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Everything posted by ohdaho

  1. ohdaho

    Digital Guages

    Though you were getting rid of the bike? The vapor on trailtech.net is an option
  2. Thats normally the hardest thing to fix in an organization. If it was money, donations can always be a pardon...but management is systemic and takes a change in culture.
  3. Thats not really how DoD acquisitions work. Far from it really. Theres no blank check DoD acquisitions...so Im not really sure what yall are talking about. Besides what wars are we storming beaches like its Normandy? The battlefield has changed drastically since those days.
  4. damn... its like a soap on ORDN. Best of luck todd.
  5. I would avoid comp acc. Everything seems to be overpriced at their store. +3 for motorcycle superstore. Ive had great luck with Iron Pony as well.
  6. ohdaho


    I wouldnt say first. Its definitely a good idea, but if hes not sure he wants to invest his money and jumps into an IRA...he's fucked with penalties if he decides to pull his money 5 years down the road. Good on you for putting something into an IRA. Something is better than nothing, and it all adds up in the end. Im extremely risky with my investments. Most of my success has been in biotechs. Everyone has a different investment strategy...its trying to find the right one for your goals thats tough.
  7. ohdaho


    Roth IRAs are great if you know you want to save for retirement. However, if youve got a relatively small amount of money youre not sure you know what to do with, jumping in a Roth IRA probably isnt a good idea. Sounds like the OP just wants to make a few extra bucks and maybe have access to in the future (an option he would be penalized for with a roth IRA). I think its a great time. Many stocks are cheap and you just have to research the right ones. Thinkorswim.com is great for options trading. I always tell people great companies for short term investing are those companies you (and your friends/ppl around you) would buy products from. Diversify your holdings also, but dont overextend yourself.
  8. How about people stop reading articles or crappy journals on the internet for medical advice/news? Look into an A-level peer-reviewed journal. If a finding was so shocking, there was probably a reason they couldnt be published in a legitimate journal.
  9. You dont really have money for toys if youre financing.
  10. miles on the unit? has it been refreshed?
  11. 3 dudes and 1 bed? Sounds like an interesting night.
  12. There are always haters, whether thats true or not. If I was homeless, id probably steal to get by also.
  13. I thought the movie sucked. Had some funny parts, but overall horrible.
  14. does anybody know exactly what we just signed up for?
  15. Man if insurance rates are really that high for you, Id consider going strictly track. Youll get to ride faster, and learn alot more technically....and you can save more money for cooler toys for the bike/track.
  16. wtf is that tag "idildo"? asshats Legit.
  17. I bought some for Christmas but didnt unload them all to my little cousins. Anybody here use these? Ive got several $50 cards ill part with for $40. edit: Ive still got the receipt to verify that these cards are legit.
  18. lll sell you my Sears kenmore 18.2 cu ft for $200. Bought it brand new in '07 used for 2 yrs and then I moved in with roommates and garaged since. No frills. Similar to this one http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_04668802000P?prdNo=1&blockNo=1&blockType=L1
  19. Austin fucking rocks. Here right now for the break. Got up to 80s last week.
  20. Take your blade out and do 140 sideways...im sure youll forget all about her then.
  21. Have you done their march madness tourneys? if so you should have an account already.
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