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Posts posted by drew95gt

  1. Nice ride.. Hope you haven't hit any deer in that thing. I used to live in Point Pleasant, WV. 3 deer in 2 years + COUNTLESS near misses...

    +1 To that, I am originally from Parkersburg WV and I have several deer insurance claims. They are flipping everywhere down there, like big dumb rats.

  2. Myself I buy used Hondas - generally grab 'em at around 100k miles and run 'em to 200k miles. Very reliable cars.

    Good luck

    :plus1: I would buy a nice used Honda Accord or Civic Sedan. They are fairly cheap, reliable, and easy to work on. Just sold my 1991 Accord with 240k on it last year. Would have kept it but it was rusting to pieces...damn Ohio winters. :mad: Wife talked me into a newer mini-van, it is nice but I hate having a big car payment again and it drinks gas like my old F-150. If I could do it over, I would do exactly what mello dude does.

  3. Oh, I like you drew.:metal::cheers:

    Thanks Nick, I am a big fan of the 14's. They are admittedly a "love it or hate it" kind of bike, but I think they are just about as close to perfect as you can get with a sport/sport touring motorcycle. I would love to have one someday. :cheers: .

  4. damn...im pretty sure its the only crack, ill get the fairings off and take a closer look, any advice on take these fairings off, anything i should watch for, steps?

    So...you don't know how to remove fairings, but you are going to attempt major engine repairs? Seriously you should take it to a shop...any bike shop should be able to look at it and see what you have broken and give you an estimate on cost to replace. Then go to EBay or CL and look for someone parting out a Gixxer 750 (should be fairly easy to find) and get your replacement parts and any spares that you think you may need. Definitely get it looked at by someone that knows what they are doing though because the damage may be more than what you are thinking. Good luck with the repairs, welcome to OR, and glad you are ok from the crash.

  5. :plus1: I agree, riding is dangerous enough without adding in the slowed reaction times and poor coordination and balance from alcohol. Working in a hospital I have seen too many bikers that come into the ER from alcohol related accidents, kinda scared me away from even thinking about drinking and hopping on a bike.
  6. I got to about the Worthington exit on 270 before it cut loose and this huge clump of leaves and twigs smashed into my windscreen going about 65, so I hauled ass off the highway to a Chase Bank drive thru and sat it out...got totally DRENCHED on the way back to Marysville though. I hope mother nature plays nice next bike night. I heard all the sirens blasting as I was sitting there at the bank thinking "welp, I'm done..." lol. Glad everyone else made it home in one piece. Definitely gotta clean the bike now.


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