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Everything posted by 20thGix

  1. try it yourself http://www.mda.mil/careers/interceptor.html
  2. 20thGix

    walking dead

    Its working now. Had to watch non-HD for a minute then switch back. Time Warner can still kiss my ass. If it wasnt for the wife i would have ditched there asses along time ago. Tried the Hulu thing for while but she didnt like it.
  3. 20thGix

    walking dead

    Fuck you TIme Warner Cable. "AMC HD is unavailable Please try later"
  4. http://www.lazylanecabins.com/falcon_ridge.htm Sleeps 10 @ 249 per night weekend rate.
  5. So with spring looming and dreaming about riding and fishing i decided to start a little project. No sense letting powdercoat sit around not doing anything. In the spring i hit Lake Erie a few times fishing for walleye with some co-workers. Its expensive enough just going with camping, food, tackle and not to mention a few hundo in fuel in the boat. So i decided to make new and restore some of our old spoons and blades. At 5-7 dollars a pop for spoons you would think the paint would last a bit longer. This is where the powdercoat comes in. I can do the same colors and its not coming off anytime soon. First i made this fluid bed to dip tackle in. Its made out of 4" PVC and a few aquarium parts from the pet store. The top piece comes off and i set a sheet of paper over the bottom and press the top back on. It diffuses the air that i have hooked to it. o Here is a video. Crappy but it is what it is. The powder sorta looks like boiling water and just about doubles in depth being aerated. http://s52.beta.photobucket.com/user/kbacon3231/media/photobucket-8843-1360202568845_zps4751ec4b.mp4.html Also heres a couple pics of some that i have done. Its definatley harder to powdercoat things not using the gun. I dont think the fish will care that they are not perfect. I know for a fact the sheephead and white bass wont. I need to order some more colors and after i get done re-doing the old spoons im going to buy 50-100 spoon blanks. May as well fool around with the old ones first.
  6. Couldnt even come up with their own sound track either. They hate America but want to use a Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie song for the video.
  7. You may also want to check with your home insurance agent. Adding a wood stove may or may not raise your premium. Or they might just want to see that it has been installed correcty and to code.
  8. 20thGix

    bbc in us?

    They used to but i the last couple seasons have been full episodes. 1:20mins of one of the best shows on TV. TG has to be one of, if not the top rated show on that channel. The American Top Gear is a horrible show and just needs canceled. Tanner Faust is the only one with any qualification to be on that show and thats only becasue he knows how to drive. The other 2 twats seem to have to read a que card to tell you anything about a car. That show is like nails on a chalkboard.
  9. I was going smoke a brisket today but got lazy and threw meatballs in a crockpot. Sorta had other things to do other than babysit a charcoal smoker all day. I did make a crab rangoon and beer dip though.
  10. 20thGix

    bbc in us?

    The season premier is tomorrow on BBCAmerica. Relax you only have to wait another day.
  11. A few years ago i was prepping my bike for the spring. I had aready checked all the bolts, lubed the areas that need it and tinkered around with it in the garage. After i called it quits i then decided to make sure all lights and signals were working. So i sit on the bike and decide im going to start it again. So i fire it up turn the hazards on. When i go to get off the bike i realize the kickstand it not down. As most of us know by the time you realize that its too late. So there i am looking at my bike laying on the garage floor still running. It took me a minute to absorb what had just happened. I was soooo pissed that i did it.
  12. What everyone else said. If they are really simple (1040EZ) you could go oldschool and go to the post office and manually fill out the paperwork. Then mail it in. The perk of the software is that it goes step by step making sure you take advantage of all tax credits that may apply to you. Like this one that had been extended for 2012. http://www.irs.gov/Individuals/Tax-Incentives-for-Higher-Education- It basically paid for all of my wife's classes she took last year. Also doing them on your own gives you an idea of what to keep track of during the year to help lower your taxable income.
  13. Put it off till spring. Here's a link to the upcoming activities. Frozen waterfalls would be neat to see. I just think you could get more out of that area with better weather. http://www.hockinghills.com/
  14. 20thGix

    Price Check

    A friend of mine is selling a shotgun. It a S&W 916T 12gauge. Beating around the internet looking for a value i get anywhere from "You couldnt pay me to take it" to $250. I seen it last time i shot with him but it wasnt for sale then so i didnt bother to actually look at it anymore than seeing him shoot it. As far as condition i would assmue it being fair. He's asking $180 with a couple boxes of shells and a cleaning kit. The cleaning kit and ammo add no value to me. I dont need it but if i can get it cheap enough why not. Thoughts?
  15. 20thGix


    With the insurmountable descisions that have been thrust upon you, your only solution it to let me release you from these chains. Just drop it right back in the mail box with my address on it. PM sent.
  16. I dont know why but the greatest collection of nice and polite people are at the Troy YMCA. Everyone from the staff to the members that use it. It's borderline wierd.
  17. I did a pork shoulder yesterday. Totally underestimated the cook time. It can out pretty good though.
  18. Well didn't get to go so for those that do, have fun and post some pics. Dancing lady pics also.
  19. Going to drop subtle hints before I flat out ask.
  20. Maybe I can get in via Siemens. They are pretty involved with Chrysler. 3days of listening to someones jib they could atleast get me a pass.
  21. Anyone able sneak me in the N. American Int'l. Auto Show here in Detroit tomorrow? I was going to go but its press and industry professionals only till the 19th. Unfortunately tomorrow is my last day here. Definitely don't see myself driving back up Saturday.
  22. I rode around visiting all the local gun shops. Filled the seat cowl full of ammo then stopped at a buddies and shot for a bit. Then put a few more miles on the bike. Pretty good day i might say so myself!
  23. 20thGix


    Old ass bastard. I have nothing else to add.
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