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Everything posted by snodgrass23

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I support the intranet site here at work and I have a module that pulls the weather using that API. Obviously it's down as well, and I knew to check it and notify the help desk to be aware because of this post! See, there's a good reason to visit this site when at work!
  2. snodgrass23


    I might have to go. I'm working on a charity "pump and run" event for later in the year and I think we're going to try to hand out some flyers there.
  3. yeah, I rode for about 45 minutes up through Johnstown and back. Route wasn't anything special, but I still loved it.
  4. yeah, I'm glad this is the first year I finally broke down and put some snow tires on. I put them on (all 4 ) during the first or second big storm in the beginning of January. I figured that meant it wouldn't snow the rest of the winter. I wish that it would have worked out that way, at least I have traction now.
  5. I did, he told me to order them off of the website. I thought maybe I was missing them somewhere.
  6. Am I blind, because I don't see the Pure's on the site to order.
  7. You could always attach some kind of safety line to it the first few times in case it came loose.
  8. I don't think you'll be getting a lot of air pressure pushing on the unit even without any fairings. Are you planning on mounting way up in the air and attaching a sail to it? The vibrations and bumps will likely be the largest culprit trying to remove your GPS from the mount, and that will be similar between all the bikes.
  9. I just stick mine in the map pocket on top of my tankbag. It makes it harder to use the touchscreen, but I shouldn't be using it while riding anyway. If I need to do something with it, I'll stop and take it out. This way, I know it's not going anywhere, it comes with me when I get off the bike, and the pocket keeps any moisture off of it.
  10. I got out for about an hour this morning. Was nice to get out for a little bit.
  11. So have I. I've looked for them at Iron Pony to try them on, but they haven't had them in when I've looked. The B-2's and some other Sidi's are on clearance right now on NewEnough, though. They won't be good for what the OP is asking for, but figured if someone else was looking for boots as well.
  12. I wanted to, but never got around to it. There is still some snow on the roads in my subdivision, but I think enough is melted that I could slowly work my way out. It's supposed to get to 40 tomorrow, so depending on when the snow/rain gets here I may try then,
  13. Yes, a "more neutral" setup, but it still is going to be biased to the side of understeer in normal setups. I'm not sure what part you're reading. The first wikipedia link list several cars with the amount of understeer they have, with the Corvette Z06 listed. Here are some quotes from the other two links: "Understeering cars do not suffer from this, which is one of the reasons why high speed cars tend to be set up to understeer." "Usually most modern sport car like BMW and Porsche with the exception of GT3 are all setup to understeer. Reason because car companies believe understeer is safer and easier to recover for most people." "Their suspension is not balanced heavily toward understeer.." "It seems intuitive that race drivers would prefer a slight oversteer condition to rotate the car around a corner, but this isn't usually the case for two reasons." You're assuming that since some race cars tend to try to be biased slightly towards oversteer for speed, that a Corvette will too? Most drivers, especially in racing that turns both directions, will still setup the car to understeer very slightly as the additional handling to be gained from a looser setup isn't worth the additional risk of losing control.
  14. That's your choice and I'm fine with it. A retailer, though, can't guarantee that whomever drives the car will be able to deal with this type of handling characteristic. Remember also that a snow tire example (depending on the capabilities of the original tire, ie. summer performance, or all-season) will magnify the differences of normal worn/new tires like shown in that video.
  15. No, a car that usually uses slicks wouldn't be racing in the snow. I was using a normal dry day as a comparison to remove some variables. You do realize that loss of traction on the rear tires is what generally causes a spin out, right??????? Thanks for explaining how street tires work. It would not spin out, however, it would under-steer. You have mistaken the ability to drive as in moving at all in snowy conditions with the ability to control the car once up to speed. This is the initial traction, and although annoying, isn't usually dangerous. What is dangerous is a car that has plenty of the kind of traction you want which gets it up to speed better but then can be dangerous because the tires with the worse traction, in this case much worse, will then be in danger of losing all traction. Your theory works great in deeper snow moving 10-20mph, but what happens when it clears up a little and you'd like to drive closer to a normal speed on the highway. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071122192629AAskAdT http://besttiresonline.com/TiresBlog/9/winter-tires-snow-tires-critical-in-winter/ http://www.saturnfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=129226
  16. You may be thinking of power oversteer, or the ability to invoke oversteer, which is different. Just because a car can oversteer doesn't mean the suspension is setup for it. Look at the old 911's that had a bad case of oversteer. They were notorious for spinning out for seemingly no reason. That is why they have such a difference in tire size, front and rear, to try to keep it under control. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Understeer#Understeer_values http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oversteer#In_road_cars http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e39-m5-e52-z8-discussion/13025-understeer-good-bad-2.html#post117596
  17. Whether it makes sense to you is irrelevant to the shop's policy. Again, whether it makes sense to you is irrelevant. Having the tires on the front or the back determines the handling characteristics of the vehicle. Having the snow tires on the back isn't ideal either, but under-steer is a lot more safe and controllable than over-steer. Why do you think 99.9% of all vehicles in their stock form are setup to under-steer. Find any car that has any tendency for over-steering, and I guarantee is also is one that gets wrecked more often. Most people here, though, are talking about worn or "better" tires especially when talking about rotating them. This is a completely different situation and it revolves around wear, not traction. This issue with this situation is the snow tires are going to have a completely different traction profile than the other ones. Realize this doesn't just apply to things like heavy snow driving, but also cold, wet, and icy driving as well. This would be like taking a race car and putting slicks on the front tires and street tires on the rear. How long do you think it would take before that car was spun out, and this is with an experienced driver. If they knew that installing the tires in such a way that they thought it would be dangerous, they definitely could be held responsible in some way. If your loved one died in an accident after installing these tires, and they said they thought it could cause the car to become uncontrollable, you don't think they would then shoulder some of the responsibility for installing them anyway? However, if this was their policy, they should have been as adamant about it when he was buying the tires so that he didn't have to go through the process of taking them back afterward.
  18. The problem, though, is the front will end up getting so much better traction that the car will end up spinning out pretty easily and probably at higher speeds. So, it will go better around the neighborhood at slows speeds, but on off and on ramps and even general interstate driving in general the car will tend to have some nasty snap over-steer. With tires as different as that, you really should get them on all 4 tires.
  19. My first thought was, "that was kind of rude, even for here." Then I went through all the new posts and he has posted in every single thread on the front page. Maybe he's just chatty.
  20. yeah, the blowing snow hurt visibility quite a bit. I thought it seemed more slippery than the last few storms too on my way home.
  21. This is what I think of this weather. Ugh... Why do I still live in Ohio?
  22. I use Firefox and Chrome, but still use Firefox for most things. Emailing bookmarks and all that is sooooo last year. Here are a few apps to get you going. I use at least 3 PC's on a daily basis and need to keep as much info synced between them as possible, this includes files and favorites. This also works great when I need to rebuild a machine as I don't have to worry about backing up all of that stuff. XMARKS They have this for IE as well. Keeps all your favorites the same on all synced machines. Dropbox Sets up a shared folder on your machine. It then syncs with any other machines. So I keep anything I want to have on all my machines, like all my school homework. Basically anything that I used to keep on a flash drive, I now put here and I don't have to carry a drive around with me.
  23. I've wanted a Kawasaki ZX6R since I was in high school. I used to go down to the local dealership and sit on them as much as possible. As more time went by, I just never got around to buying a bike. I road my roommates bike in college, illegally and with no gear like a moron, though usually just around the block. The want for the bike never went away, I still kept up with the new models each year and always had at least one mag subscription, but never got around to putting the money down on one. Last year, my little brother got a 96 Katana 600. When the family was visiting for his kids birthday party, I took it for a spin down the road. It was the first time I had ridden a bike in almost 5 years and the bug immediately bit me again. I decided it was enough of "someday I'll get one" and started forth the plans for what I was going to get. I immediately borrowed my other brothers Honda 250 and got some riding gear and a permit. I rode it after work most days until it got too cold. I had decided that I was going to get a new Ducati Monster as I thought it would be more comfortable than a pure sport bike, but the ergonomics were still sporty and it would have enough power to keep me happy for a while. Plus, I loved the look of them and when I sat on one, it fit me like a glove. I put together $3000 for a down payment and was going to finance one in the Spring when the deals started coming out since I wouldn't be able to ride it much till then anyway. The urge didn't let me wait. I started thinking, with that down payment money, I could almost get a used ZX6R that I wanted all those years ago and not have any payments. So, I immediately started looking at sport bikes, particularly the 05-06 636 models of the zx6r and I knew the Magma Red was my favorite color, though color wasn't really a deciding factor. Then one day on craigslist, I come across a magma red 05 in Columbus for $4500. It had a bunch of stickers on it, but it looked like it may be in good shape otherwise, so I called the number. It turned out that it was a trade in at a car dealership right beside where I worked, so immediately planned the trip down to check it out. When I got there, it was exactly the bike I wanted. I couldn't easily get to his price since I was starting with my original down payment stash and knew it would be close to $5k by the time they tacked on taxes and fees. I told them I would buy it on the spot at $4k out the door. They took it, and that's where I stand today. I've had it for about a month now and have put about 500 miles on it even with all the crappy weather. Only pic I have right now.
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