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Posts posted by wagner

  1. Went to Kroger yesterday morning, not a soul there just really chill.


    Tried to go after wife got home and it was madness, like worse than before Thanksgiving madness. People just buying shit to buy it that you don't need in an "emergency" situation. I saw a person with a Jack Fruit in their cart with a bunch of random stuff, I bet that mother fucker didn't even know what that was lol.


    Thankfully, we started preparing a while ago so we don't need anything, we just were looking to the cat some treats and nope'd right out of that cunty bitch.

  2. The drug supply problem is crazy. EVERY SINGLE WEEK there is a new drug shortage and we get some email that The System is trying to seek out new and different suppliers to get what they need.


    I distinctly remember criticizing the Puerto Rico supply chain thing after their last hurricane because IV fluids were in such short supply that we really had to try to conserve what we were using. That is a great thing to have happen to a level 1 trauma center where you're hammering liters of fluid into people on the reg. I remember being told that they do it for tax purposes; not sure if there's any truth to that or not.


    I truly hope this whole scare changes some things for the better in regards to our (the country's) healthcare system as a whole. There are some glaring deficits in the supply line and all it is going to take is one good epidemic such as this to point out the obvious.


    The supply chain disruption was the first thing that jumped into my mind when this whole thing started. I hope there will be changes, but i doubt there will be because that requires difficult and painful decisions to be made.


    We're stocked up on essentials for a short emergency lockdown but we're going to keep adding to what we have each week when we go to the story. Worse case is that in a few months I'll have to find a way to make good food with all this canned stuff.

  3. You cannot go wrong with Short North...I was with a bunch of folks at Hoof Hearted on Saturday. The food was really good and unique and you can't go wrong with their beers. The only problem is they frequently run out of their own supply and I imagine it's going to be busy.


    If they want to avoid downtown, take an Uber to Grandview Ave: The Avenue, Spagio, Balboa for tacos/drinks, Grandview Cafe for beers...great walkable options.


    I was going to suggest some spots in Grandview for sure.

  4. And that's just aftermarket parts. Think how the major automakers are impacted.


    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


    Oh it's straight wrecking the supply chain across the board. I really hope this acts as a wake up call to some people, but I doubt it will because people are dumb.


    Another thing I find so interesting is the words different "media" outlets use to talk about the virus and everything surrounding it. Totally fascinating to see the attempts at control that are being made.


    My grandmother is in hospice and my mom has talked with the staff there about the situation and they agree with my thought process: be more worried about people's reactions to the virus than the virus itself. I trust them because they are legit medical professionals.

  5. I bet in 3 months we will forget about this like we did with Zika.


    Just live your life, wash your damn hands, stop watching CNN, Fox and reading the circle jerk of reddit.


    This is the way....


    In other news, CoronaVirus is causing problems in the high-performance industry since we get so much of our product from China.


    I'm having to change my engine build right now because the company I"m working with can't get a crank from its supplier in China.

  6. I got water, I got canned goods, and I got plenty of protection devices. I just need to make sure I have gas for the generator on hand just in case.


    Real talk, I'm not sure what to believe at this point because the news is trash.

  7. Pilot's license earned!


    Great vid...tough to ask the guy to explain what had happened:

    1) He's shook


    2) That's an expensive flight for a car

    3) You can tell he's stressed about what the damage is going to cost him.


    That's part of the job and what makes for great TV.


    I'm glad he was okay, that could have ended really bad on many levels.

  8. I was standing a ways back from the starting line and saw it happen, it was scary to see the car go that high in the air.


    When I went to interview him he had to pry his grandaughter off because she was in full meltdown mode over it. The next morning he posted a picture of himself doing cardio at the gym hotel and he was fine. It shows how important safety gear really is for sure.

  9. So I was given the opportunity at work to be the on air talent for our broadcast of the biggest radial tire race of the year and I jumped at it. I've never done anything like this before and let me tell you it was INSANE, fun, but just a whole new level of work.


    I got about 4 hours of sleep on Friday going into saturday and then had to be "on" during our 18 hour broadcast anytime I had to do interviews.


    Here is one of the most insane things that happened during the event. We were on the starting line when this went down, had to jump on a golf cart and haul ass to the top end to get the interview and then sprint back about a 1/8th mile to get this highlight uploaded with the interview....


  10. Just curious, like what?


    When I visited Boise last year all the locals had the same complaint, an influx of Californians were ruining their town somehow... fucking Boise, Idaho.


    Sorry to get off topic OP.


    The best way to describe it is a bunch of people coming in and talking down to you, how you live your life, saying you need to change to make them happy, and they're offended by everything.


    One of our script writers lived in Idaho, went to work in Cali, got sick of the bullshit, moved back home, and is now pissed because the Californians are invading there. Some problem in parts of Oregon and Washington.

  11. Sa for sure has some of "them"


    Wifes cousin is "one" and its cringy, good people, but whacky views


    No doubt, I've heard some horror stories of "them" going to other states and throwing fits over things, cringy is the best word to describe it.


    If you do move to SA let me know and I can hook you up with some of the locals I know.

  12. I know a few people out there through the local drag strip and it seems nice.


    I don't think that part of Texas is suffering from the California invasion so you should be good there. Just stay away from places like Austin and such that have had an influx of those types, they are making it difficult to enjoy Texas.

  13. After some exploratory surgery on Friday it was discovered the engine in The Red Dragon is terminally ill and needed to be put down. That engine had a good run all things considered and it will be interesting to see what made it sick when we do the autopsy later.


    With that being said, after the new car is done and running it will be time to start putting together the new combo for the car. Not 100% sure what route we will be going but it will be pushing the limits of the current roll bar that's in the car for sure....

  14. Anyone not running an AR9 or having not shot one, you are missing out. Absolutely one of the most fun guns I have shot for the money. There are several makes out there, but when set up to take Glock mags, I think it's great to pair up with a 9mm Glock.


    Suggestions for what to use for a build? I might be swayed to make a poor financial decision here...

  15. Whats also NOT blowing up is the fact that the US caused a earthquake right by a nuclear power plant in Iran and nearly made the country a sheet of glass








    I saw someone try to seriosly imply this was a thing and we also caused the earthquske in PR to cover it up.


    I think that same person is also an anti-vaxer...

  16. Super duper ugh on a facebook link to a video provided by GOPleader.gov, but thanks. Actually a seemingly reasonable dude and a mostly valid description from what I know. Still waiting on someone from either side of the aisle to recognize there are people in the middle and acknowledge their perspective. I imagine I'll be waiting a while as the "middle" doesn't bring enough votes alone to elect anybody.


    I would say that this guys point was more along the lines of "Trump administration took action, which can be viewed as positive in some regards", and much less "doing this was great, and the way we did it was fantastic and justified".


    The easiest video I could find from someone who actually has been there, take it as you will. Scotty from CR also said something similar on social media and he's been over there a few times. If you look around on Facebook you'll see photos and videos that talk about the IEDs that Iran developed that killed/injured our troops.


    War isn't something that sane or logical people want and hopefully this little dust up has run its course.


    What's not blowing up on social media is the fact that Iran accidentally shot down a civilian aircraft during their little show, from the Ukraine none the less. The conspiracy people are fapping hardcore to that one right now you can bet on that.

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