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Everything posted by cornbreadxd

  1. I'd be down to ride to Akron possibly, I don't do stunts or anything but I could just ride in the backgroud. Hopefully I get this sv1k i'm eyeballing. I don't know if a ninja 500 will work for you
  2. I hate when I hear people say "I don't believe in the national anthem" That gets me fired up because even though im not in the military a lot of my family is and it's disrespectful.
  3. this .....let me know if they have gloves while your inside
  4. falling sucks....sliding across pavement uncontrollably however is exhilarating....except when you break your thumb like I did
  5. I have these same boots in a much larger size and they are extremely comfortable on the bike, i've never had any issue walking around in them either they are really well made boots.
  6. I like riding through the metropark in Brecksville, but living on the east side of Cleveland the closest place for me is Euclid but it's not as fun.
  7. Well I'm not married but I do feel it is unconstitutional to have SOME SEX MARRIAGE, I feel that it's a woman's or man's responsibility to have more sex when married, and it should be written in law that sex cannot be withheld by either party.
  8. how did they even strip them? they've got a monopoly of tools its not like at home where you use a sae instead of a metric and not a 6pt...etc. etc.. i had a problem with ntb like that before just getting 1 tire mounted and balanced, took them 4 hours and they didnt call me i had to get it the next day, all of them are created unequal
  9. Contact lens came out and he was just like F it then got back up and kept it moving.
  10. I wonder if the folks that write these articles or are antigun have ever fired a firearm before. I mean I remember the first time I shot one at a range it was a s&w .40 and I was a little nervous but after I shot it I was like.....WTF! That's all it is? It's just like using a tool like a saw or a drill, yes you can kill with it but anything can kill you. This guy could've been like me and carried a knife then the story would be that people shouldn't carry knives, but people carried knives before guns, where is the outrage over knife crime?
  11. Yeah its been pretty bad for me because call of duty isn't the same without a right thumb. And I'm slowly building strength back and everything but it is soooooooo slow
  12. So as some of you all remember I high sided on August 25 which ended my season because i had to have my fractured thumb pinned back into place. Now I'm waaaaaayyyyy better but my hand is super weak like I've got toddler strength in my right hand now. But i want a bigger bike for next season (sv1k) but i was curious on how any of you guys dealt with season ending injuries. I admit the most depressing part about having the injury was that I couldn't get back on the bike, and not being able to drive my cars because i couldn't shift gears was a somewhat distant second. I know I have to take it one day at a time but I look at my gear collecting dust and seeing other riders out makes me wish I would've broken a different bone.
  13. I usually would nod when i don't feel like waving or blip the horn as i pass, I did get upset when i saw another ninja 500 with the polished lip wheel mod pass me without waving because i knew they saw it on the 500 forums and we aren't a common bike in the area, I think there are like 3 in Cleveland that ride regularly
  14. i'd be interested but something is telling me this bike is f'd somehow
  15. Damn, this has been my ringtone for a few years and nobody ever knows what it's from
  16. you have 86 years to prove it wrong :lolguy: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f7/WipEout2097Cover.jpg/256px-WipEout2097Cover.jpg
  17. Truth, I drove from cleveland and spent 6 hours there and $200
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