail ballot, which is sent to their address before Election Day and mailed back by the voter or deposited at a voting location or secure dropbox by a certain time on Election Day. The issue here is this leave a lot of room for ANYONE to receive the ballot whether they live at the address currently or not or if they are the actual registered person, fill it out and send it through the mail.
  19. those 2 things are both true and not mutually exclusive
  20. unsolicited mail in voting and absentee ballots are not the same thing.
  21. Serious question - How many fraudulent votes are acceptable? 1? 100,000? 3 million? If you put it in COVID terms, the dems answer is 0. So, if thats the case, how can we trust an election when in swing states deciding the outcome have THOUSANDS of votes for Biden by people that have been dead for YEARS? There are so many questions out there right now, to put a bet on it, as someone who bets a lot, would be foolish. Im not afraid of the outcome, but the reality is that the dems, MSM and Social Media have done everything in their vast power to deny immediately any claim of fraud or tom foolery. That tells me there's something to investigate and im glad trump and Barr are pursuing it. If they come up empty handed, I will accept Biden as my president and pray he has the most useless 4 years of any president in history. We aren't there yet no matter what the news tells you.
  22. Kinda like how the Dems wasted everyones time and the people money to the tune os 10's of millions of dollars on the rUssIA CoLLuSiON? If you want my honest opinion, I think mail in balloting should be illegal. I think trump should fight this until the election is overturned. I hope he does it. This whole "unity" bullshit can suck a dick. All the sudden dems want everyone to forget the last 4 years of NOT MY PRESIDENT and trying to impeach him at every turn for not lifting his cheek high enough to fart. Give me a fucking break.
  23. there have been reports that was not happening. Told to stand 20ft away? Maybe its wrong, maybe that guy wasn't a poll watcher anyway and was trying to create something out of nothing, but I have seen and heard several accounts, all of which were ignored by MSM. Thats an issue if its true. So to answer your question, yes in theory that was supposed to happen, but there are differing accounts and definitions of what that law says is supposed to happen. Using binoculars to have to see the ballot isn't a reasonable request by the dems.
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