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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Well, at this point I've got three options: 1. Grind it out and keep looking for a step up in jobs locally, could take years. 2. Blow it all up, take a pay cut and step back into an entry level job and new path, and take years to try and build back up. 3. Keep current job, work on building my resume to show these mythical “skills” that hiring people want to see through my side business ventures I’ve got now.
  2. Yes, I am very lucky to have the opportunities that I've earned through my hard work in the media area, I must never forget that. 2016 is going to be interesting for sure, I've set some high goals and spent some cash investing in my business to take things up a notch. I'm a very motivated and competitive person, almost to a fault, so stuff like this stings. Having this door kicker type mentality is something a employer needs to take advantage of Thank you all to helped me with this that provided solid advice and positive words, I appreciate it.
  3. Update: I was told they are going to go with a different candidate because they don’t want to have to train someone and the other person had “creditable” experience vs my “rough” experience. This takes the wind out of my sails to say the least. Back to the dry erase board I guess and see what else I can come up with. This also brings to a close my search for jobs that require us to move. Unless the money or opportunity is just out of this world I don’t see us moving. My wife is crushing it at her job and she is already making more than me, with the chance to make even more soon, so there is no point in upsetting that apple cart. Hopefully my 2016 ventures into YouTube will give me more “creditable” experience for my next chance at the job plate.
  4. Gerg started drinking early today, or he has dried out enough to come up with this gem. This idea will have the best outcome.
  5. Dad's RV has the 8.1 in it and when we were doing research there were no red flag issues other than gas milage.
  6. Maybe you should look into one of those safe space kind of places? Those people might give a fuck...
  7. So I finally got all of these edited. Shot a few using on camera flash at night, that was humbling to say the least... full gallery
  8. Very close to what mine will look like when done, but everything will be all black.
  9. If nobody here has something that is worth the price, check the used racks at the local gun shops. I've seen a few good deals there in the past. Also check ArmsList.
  10. I like how at the end he was tapping out to get the car shutdown :lolguy: I'm pretty sure they had to put a limp tune in that thing to get it to live that long, so it might have used a good amount of fuel being fat. That had to be murder inside that car with the fumes and smoke.
  11. So in the land down under they stick a nitro motor in an ex-pro mod and whip some donuts and do hoodrat things.
  12. Says the person who put a traditinal small block chevy with a carb into a 4th gen f-body...
  13. Welcome, hopefully doc warned you about all the keyboard cowboys here. As long as you have thick skin you will do fine
  14. That and what it takes to make the batteries and how not-so-earth friendly they are
  15. 1. Sequential turbos are mostly used on bigger motors (think 2jz) or diesel guys use them too with their bat shit crazy stuff http://www.dragzine.com/news/wild-9-second-triple-turbo-duramax-diesel-powered-chevy-nova/ 2. Single turbo with nitrous is usually something you see with the above because they need to "light" the turbo, or with diesel guys its because of the giant turbo and engine combo. You don't want a turbo that is to big for the small motor with something that will see street duty, you will hate it. 3. Go to work on Monday and punch that coworker in the throat so he can't say stupid things anymore. I'm not going to be critical of your build, its your money, at least you doing car things with it. If your heart is set on a SRT Neon, keep it simple, a good single turbo, with good engine parts and have fun. Never dump cubic dollars into a pie in the sky dream nobody else has done, your project never gets done or never meets your goals unless you have the money.
  16. Barnhill helps on it I think. The big thing to notice about this run is the lack of a wheel stand, and how smooth it sounds. He comes off the brake with his foot through the firewall and does not have to lift at all, that bitch is on a mission from god.
  17. "Hey bitch, you wanna set a record? Give me that lap top and lets make this thing roll"
  18. Yeah, it saved his car but made a giant mess. You know it was a bad deal when the shop vac, fiber glass repair kit, and grinder all get pulled out of the trailer for a repair.
  19. I've seen it happen at MIR, but that place has the longest shutdown in the country, so its not a big deal. I've also seen Steve Summers have chute failure twice, one time at Indy where he flats spotted all 4 tires after a 254mph run, made the turn, and did not roll the car. He also did ti at Norwalk this year but ended up in the sand.
  20. Bingo, there is no good person to vote for in 2016 from the major parties. I don't know how, but they have brought the political system in this country to a new low. Maybe we can vote in the guy from Independence day? He does a good job getting rid of those illegal aliens without a fence :gabe:
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