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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. It use to be the imports with a fart can exhaust, just driving around reving at everyone. Now it seems like every fucking day I'll be sitting at a light, and like twice a day some bag of dicks with rev. Almost always GTOs, Mustangs, and SRT Chargers. Gas peddle flexing at random people is gayer than eight dudes fucking nine dudes. What's funny is I always think it's the previous owner of Not Brian's car, or his friends. I really don't run into what use to be rice. Now it's like all the import ricer's grew up and get a V8, but are still pipe shorting people. Stawp!!!!:fuuuu:
  2. Not that any of what's below matters, but if Turkey is our ally, I would think they would have agreed to follow the Geneva Convention. An additional protocol to the original Geneva Conventions. Article 42 of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol 1) states: 1. No person parachuting from an aircraft in distress shall be made the object of attack during his descent. 2. Upon reaching the ground in territory controlled by an adverse Party, a person who has parachuted from an aircraft in distress shall be given an opportunity to surrender before being made the object of attack, unless it is apparent that he is engaging in a hostile act. 3. Airborne troops are not protected by this Article. .
  3. There is some good shared info in here. This topic is a nightmare. Best wishes to anyone who has any struggles related to this.
  4. Whole lot of hope in that happening. No pressure to the boots on ground.
  5. This was purchased from Bon Marche, it's like a high end Macy's. The set was $4000 new, about 6 years ago. When my wife and I married, the chair and love seat became the decorative set for our sitting area/ reading area. The couch has been in a bedroom. We simply do not use this furniture, and are looking to change things up with how we use the space they are in. We do have a dog, but he does not get on the furniture. However, to my fault, I was chasing the dog around the house and he jumped on the ottoman. There are light marks you can see in the picture. I'm sure with 2 minutes of leather cleaner it conditioner, it would be gone. The set has been sitting unused for a little over 3 years. We just don't use it and want the space freed up. Asking $1450, obo. Ottoman and marks. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/for%20sale/495E89FA-19A5-4214-9280-55197C4C2B97_zpsn0ixftwd.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/for%20sale/88735EFA-791B-447F-80E9-DE14C686730A_zpsj213yice.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/for%20sale/8ACF5858-8852-41C3-A3ED-972688EA5CAA_zpss7vulodx.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/for%20sale/9E07E7B1-1557-46A6-9AFE-0653F56F80DF_zpspplyonfr.jpg
  6. Video of how they work. GLWS
  7. Willing to be the issues is not the round, but the use. In new pistols the spring is really stiff. Normal 9mm 115gn produces 1100ish fps, relating to the push emery for the slide. The 147gn is 9xx fps. I'm guessing stove piping and FTE were most of your issue. Once the weapon is broke in, no issue. With 147gn, going to a +p might be what is needed on a new gun, if it is rated for it.
  8. Many of you have said you wanted to try Freedom Munitions. I wait for days, like today, to place my orders. It's "AMMO DAY" for them. 5% off all ammo and $7.50 flat rate shipping. This is good target ammo, that I have had no issues with. But, like anything else, you'll find people on the internet who have had an issue. 1000 rds 9mm 115gn reman, shipped for $187. 1000 rds .223 55gn reman, shipped for $287. They sell new ammo and remanufactured(factory reloads). First time customers get free shipping, go here. http://www.freedommunitions.com/First-Time-Buyer-s/56006.htm http://www.freedommunitions.com/#&panel1-1
  9. Must stop clicking on vids in this thread.
  10. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116414
  11. IMO, this is to them what 9/11 was to us. Immediately closed the boarders and stopped flight. I like it. Gathers some intel, and delivers a message. I like it. Would like to see armed citizens, ASAP. Our boarders are still open as we tell to world about the threat to our citizens and targeted military and their families. Just an FYI, if you've been under a rock.
  12. Special delivery of fuck you to Isis from France. https://www.rt.com/news/322211-france-airstrike-isis-raqqa/
  13. It's easy to sit and shoot holes in suggestions, right or wrong, but what do you offer for a solution?
  14. ^^ My day was a pain in the ass to work with. Too short of notice to feel comfortable to ask you to work with, and I didn't have a time that I would have been able to say was good to meet.
  15. I'm reading we need to "get rid of the terrorist's". I'm reading "not all Islam is bad", "not all Muslims are bad", "we should not blame the refugees". So who is the bad guy? It is said to be Isis. Who is Isis? For well over a decade we have fought a non uniformed enemy. Al Qaeda, Taliban, Isis and several other pop up labels for what we are told are different groups. We are told, regardless of the name, each time that the hate is driven by the Muslim religion for the Western way of life and our involvement over sea's. Let's take the name away and understand how real the threat is. There are cells of these Haters all over the world. They are ready to execute their plan at a moments notice. I feel that is what happened yesterday in Paris. Early yesterday in a news release, Britain said they can pretty much confirm the death of "Jihadie John". http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/13/middleeast/jihadi-john-airstrike-target/ Britain raved about how US was their greatest Allie. The attack in Paris is either the biggest coincidence in world events, or IMO, the rebuttal from those I refer to as the Haters. I see several messages in the action. 1) Any Allie to the US can expect to be targeted. 2) I think they intend to target our easy Allies with open borders and unarmed citizens. I'm simply making a point, not going all Second amendment in this thread. 3) In a perfect situation the Allies withdraw support of the US actions to stop the deaths of their country's citizens. There's no way this would get to this point for a long while. But, The Haters would love to see the US be abandoned of support and go through all motions to maintain or recover the friendship. this could include US forces in these other countries to support that countries military in destroying the enemy. Imagine Europe as as a war zone again. This would be the best time for the Haters to execute their plans in the US. IMO, it would be larger scale and several bombs, mass shootings, and likely something nuclear. Many of you will say this is far fetched, it is. Because we hope to break up anyway of this being about to happen. Other than for the US to get out of other counties, not be a super power, and that our way of life is despicable. What do the Haters want in the end?
  16. It was deleted by the OP by the time it hit page 2. CR has a wide rage of views. This is a tough topic that comes with many opinions.
  17. Thanks for all the suggestions. Scott, was slanggin rubber like a boss. Lash has a nice set up and it was good to work with someone I know. Thanks Scott.
  18. Scott, your are real close to where I'll be later. can you call me with what time is good?
  19. I'll keep that as an option. Thank you.
  20. Took the day off and looking to put the winter tires on our Outback. I use to go to IPS and they would swap the tires on to the stock wheels for $51. Talked to a few places the morning and they all want $120 and they can't even get me in today. Last part is my bad planning. I'm in the westerville area with the tires, running errands. Anyone?
  21. Ak and steel, all day everyday. Bang bang.
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