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Everything posted by wagner

  1. I have been to a ton of tracks and I compare them all to Norwalk, it's the platinum standard in my opinion. I've got some killer shots standing on the fence there due to how close you are. The turnaround stuff is just crazy. I know that they calculate out if putting a new short block in will save time depending on the situation and will do that versus rebuilding the motor between rounds. I got to talk with a Pro Mod team for about an hour about RacePak data and how they use it to figure out what the car and driving are doing. Specifically the use of a heart rate monitor on the driver and a steering wheel sensor to see what the driver is doing with the wheel vs what the car is doing on he run.
  2. Here are a few shots from Norwalk this weekend. I took over 2,500 between the on-track stuff I had to shoot, assets for other stories, and pictures for stories I'll be writing. That was with Friday being almost a total wash due to rain. Oh and shooting Nitro cars trackside is a whole new level of crazy. You think they're loud in the stands until you're standing 4 feet from one as it screams by at full tilt. Also had one fire up beside me while I didn't have my ears on and covered me in raw fuel, damn work hazards... http://www.dragzine.com/race-coverage/nhra-summit-racing-equipment-nationals-photo-coverage/
  3. This event is a lot of fun and you can beat it for $10 to just watch and hang out. Maybe we can do a CR meet at one of these and do some grudge racing for those who actually race... My car won't make this next event because I'm out of town, but I do want to try their bolt on class soon. http://www.dragzine.com/news/the-local-scene-pacemakers-dragway-park-cash-days/
  4. It will be interesting to say the least since this is my first time shooting the "big show" cars from trackside. They have all these bullshit rules that won't allow me to do all the hoodrat media stuff I usually do, but it will be fun for sure.
  5. Doesn't fit the narrative, buried in news cycle, but that cop in Minnesota was found not guilty so that will flare up again.
  6. Between their change and Instagram's change I've been playing wack-a-mole trying to figure out how to make it better. Even when we sponsor posts they have throttled that, then you have this branded content bullshit that has crushed our reach and engagement too. It's scary how Facebook really controls what people see and how it gets filtered.
  7. This. Facebook can also be a fickle whore, or at least she has been to us. They changed their algorithm again and it's punishing the magazines big time.
  8. They changed the rules on the straps last year after a Top Fuel dragster pretty much launched a blower off the car. Nitro can be a big cunt and when she gets angry bad stuff happens.
  9. Just popped at the top end without warning lol
  10. He dosen't look like a Grinder kind of guy. I'll put my money on some crazy sexual fetish, maybe some BBW hookers that dress him up like a life guard and throw ham at him.
  11. I was talking about the guy on Comedy Central. I've honestly become numb to all of this insanity while my wife seems to be in love with the madness, it makes my soul hurt. I just look at the entire situation and wonder sometimes if I'm the only one just sick of it all and wish SOMEONE would bring some sense back to this universe. What will be interesting is when Trump gets bounced and the Ken doll looking guy takes over. He won't say the same crazy stuff Trump does so we will not have that level of lulz anymore.
  12. Agreed, the guy from the Daily Show is 100 times better at wrecking Trump, and he's funny.
  13. We elect the idiots we deserve and believe the lies they tell. When you only have two ways of thinking this is what happens. I plan on voting on Johnson/Hanks in the next election, the internet tells me they're the best.
  14. See, I respect you're views, you have some sense. I have zero respect for the idiots of Holleywood trying to tell me anything about what I should believe. These are the same people who claim how terrible guns are, yet make their money off of creating films based on it. Lots of fake, terrible people out there to say the least. The fact she has the balls to come out and say Trump bullied her speaks volumes about her, that and she looks like Carrot Top and Andy Dick fucked and made a scary baby. I didn't find what she did offensive, it was just stupid and without taste. I mean, how did she think it would end? If a tree falls in the forest will Geeto67 be there to tell it that's it's wrong?
  15. She's the victim now somehow, even after she was quoted as saying she would go after Trump and his kid in her comedy. But wait..... INSERT OBAMA PICTURES FROM 8 YEARS AGO HERE AND TRY TO DROP MIC Fact is, most people were also offended by those pictures, but don't let that stop a good interwebz post. This is just another example of the limousine liberal hypocrites of Cali-fuck-ya trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want to try and come across as you should think they're some type of leader or authority type, but when something like this happens it's "art" and "should not be taken seriously" Can we just have some elected leaders with some sense that stop shit like this? I'm not asking for much, just elected officials from either side that don't suck shit through a tube would be nice...
  16. You SO need to go, one of, if not the best track in the country.
  17. Norwalk's shutdown is MUCH longer than trails, I don't remember the exact number but it's huge. I think the entire length of Norwalk with their shutdown is like 4,000 feet, it's so long you can't see the top end turn off. At trails you can see the top end easy.
  18. They knew they were pushing their luck then, and then after Kalita got killed at E-town (on a short track like trails) that pretty much did in the 1320 foot racing.
  19. You will never see a NHRA national event at the track with Nitro cars, ever. It's WAY short for the speeds and ETs they run, the drivers refuse to race there, and as long as Norwalk is up and running it won't happen.
  20. I've seen a ton of "experts" spreading false info about the future of the track. I was lucky to talk with Scott and get the scoop on what's going down. It sounds like they will be doing everything they can to make this track great again http://www.dragzine.com/news/new-ownership-works-to-improve-historic-national-trail-raceway/
  21. Have family function tonight so no QSL for me. Will try to make Cars & Coffee but I have some work related things I have to do in the morning for our broadcast.
  22. Local guy I did a feature on, this care is just amazing. http://www.dragzine.com/features/car-features/maximum-mopar-mike-rehls-stunning-1963-max-wedge-savoy/
  23. If we can still use the lot why not buy some gallon containers of coffee from Timmy Ho's, ask for donations to cover it and just keep this train rolling?
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