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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Reasonable is a term in racing that is relative to how fast you want to go
  2. That's why I'm laughing at all these "not my president types", they are on a different planet. Some of the interviews with these people are amazing, they can't list one logical reason to hate Trump OUTSIDE of what someone said on social media, or what the daily show/SNL told them.
  3. The block in our other shop car is a solid billet block and that's just because the rules allow it. The no billet rule is there to try and keep the costs reasonable for this class. It's going to be interesting to figure out the power management on this motor for such a small tire that's for sure.
  4. This article kicked my ass on many levels. It was my first high level tech article and was an education on engine theory. I'm no expert but try to make these types of articles easier to read. http://www.dragzine.com/tech-stories/engine/steve-morris-engines-assembles-the-heart-of-project-evil-8-5/
  5. wagner

    New changes

    I might have a need for your services soon, I'll shoot you a PM.
  6. It's somewhere in the DVR of the live stream. They didn't cut that section out so I don't know what time it is in there. They were laughing at me in the production truck because I didn't break while they were dancing around behind me. I was more worried about the drunks that were around the camera guy, they were some interesting deep south hick types...
  7. Some of you follow me on social media and get to see first hand the insanity that is my life when it comes to racing. I was on the road for almost 2 weeks on a work trip that was only supposed to be one. It started at the World Cup Finals (the event I was supposed to be at) and ended with a trip to Mississippi. At the World Cup my job was to help run the same day coverage on Dragzine.com, and help to run the live broadcast. Shit got hairy when one of our freelancer camera guys never showed up, as in never got on his flight, zero warning just bailed. That was a huge problem because we were now down a person on the World Cup broadcast, AND he was supposed to drive one of our truck and trailer rigs to the Dirty South finals in Mississippi, then film it. We then had ANOTHER freelancer for the Dirty South finals bail. At that point the only option was for me to drive one of the rigs down there (never driven a truck and trailer that big before) and also help make up for the lack of man power there. After some flat tire issues on the 45 foot toy hauler, run-ins with Trump supporters, and gas station issues we made it to Hub City Dragway for the race. I ended up having to help co-produce the event, help trouble shoot camera issues, and became on-air talent on the fly. That got interesting when my interviews got crashed by 2 guys in those inflateable t-rex outfits... Here is some of the insanity (I had to also do all the writing for the videos too) If you want to see the rest of the highlights along with a ton of SEMA videos check out this link here. https://www.youtube.com/user/powertv/videos
  8. I know that there are at least 3-4 guys on both shows building new cars, old stars building cars for comebacks, and off camera grudge races that are well in to the 5 figure ranges. Then there's the guys who will be putting radials on and coming to some of the big radial tire races too. Street Outlaws has been huge for drag racing, why do you think the NHRA has accepted Big Chief and he's gone "legit"? I was told that the Street Outlaws merch trailer sold more than many of the fuel teams merch trailers. Love them or hate them, they put butts in seats and keep racing alive.
  9. Yes, pulls huge numbers and packs race tracks with fans when the stars come out for match races. There is going to be some SERIOUS drama on this season based on what I was told this weekend.
  10. I'm laughing at all the little triggered snowflake left leaning idiots that are doing the following: -protesting the results AFTER they said Trump was an idiot for suggesting he would dispute them. -calling for Trump to be killed -attacking trump supporters -calling for violence against trump supporters -pretty much doing everything and more they criticized the right for after Obama was elected twice. I don't support any of the stupid stuff Trump said, but the left needs to stop being this stupid. Their actions got Trump elected, they need to deal with their sins now just like the rest of us.
  11. Your moment of zen, people are this stupid. I remember when the shoe was on the other foot when the current idiot was put in office, twice. Left showing their true colors yet again. Nobody won here except for those who pull the strings.
  12. When do the "I'm moving to Canada" garage sales start, I need a new gas grill. The "outrage" over the results is hilarious. They act like Trump will follow through on some of the insane stuff he promised while campaigning. Remember all the stuff EVERY OTHER candidate has promised but never did? Calm your tits people...
  13. The people of Canada are laughing at us right now, that's how you know things are bad.
  14. Unless they figure out how to offense Nebraska and Michigan are going to mupet fuck them.
  15. Ohio State will be lucky to make a BCS game: fact
  16. Something will happen within the next 5 days so the media can take the focus off Clinton and give the sheep something else to talk about.
  17. It sucks that people are getting so screwed by Obamacare. The posts I'm seeing from people across the country on social media about the increases are just nuts. Obamacare nearly bankrupt a person in my family, and has caused the quality of life for another to decrease in a dramatic way. Yep, it was a great thing all right...
  18. wagner


    It's a public event and other people have already done it. Heck, I've put a couple videos out from C&C on my channel and got big hits. I also learned a lot from doing it. With our push for video content I'm guessing I'll be doing it more next year for work.
  19. wagner


    Since I took this new gig I haven't been able to put much time in my automotive channel, but my cooking channel will be getting attention soon. Show pretty much broke down the whole deal on a high level. The channel thing is a scam IMO and Google takes most of your ad money. We talked about working with certain racing channels to funnel content but haven't worked on that plan yet. I know with our reach that we could make people money...
  20. Are we hitting QSL this Friday again? I really need to get out of the house, this week has been brutal
  21. Interested, but not at 10K for sure. That's V8 money...
  22. Thanks! Art is a cool guy for sure with some killer cars. Yeah, that guy that went over the wall had no idea what was happening until he stopped flipping and rolling. I guess parts ended up DEEP in the pits from this one too...
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