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Posts posted by wagner

  1. So we have US troops sitting in bases in Iraq having ballistic missiles lobbed their way, but it's OK because they intentionally missed! That makes it not at all terrifying for them and their families. I'm sure nobody has ever gotten PTSD from being woken up by attack sirens in the middle of the night and hearing missiles exploding around them.


    I'm glad you're enjoying some aspect of this "game."


    Thanks! It really is fun to see people melting down of this, like it brings me serious joy to see all of these people on their high horses telling me things.


    Seriously doe, there's nothing cool about a game of chicken with things that go boom. There's so many layers to this deal that pinning it all on taking out that general isn't true. The proxy war with Iran has been going on for a long time in different countries.


    The fact that people who actually have been in conflict over there have stated knocking that guy off was a good thing is all I need to know, the propaganda and media BS is just entertainment.


    What's going to be interesting is the next move that's made by both sides.

  2. No US casualties, no further escalation. Or so I'd imagine.


    Edit: Also reading reports that the Pentagon is saying Iran missed on purpose. I haven't seen an official statement, so don't take it as fact. If that's true, Iran knew they had to save face, but they knew if they really did kill American troops then Trump would respond disproportionately. They know they're outmatched and while we would take huge losses, they would lose control of their country.


    This is what I heard from someone who I would consider an informed source (retired Navy SEAL).


    I'm just enjoying the triggered people screaming on both sides all over social media.

  3. Not sure if I'll make any purchases this year as far guns go. I plan on spending my firearms budget more for ammo so I can just get range time in.


    If I get some extra cash I will purchase an AR/AK hybrid.

  4. This, so much this!


    I think that THIS core thought which is echoed among many staunch Trump supporters is part of the issue. Yes, I agree Trump has been good overall for the economy. But, equating his brazen juvenile behavior to that economic result is insanity. The economy is not up because he wanted to grab it right in the pussy.


    Do 2 munites of fact-finding on the why, and the how, the economy is up. It is up mostly due to tax cuts which have sparked higher spending. This is a good thing. The problem? Trump has done little to nothing to lower government spending. The budget deficit is now increasing by over 20% per year. Unless this starts going the right way, its just smoke in mirrors. You lower taxes, you HAVE to skinny up the government. This is like doing a heart transplant, not stitching up the chest incision and calling it good.



    I know its fun to laugh about, but I can tell you as someone who works with technical people around the globe, his public actions are embarrassing. If someone would just take his cell phone away, I don't think we would have any of these problems. But he is a complete sociopath and just can't help himself. That is an issue.


    To have an accurate opinion on the impeachment, you have to look at both sides and consider how we got there. This is the least bias summary I have found.





    My cliff notes opinion on the impeachment. It's not good for Trump. It's not good for Democrats. It's not good for anyone or any party and really, no one should be cheering about it. Seeing the house just blindly vote right down the party line has only highlighted how FUCKED the system is. No one is actually listening, and making a decision based on what they think is right- they are simply going with what party is on their name tag. We as the American people are paying trillions of dollars to run a dog and pony show.


    Its sad on many levels, but Trump was absolutely the better choice when it comes to who was on the ballot last election. The problem? Our choices were a social path and a criminal. :lolguy:

  5. Jasper engine have developed a horrible reputation, and alot of shops will not even deal with them anymore. I’d probably shy away.


    FYI Jeg’s employees can’t even get the engines cheaper then what the customer pays, when I worked there they had no mark up in them at all. Basically using them to sell all their other parts to bolt on it. Don’t be surprised when this stuff from GM is basically priced at bottom dollar as it is.


    Didn't know that about Jasper, will keep in mind for sure.

  6. Pace, Jegs, or Scoggin Dickey will be your best bet for that type of crate engine. Jasper and Blueprint also will have what you need I think since you're not looking for monster power.


    I've only worked with Scoggin Dickey on a professional level and they've been great. I know a lot of people go through Pace as well, plus they're based in Ohio so you can go pick the engine up. If you want to save cash hit up O'Doyle on here and see if he can get you a deal at Jegs.

  7. Looks like us car guys will be forced to “walk the desert” for the next few years until we remember that original content and even ads are valuable to our hobby.


    Tough to see the pendulum swing so far to one side on this.


    There will still be plenty of digital content, just no print, and I think you'll see TEN die eventually.

  8. From what I heard this weekend it's not a good situation over there at TEN at all. It sounds like there are going to be a lot of cuts and other changes.


    The other thing I found out is that each magazine won't be getting its own website, everything is going to get run through the " Hot Rod Mega-Site".

  9. Yes, it has built-in MAP and ITA sensors, it's cable driven, and it has O2 sensor.


    So, this also has a built in MAP and ITA sensor?

    Seems like a pretty nice drop in setup.


    It's also a pretty nice design that you can do it in steps; step 1, keep current ignition system and it can work well, step 2 install ECU controlled ignition system into the loop for more control.


    I'm assuming the throttle is still purely cable driven.


    I guess they are assuming most people already have an O2 sensor for monitoring, despite being carbureted?


    Has there been anyone that has looked into the effect of a throttle body injection system like that VS port injection? Other than on the wallet and how long the 2 week install period is. ;)


    Let us know when part 2 is up, would love to read it.


    It would be pretty cool if they built in or had some adds on's for position tracking; via g-sensor and/or GPS. They could also make provisions or a different version for DBW (drive by wire). With some combo of this and GPS, maybe with some wheel speed sensor add ons they could also add some traction/wheelie/etc control. It could make for a really interesting way to slowly step up the technical ladder.

  10. Did they say what will happen to the subscribers? I have been a long time Car Craft subscriber and just renewed for another 2 years not that long ago.


    I was sad to see Popular Hot Rodding go, and now car craft, it's a bummer for sure.


    I'm guessing they will stick you with a subscription to either Hot Rod or Motortrend. When they screwed everyone before that's what they did.

  11. A lot of us knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when the axe was going to fall. The stories I've hears about Source/TEN this doesn't shock me at all. They've struggled with digital as well so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.



    Dave Freiburger: Today is a day we’ve all dreaded. With the exception of Motor Trend, Hot Rod, and Four Wheeler, TEN Publishing will cease the print products of its magazine brands. These titles will continue as web sites and social media accounts, and the editors may keep their jobs to continue with that content. As a lifelong fan of print who made his career as a magazine editor, this is a devastating heartbreak of a day—but not a surprise. 19 magazines will stop being printed. I am impressed at the offers that Discovery has made to the remaining magazine editors, as this closure of print was not a decision made by Discovery.

  12. I went to high school with this guy. He was a senior when I was a freshman. We used to trade verbal (thank god that's all) jabs in study hall. I haven't actually seen or talked to him since then, but it was great to run into him.




    How's he doing since the accident? I know the UFC did a video story on it but haven't heard much since.

  13. I’m assuming you are saying cheapest FFL to have a gun shipped to. Most places are $40. I have one place that does it for $25 for military, but I’d rather pay the $40 to someplace closer to me. Where ever you might be shipping to, call them and see if they can get the same thing and beat the price. I shipped my Bergera to Aim Hi and they were pretty excited to see it and couldn’t come close to the price I got it for. Made good conversation for another purchase I made there.


    Thanks, at least I have a baseline now.


    I want to get back into shooting more so this purchase might be what forces me to do it.

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