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marlboro man

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Everything posted by marlboro man

  1. Took the bike out for a ride & put bike away there's a damn snake by my hand what type is this ?
  2. Not in tires are roasted and too much work on the plate
  3. Your cabin campgrounds on 555 Will prosper ! if we shut down The road for races weekend to weekend for qualified trails and a second time weekend to weekend for races . we need to get a petition made to sign . I think we can pull race off it's near laid-back towns versus trying to pull off a race near a bunch of stuck up places. After the first race season they will realize revenue from small town businesses doubled that year and it's Worth it to them to have a section of road shut off for two weeks out of the year
  4. Place is in need of a renovation due to lack of maintenance over the years Other than that that place could be The number one resort in the area
  5. That road was bad ass even when it was shitty rough it Scuffed Your rubbers up after a few twisties Then they stuck together like a dog in heat
  6. Home already thinking where the hell the weekend go . thinking take this job and shove it & disappearing on a bike & riding till I can't ride no more
  7. get ready for the Vaseline I got reamed out last year for the same thing cost me $600to700 got it down to equipment violation & got zero points get a lawyer
  8. Had to go look at a couple jobs in southern Ohio Road 360miles Currently stuck in electrical storm downpour in bolivar after rideing 50 miles in the rain so pumped to ride at the gap
  9. Damn least it got 55k with a rain dome of hate
  10. Where is all the trails bubby i'm Trailering Sport touring banana and mini cruiser for the trails
  11. Kissing bridge I think I don't know where it is anymoreKissing bridge I think I don't know where it is anymore I think it's off of 26 or 800 South of woodsField
  12. I hate to say it but I rode the epic ride & I only put 180miles on my bike because I had the trailer because of my dog & had to carry tools to work on a shack but i'm thinking about buying this to carry tools and dog & to trailer Max powers bike down to the gap on the back of my bike
  13. Feeling hung over just rolled out of bed Casper & I be at the boat ramp at 10:30
  14. Looks like it's going to be a nice day to ride to me who's smoking crack
  15. 85 degrees Humid as hell and hot as hell glad it's pouring now 7 minutes from the McConnelsville meeting spot
  16. In for the gangbang don't know where I'm going to fit in on speed though
  17. Insurance will be higher & you will either get fucked up or lose your license first but if you do get a liter bike don't extended swingarm and make the bike useless
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