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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I feel I know what path I'm going to take with my career and finances for retirement. I would like to bounce it off someone, but they would need to know military and VA benefits, along with financial planning and Military job opportunities. My peers are on a way different path's, with family and a rocking chair, working until they are 120 years old, blah blah blah. I feel I'm pretty well dialed in on how to make it happen and being able to do so. Who or where do you guys go for career advice or planning? Peers, your boss, or is your field one that evolves into something else down the line? The financial planning is pretty simple. I get that part. I guess I just wish there was someone or place that knows all and can look at the plan and say " this is a better idea, or you will be all set if this all works". I have crunched my numbers. I have decided my comfort level I desire. I'm not looking to live rich, but I want to have fun, right up until I miss that 360 boned out tail grab and hit a fucking tree, snowboarding in the mountains of Hawaii. I'm 37 and don't want to be tied to a career passed 50. Not that I won't work or make income. I just want to have the flexibility to determine how I spend my time. Whether it be teaching snowboarding at mad River for $7 an hour, or living the Winter in Park City and riding all I want, when I want. I'm not looking for a life coach, but and informed person that knows the areas that pertain to my planning would be great. It seems too unrealistic to find someone who would know what I might not be thinking of. Thoughts? Suggestions? Experiences? I don't have kid's or financial obligations, and my girl is cool with this plan too.
  2. ^^ This It's on my "if I found the right deal" list. Weapons are more of a tool the way I see them. It's good to have options and sometimes one hammer will work better than another, given the situation. How many times are you going to have to hit it? How hard are you looking to hit it? What's around that you might hit with it? Ammo is pricey. I found hollow points in Vermont for $21.99 for 50 rds. That's the best counter price I have seen. Even buying in bulk, there aren't great deals out there. You basically have to be ok with $.50 every time you pull the trigger. I'd still grab it up.
  3. I have stayed at a few Marriots and can't say anything bad comes to mind. The name Sheration and Hilton have always carries such a high end level of guest comfort and care. I just don't see it.
  4. I'm in a Sheraton in Atlanta. I tried to stay at te ones in Burlington, Vermont, and it was the same story as what I'm seeing here. Every place I did stay at, made me much happier that I did not go with Sheraton or Hilton.
  5. Prior to going on leave this month from Afghanistan, I looked into staying with both of these hotels. I had always heard and assumed how high end and well taken care of these hotels were. I was looking for a place to relax and have many amenities and comforts I had been without. I emailed both hotels 2 months out trying to make arrangments. While e changing emails, I realized these hotels only compete with each other. They ala cart everything. And their amenities were terrible. $10 a day for wifi!! Are you kidding me? All meals were excessively charged and no continental breakfast. I have stayed at a lot of hotels with the traveling I do and free wifi and some snacks in the morning are the normal in most places. Not to mention, the rates are far over priced for what you get in a Holiday inn. I'm in a Sheratin right now due to a layover, and this is where they put us up. You wouldn't think these hotels would have the name they do with as little comfort as they provide the guest. I spent almost the last 2 weeks in a hotel. I stay in a hotel about 25 nights a year before this. If you are looking for comfort and amenities, avoid the Sheraton and Hilton hotels. Local suites and a common Holiday inn will take care of you better.
  6. I think when you see something like this you have ask, "what would Jesus do"? Kidding. But you have to wonder what you would have done. Were there less means or force that could have been used to resolve the issue? Ten rounds; you know other things got hit by them bullets that went through him or missed all together. A leg shot or hip would have disabled the guy. I just think the cop probably caused his own paperwork problem in the long run. I don't care an idiot swinging a tool around to hurt people was killed. people need to know that if you are being threatening, and a cop tells you to do something, you do it or get hurt. Who ever recorded it, they were punks. They could probably use an ass beating
  7. Thanks to everyone for coming out. Lots of laughs and shenanigans. There has to be some funny vids and pics out there. Seemed like a camera was out all the time. Great seeing everyone.
  8. In the bar. Our girls are holding a table in the middle of the room for us. Fel free to stage your gear with tem.
  9. Waiting for the ladies to finish getting ready and we will be heading that way. Have not been in a terrain park in a while. Hoping I have a little game still. Loved the shitty half pipe they use to have there. I would beat that thing up all day on a 139cm board. nothing more than 180s and 360s, but to get a board vertical off the lip, was hard to do. I'll be on the Lib Tech Burtner box scratched banana. Set up minty fresh. Gray coat, black pants and white goggles.
  10. Bring it to winking lizards on bethel tonight and I'll buy it. Grab the hard drive too, lol.
  11. Mojoe

    tonight, 1/20...

    Several of us Will be at winking lizards on Bethel fom 7 till when ever.
  12. Mojoe


    Its for Ben, Yota has his. I thought you would like the Euro.
  13. That's a pretty good deal. I bought the two stacker and love it.
  14. Mojoe


    Pay it and move on. When it comes time to buy the house, you will probably be asked for a letter from who you rented from, saying you were good at paying on time. And I dropped off beer in your fridge. Get drunk. Haha
  15. Check your shit ball toucher. Sent you an invite on FB and hit it up here. I better see your ass on the hill. I'll have a bottle Goose with me. You bring some redbull. And now it's 3am and I just want to put the gopro on the car and play in parking lots. Damn you Miller
  16. If it's a mud slide up there, I'm still going. Should be 50 on Saturday. I'm pretty sure they are making all they can with the cold temps to protect the base they do have. It's 22 out now, I drove by some no name place in NY and Brandy Wine tonight. Both were making snow.
  17. Just bumping this to the top. Spent the last few days riding here in Vermont. Not much snow anywhere this year, but there is coverage. I'm still on for this Saturday. Sounds like there will be quite a few people there, so this should be pretty fun.
  18. How was it. A bunch of us will be up there Saturday. I think you posted in my thread you my be there. Hope to see you.
  19. oted from an employee on my facebook; "A woman was in the service drive and when she started the car the engine revved all the way up, She put the vehicle in reverse, slammed through the door and hit a tow truck driver dropping off a vehicle, then she smashed into 3 brand new Subarus totaling one. No ops, no insurace, she just bought it a couple days ago!!! Not here!" She's screwed. Didn't even buy it there.
  20. There's no pot of gold up there. There's no thrill in it for me. It's a challange, yes. But, of all the other challenges out there and the things I have done; I'll be down here where it's warm and where the pussy is. I just have zero interest, because I'm not humping a snowboard up there. It's to high to even enjoy the ride down. I've been on MT. Fuji, Japan and to the Rocky's with Trouble maker, I'm good with that. The training commitment I would rather put into several other interests, like track school's, snowboarding clinic's, and just plain fucking instead of climbing to where a bunch of people have failed.
  21. I'm not looking to plug it in and do update for route that are predetermined. This is for a rally and I will not know the areas i'm going or looking for until the morning of. So I need it to bebest info on the fly, maybe connected to a network as I go.
  22. I'm tracking the the maps and traffic updates is pretty much a must. Some of the traffice updates seem to have advertisements that are annoying from what I have been reading. Any input?
  23. I have had good experiance with the iPhone, but certainly not able to say one way or the other to comapre to other systems. It will be with me so we will be using it. I like the input on the TomTom. keep it coming for info guys. thanks
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