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Everything posted by snodgrass23

  1. I've ridden to work at 6:30-7am a few days a week for the last 3 or 4 weeks. I've ridden the bike @1500 miles since February. I take it pretty easy in the morning since the road is pretty cold, but other than that it's fine. I do have a heated jacket and gloves though, which makes a HUGE difference. I don't have to layer up going to work. The jacket it warm enough (I've tested into the 20's) with just my normal work shirt on (usually a short sleeve polo) and i haven't turned it up more than about halfway.
  2. Here's a review of a couple of them. http://terrywhite.com/techblog/archives/4791
  3. Not always. If you're trying to use Google Maps on your iPhone, yeah it needs signal to download the maps. However, there are multiple other apps you can buy that include all map data and only use the cell service to search for POI's. I'm sure Android phones and others also have similar abilities.
  4. I don't think anyone is necessarily blaming him, just that he could have used better judgment with where he decided to sit. Cops are supposed to be promoting safety. If I'm walking down the middle of the road towards traffic, people should be paying enough attention not to hit me. When I get hit though, I'll still be the idiot who was walking down the middle of the road, even if it was a teenager on a cell phone that hits me.
  5. This works for waypoints, but it won't transfer routes.
  6. yeah, that was my first thought too. At least move back down the road a little so people won't see you until they are pretty much through the turn.
  7. I looked at these, but they had the same issue I have with just sticking the GPS in the top of the tank bag like I've been doing. It is just too far out of my line of site. It's probably ok for something with a more relaxed riding position like a cruiser or maybe even a sport tourer, but I had look down way too much on my sport bike. I didn't like taking my eyes that far off the road. As a follow up to my other post, here is a list of some of the different mounting options they have with the RAM mount system (including a suction cup mount like magley64 mentioned using) http://www.gpscity.com/search/q=parts+b+size/m=1&s=4&c=RAM+Mounts here's a video about their arms and shows the suction cup mount http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDoml1Ngje0 Another popular type of mount using the reservoir bolts on the handlebars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0NwXUydDno
  8. I just installed a RAM system over the weekend. It came in three pieces. I bought the cradle for the GPS, the mount for the bike (a triple tree mount), and the connector between them. Each piece was @$9-13. A good thing about this system is if I decide to use a different GPS, or want to mount my phone, I only need to get the cradle and can use the other two pieces already on the bike. If I want to mount it in a different location, I can get another one of those and use the rest of the system as well. Here are the exact pieces I ordered: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00121MYE6 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001RHVS8I http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WJ90K0 Here is a good video about using the mounting piece. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91fRWdWb5mY Here is a picture of it after install over the weekend:
  9. I've been concentrating on East/North East, but I have some places to go your direction too. If I get another, I'll head your way a little more.
  10. yeap, that's pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opU1urLhw50
  11. You know you have to get the current TAG before you can start a new one, right?
  12. Or watch the DVD, or both. http://www.twistofthewristdvd.com/home.asp the trailer on the site is actually pretty long and has some good info as well.
  13. snodgrass23


    From the album: Misc. Pics

  14. snodgrass23

    gps mount

    From the album: Misc. Pics

  15. snodgrass23

    Ride Saturday

    yeah, it was colder than expected most of the day. I ended up grabbing my heated gear leaving because it was still cold, but with the expectation I'd be packing it soon after as it warmed up. Other than an hour or so, not only did I take them off, but it was on pretty much the whole day. I took a trip up towards Mansfield to ride with my brother. We went down to the Mohican Forest and surrounding area for most of the day. Including the trip up to Mansfield and back to meet him, I rode about 225 miles yesterday.
  16. yeap. ideally you should always be rolling on through the turn at least slightly. On the street, you should always have more room to lean harder as well to tighten the turn when needed. More than likely, you are leaning into the turn too early. Try to move your apexes a little later.
  17. hint: Shawshank Redemption
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